Immigrants and America of today

December 6th, 2007

I’ve known this woman for years, we’ve been friends for more than 10 years actually. We get along fine although we come from completely different sides of the political spectrum. She operates a mail list group that is composed mostly of frothing, as you will see, conservatives, many of whom also claim to be Christians, most of those seem to have never read the book upon which Christianity is based. Maybe it reads differently in the original Greek. I’ve only read a variety of English translations. The trouble with what she uses to start these little discussions (and I admit that in the early years I participated but in the last 7 years or so, mostly just read her original note, then delete anything else that comes along unread, except from a couple of sources who I know to feel as I do – I’d seen enough of the others and their mode of argument, very “Karl Rove ish”, modern Republican repartee in other words, which I grew sick of years ago. So I rarely say anything, but occasionally do feel the urge to tweak the lions nose, giggle, and a couple days ago was one of those days. The problem with what she puts out is that she believes everything sent to her in emails and never does any fact checking, just forwards on whatever bile is being pushed out at the moment. I tried for several years to teach her how to use (THE Urban Legend fact palace), to no avail. So, as I said, normally, I just read her mail, and once in a while tell her what is wrong with it but almost never respond to the whole group, cuz, you know, who needs all that anyway, giggle. But this one was just SO bad, and SO wrong, I felt as if I needed to say something. He who is silent is deemed to consent. And I most certainly do not consent to this lunacy. So, what you will see here tonight is, her original email, my response to her group, two nice responses to me, then one from someone who has joined the group since I last posted to the list – several years and obviously thought he was talking to some liberal college kid, liberal, yes, the rest, not so much, so I’m going to print what he said, then my response to the group. And then I’m going to leave the topic – here AND there as it is, giggle.

So first, she began it with this email.

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE ELECTED OFFICIALS? It’s like I said, there are wayyyyy to many people trying to TEAR DOWN America and all she stands for! THAT SHOULD BE AN ACT OF TREASON! Prosecutable with jail time!

AND…this is just ANOTHER good reason NOT to vote for ANY of the people who are on this LIST!!!
This is a whopper!!! Pass it to everyone, and on and on . . .

33 Senators Voted Against English as America ‘s Official Language, June 6, 2007

On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, “an enraged conservative, USA Ret.” wrote:


Your vote against an amendment to the Immigration Bill, 1348, to make English America’s official language is astounding. On D-Day, no less, when we honor those who sacrificed in order to secure the bedrock character and principles of America . I can only surmise your vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens.

I don’t much care where you come from, what your religion is, whether you’re black, white or some other color, male or female, Democrat, Republican or Independent, but I do care when you’re a United States Senator, representing citizens of America , and vote against English as the official language of the United States .

Your vote reflects betrayal, political surrender, violates your pledge of allegiance, dishonors historical principle, rejects patriotism, borders on traitorous action, and, in my opinion makes you unfit to serve as a United States Senator. Impeachment, recall, or other appropriate action is warranted.

Worse, four of you who voted against English as America ‘s official language are presidential candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd, and Senator Obama.

Four Senators vying to lead America but won’t or don’t have the courage to cast a vote in favor of English as America ‘s official language, when 91% of American citizens want English officially designated as our language.

This is the second time in the last several months these Senators have disgraced themselves as political hacks — unworthy as Senators and certainly unqualified to serve as President of the United States .

If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a backlash so stunning it will literally rock you out of your socks- – -and preferably totally out of the United States Senate.

The entire immigration bill is a farce — your action only confirms that this really isn’t about America , it’s about self-serving politics — despicable at best.

The following senators voted against making English the official language of America:

Akaka (D-HI), Bayh (D-IN), Biden (D-DE) — Wants to be President, Bingaman (D-NM), Boxer (D-CA), Cantwell (D-WA), Clinton (D-NY) — Wants to be President,
Dayton (D-MN), Dodd (D-CT) — Wants to be President, Domenici (R-NM) — Coward, protecting his Senate seat…, Durbin (D-IL), Feingold (D-WI) — Not unusual for him
Feinstein (D-CA), Harkin (D-IA), Inouye (D-HI), Jeffords (I-VT), Kennedy (D-MA), Kerry (D-MA) — Wanted to be President, Kohl (D-WI), Lautenberg (D-NJ), Leahy (D-VT), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (D-CT) — Disappointment here….., Menendez (D-NJ), Mikulski (D-MD), Murray (D-WA), Obama (D-IL) — Wants to be President, Reed (D-RI), Reid (D-NV) — Senate Majority Leader, Salazar (D-CO), Sarbanes (D-MD), Schumer (D-NY), Stabenow (D-MI).

Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale, and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled or hanged.
—President Abraham Lincoln??

I responded with this email to the group:
Bonnie, you really need to do more research with these things. Snopes has this on it, as partially true, yes, the first amendment was voted down, the reasoning is below, to summarize, 47 million people in our country, legal immigrants do not have English as their first language – yet, the first version would have prevented the government from providing official forms in any language other than English, do you have ANY idea how much it would cost people, taxpayors, private citizens, governmental agencies and programs that have to work with those populations to do private translations of everything to be sure people understood what they were being asked for or asking for? A half hour AFTER the first bill was defeated, a second bill, making English the “unifying” language of the country, which is what it already is, was passed, that one allows present practice to continue – the first would have cost a fortune – to undo all that has been done over the past half century to ensure immigrants can fully participate in our country, the second preserves the ability of the federal government and states to continue making sure people know what they are asking for and getting. Taking half-truths and send them around the globe as if they were all truth, is lying by omission. Isn’t that against republican principles? If it isn’t, it should be… :^) gene

The Government of the United States shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the national language of the United States of America. Unless otherwise authorized or provided by law, no person has a right, entitlement, or claim to have the Government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services, or provide materials in any language other than English. If exceptions are made, that does not create a legal entitlement to additional services in that language or any language other than English. If any forms are issued by the Federal Government in a language other than English (or such forms are completed in a language other than English), the English language version of the form is the sole authority for all legal purposes. In other words, this amendment declared that the federal government had no obligation to provide documents or services in any language other than English; that if the federal government did choose to provide some documents or services in any language other than English, they were not obligated to continue doing so.

The issue became even more complicated when, half an hour after amendment 4064 was passed, the Senate voted on amendment. This amendment sought to “Declare that English is the common and unifying language of the United States, and to preserve and enhance the role of the English language.” The relevant section of the amendment (as passed) read as follows:
The Government of the United States shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the common and unifying language of America. Nothing herein shall diminish or expand any existing rights under the law of the United States relative to services or materials provided by the Government of the United States in any language other than English.

For the purposes of this section, law is defined as including provisions of the United States Code and the United States Constitution, controlling judicial decisions, regulations, and controlling Presidential Executive Orders. In other words, this amendment contradicted the previously passed amendment by declaring that English was to be regarded as “the common and unifying language of America” (rather than the “national language of the United States of America”), and that whatever obligations the federal government had to provide or honor documents and services in languages other than English should remain unchanged. This amendment also passed, by a 58-39 (No Democrats voted against this amendment, although 14 Republicans and one Independent voted in favor of it.) Altogether, 22 senators voted in favor of both amendments, making it difficult to determine exactly where they stood on the “official language” question.

According to the 2000 United States 18% of theU.S. population aged 5 or older, (47 million people) speaks a language other than English at home. That figure has been growing rapidly in recent decades, up from 11% (23.1 million people) in 1980 and 14% (31.8 million people) in 1990. How to deal with the national language issue in a country where one language predominates but more and more people are speaking other languages is something Congress apparently hasn’t yet decided.

I got this well thought out mail in response:

Thnx, Gene, 4 saving me some time. You wrote pretty much what I was about to, after reading what’s been fwded. Realizing that this is one of those issues that will continue to be debated as to what the Founding Fathers intended and what they may or may not have anticipated for future generations, I’d like to add that, even without the economic considerations, the spirit of the Constitution would not call for any “official language.” Opening our country’s doors to immigrants who were/are willing to compete for the “American Dream” has always been a part of this spirit, which has always been recognized around the world and has been memorialized many times (e.g. Statue of Liberty.)

Early in our history (i.e. 1820s) as seen in the Monroe Doctrine and in the concept of Manifest Destiny, it was a widely held belief that the territories in “The West” were rightfully on U.S. soil, but just hadn’t been settled and incorporated, yet. It was our policy that colonization by other countries was to be curtailed and, for the most part, we proceeded to settle in, purchase and annex these lands. Since these lands were considered rightfully ours (eventually with reasonable compensation), it would be very presumptuous to assume that the national language, if there were to be one, would be English.

Also, balancing federal and state powers, it would’ve been (would be) debatable whether determining a single official language should be a federal decision or one to be made by each state. Obviously, some of the territories (and eventual states) would’ve, most likely, selected other languages (e.g. Spanish, French, Russian.)

Putting all that aside, today we speak English as our primary language. Now, when you read my last sentence, did you read “we” as “residents of the U.S,” or, perhaps “U.S. citizens?” What I actually also meant was “we” as “worldwide residents that partake in the global economy.” Sure, each of you resides within a family, on a block, within a community, in a village/town/city, a state/province/territory, a country, but you are also a global resident. Not all of us prioritize our allegiances the same. Some of us put family, community and even state ahead of country. Many of us put our global community ahead of country. This is all within the context of not bringing our country down, but actually, strengthening it. And so it should be in a “free” society.

English has become, at least for now (since it might be Mandarin in the not too distant future,) the global “primary” language. That is far different from it being the “official” language. To effectively compete, in millions of cases, it is in one’s best interest to improve one’s skills in communicating using English. As evidenced by the thousands of English schools worldwide, the demand is obviously there, but this is also true here, as evidenced by the thousands of ESL schools in the U.S.

So, if learning English is so valuable, then why are so many of you troubled by the vast numbers in this country who seem averse to learning English? The answer to that is actually in the question and, specifically, in the word, “valuable.” Non/Limited English speaking children learn English in public(ly funded) schools. Adults, generally, have to pay. For many, this cost is prohibitive. Assuming that you speak another language (one of the many reasons the U.S. is growing weaker year by year is that Americans are relatively uneducated in speaking/writing at least in one other language,) try asking a non/Limited English speaking adult if they would accept a grant that would pay for this education.

After you’ve received enough positive responses to your query, you might want to consider supporting programs that offer this kind of assistance, instead of trying to undermine at least one tenet of our heritage.

Then, this one:
BRAVO!!! Funny how these things get twisted isn’t it?

Then, the lion woke:
Whomever wrote the first part of this E-Mail should be hung for treason. If you don’t like America, go to another Country.  When I went to Rome in 1974, I bought a book that helped me to communicate in Italian. I certainly was not offended by that necessity. I figured if I wanted to go to ROME, I better do as the ROMANS DO. It seems the person who wrote this item believes that if someone decides to come to America, American’s better do as they do. This is one of the most treasonous pieces of CRAP I have ever seen written. It is just another person who hates America, and will do their level best to tear it, and it’s principles down. I would venture to guess that this person also despises the Christian beginnings of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  I’ll bet the writer of this document Hates to hear those words. An American Who Believes in AMERICA.

And, then, my response as an American who believes in America to my counterpart – though I am not sure we are talking about the same country giggle.

I would imagine you must mean me.   Since I wrote the first piece in which I fleshed out Bonnie’s original half-story. Let’s see now, 1974 Rome, huh? Okay, I was there, Italy,  in 1969, most of that year, at a place called Camp Darby, a port through which most US military goods came by ship and then were flown throughout Europe. I left that beautiful little place on the Italian Riviera in September of 1969 when I volunteered for a tour of duty in sunny Viet Nam, from which duty I completed my enlistment and was honorably discharged 10/25/70 – I started college on the GI bill in January 1971 and was in my second senior year of college, thanks to Gerald Ford, in the summer my first son was born, 1974, while you were in Rome. Where, by the way, I also bought a book from which I learned the fundamentals of the Italian language, all the better to enjoy life on Friday evenings in Livorno where by buying a drink for the house, an American GI would make 30 friends instantly and not have to buy a thing the rest of the night. Which was good because I made $137 a month back then, 660 lira to the dollar.

In other words, you are not talking to some wet-behind-the-ears child. And if that is the tone you take with those you meet, I can imagine you are welcome wherever you rest your sorry carcass.

I did not suggest that immigrants not learn English, only that the choice made by the Senate, that Bonnie only printed half of, was correct in the second effort. It is easier and cheaper to print forms in multiple languages than only in one – if there is only one, it is a little hard for a newcomer to get around. You must have found that yourself in Italy. Even then, there signage was in both English and Italian. I know as I traveled alone from Venice clear across the country to Livorno by train, by myself, and before I had purchased an english to italian dictionary as I had no money whatsoever at the time, being in transit, partial pays were not allowed, and I left my leave stateside flat broke.  I was helped at every station, and in Italy those stations have 8 to 10 tracks going every which way, find my way to the right place, by Italians who didn’t cuss me out for not knowing their language but took the time to appreciate my difficulty in moving about their country not knowing their language.  They didn’t hate me.  They HELPED me.  Which is what the second vote, the second vote, the part that was left out of the first email was about.  Helping others.  You know, that is actually supposed to be a hallmark of American culture – or once it was.

There is no point in making things hard for others simply because we can. There is reason in making things as accessible as possible even if only for the tourist trade from Europe. Treason? Please. Treason is desertion in the face of duty. I never did any such thing. I only suggested that we who are so blessed as to have been born in this free country, be a bit more open with our minds and our hearts. As were those here one hundred years ago when my own forebears immigrated from Sweden. Most of THAT first generation didn’t learn much English either, it is the second generation that does that, the third that graduates high school, and the fourth that begins to go on to college. This isn’t rocket science, it is the history of our nation. To expect immigrants NOW to suddenly be fluent in English, one of the hardest languages of all to learn, is not only silly it is mean-spirited. But then it is easy to tell from your tone, that is exactly what you are. You don’t speak for all Americans and you certainly don’t speak for all veterans. Open your heart, let the love in, and show others a little grace and understanding – your blood pressure, and your God, will both thank you for it. :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

A teddy bear causes rage

December 5th, 2007

Yes, a teddy bear. The story below was written about Muslim fundamentalists, please read it. I’ll be back immediately following.

Teddy Bear

By LEONARD PITTS JR.Just to make sure I’ve got this straight: Their God is threatened by a teddy bear?As in a plush, cuddly doll in the shape of a bear? As in the glass-eyed figure children sleep with for security? We’re talking teddy bears as in teddy bears? A teddy bear has offended their God?Lord, have mercy.

You’re familiar with the story that has me venting, right? If not, strap in. This one will have you reaching for your blood-pressure pills.

It seems that last week in Sudan, Gillian Gibbons, a 54-year-old British teacher, was arrested. Her offense: She brought the aforementioned teddy bear in and asked her class of 7-year-olds to give it a name.

The kids considered Abdullah and Hassan but finally settled, overwhelmingly, upon Muhammad. Muhammad is one of the most common names in that part of the world, so it was not unlike if American kids named a bear “Joe.”

Unfortunately, Muhammad is also the name of the man Muslims revere as a prophet of God. So when some parents heard about the bear, they called authorities. Next thing you know, Gibbons was hauled in. The charge: insulting Islam. The potential penalty: six months and 40 lashes.

Swift `justice’

Justice, if that’s what you want to call it, apparently moves fast in Sudan. Gibbons was arrested on a Sunday. She was indicted that Wednesday, convicted that Thursday and sentenced to 15 days. That Friday, hundreds of Sudanese took to the streets in protest — not, as you would hope, over the stupidity of the entire affair but, rather, at what they saw as the leniency of the sentence. See, they wanted the death penalty.

If it makes you feel any better: According to a published report, many of the protesters were government workers who had been ordered to take part in the demonstration. Anyway, on Monday of this week, the president of Crazyland — excuse me, Sudan — pardoned Gibbons, and she flew home.

Throughout her ordeal, she has maintained that she respects Islam and has asked that people not think ill of the faith because of this. Which is exactly right. Islam is not the problem. Fundamentalism, however, is. And that, as we should know from our own experience, is a mindset that is not confined to one faith.

To the contrary, every faith has them, these rigid doctrinaires who would sacrifice their very humanity for the fool’s gold of theological purity, these people so eager to live the literal law of their holy books that they miss the point of those holy books, shedding compassion, kindness and plain common sense along the way.

Quick to condemn

Worse, they are always literal about the wrong things, always literal about passages in holy writ that they feel empower them to punish, judge, ostracize and condemn. Never literal about the passages that require them to give, forgive, serve and stand humble.

As I said, it’s a failing common to fundamentalists, but that failing has seldom been more galling than here. We are, after all, talking about Sudan, a nation that was embroiled in civil war almost constantly from the time it gained independence in 1956 until a peace treaty was signed in 2005. More than two million people died in that war, more than four million were displaced.

And then there is Darfur, the western region where four years of government-backed genocide has left an estimated 200,000 people dead. Some might say they are the lucky ones. Luckier than the man whose eyes were gouged out with a bayonet. Luckier than the people burned alive inside their huts. Luckier than the women raped so brutally they can no longer walk, so brutally that urine trickles constantly down their legs.

What a pious, holy nation. Their God is offended by a teddy bear.

If anything, God is offended by them.

Now, Mr. Pitts’ story is astonishing enough. But it is not uncommon in this enlightened age in which we live. No religion, it seems, has a God of love; they are all angry and talking only to those among us who are as angry. The greatest threat to Planet Earth is extremism, fundamentalism, in the name of whatever God, religion or cause suits whatever group is angriest today.  Because such people first demonize their opponents before ever, if ever, laying out a reasoned argument for their own position. It is not enough to HAVE an opinion, one must first denigrate, in whatever way possible, the opposition. That is how one achieves the high moral ground in the 21st century. Does it matter whom is to blame for this sordid form of non-Socratic discourse? Isn’t it more important, perhaps, to point out the ludicrous nature, as Mr. Pitts has so ably done here, of taking ANY idea, be it political, economic or religious to such extremes?

I wonder, I think God wonders, when we are ever going to “get” the idea that the only place with enough room for all of us to stand shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, is on the common ground. It is THAT we must find. While, as He has pointed, refusing to cede to brutes who wish to practice their brutality on all of us, all the time, even those of armed only with teddy bears. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Amazing Grace – an unfinished work

December 3rd, 2007

Again I quote from this “amazing” film:

“When people speak of great men, they think of men like Napoleon, men of violence. They rarely think of peaceful men. But contrast the reception they will receive when they return home from their battles.

Napoleon will arrive in pomp and in power, as a man who has achieved the summit of earthly ambition, yet his dreams will be haunted by the oppressions of war.

William Wilberforce, however, will return to his family, lay his head upon his pillow and remember that the slave trade is no more.”

Amazing Grace

This is an amazing movie and I commend it to you. I urge you look around the website. I urge you understand the conditions against which the abolitionists in England fought to end this terrible trade in human lives. And I urge that you remember in this the 200th anniversary of the passage of abolition in England, that the slave trade has not yet ended.

According to the New York Times, ” Upwards of 18,000 foreign nationals are believed to be trafficked into the U.S. each year. According to the State Department, 80 percent of trafficked people are women and children, an overwhelming majority of whom are trafficked for sexual purposes.

Those who think that most of the women in prostitution want to be there are deluded. Surveys consistently show that a majority wants very much to leave. Apologists love to spread the fantasy of the happy hooker. But the world of the prostitute is typically filled with pimps, sadists, psychopaths, drug addicts, violent criminals and disease.”

And if this is so, in this the freest of all lands, what then must it be like for these poor little ones in places where their lives are not so valued? This is a fight that has not ended. Yet must. It MUST. This is one more dirty little secret upon which the light of love must be brought. It is time the entire population of our world lives free. The time is upon us and the time is now. Please keep this issue in mind as we enter the 2008 campaign season. American freedom is not, cannot be, just for Americans. Love demands freedom be equally shared. Please support candidates and parties which make ending this horrific business part of their platform. And insist YOUR local candidates do so. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Amazing Grace

December 2nd, 2007

A couple quotes from the early part of this amazing film:

“You found God, sir?”

“I think He found me. Do you have any idea how inconvenient that is?”

“It is a sad fate to be well known to everybody else and still unknown to himself.” Sir Francis Bacon

gene suggests a visit to to remedy this most unfortunate circumstance. And a viewing of this most extraordinary movie for a shining example of what one person with great personal commitment may accomplish. It is an inspiration I needed this weekend. I had no idea why jenna brought me to this particular movie at this particular time, but she is never wrong, and if I have understood her message correctly, there will be more to say on this topic in relatively short order.

Slavery is an odious practice which still befouls the air and blights this beautiful blue planet of life. And it is time, past time, that it stop. Permanently and forever. This movie moves us along that path. It has been a reflective weekend and it is fitting that it end with this marvelous testament to the power of truth and love when mixed together with passion and commitment. much love, :^) gene

Amazing Grace – The Movie

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me….
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T’was Grace that taught…
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear…
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares…
we have already come.
T’was Grace that brought us safe thus far…
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me…
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be…
as long as life endures.

When we’ve been here ten thousand years…
bright shining as the sun.
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise…
then when we’ve first begun.

“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me….
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Health Care and the New Federalism

November 27th, 2007

This article actually comes from another blog, written by a law professor named Paul Balkin, the url below takes you to the original in case you would like to see more of what he has to say. He quite adeptly points out that it is cheaper to insure EVERYONE, than to have those without health care using emergency rooms as their clinics. Read it. It is a GOOD idea, whose time has come, THIS is the direction health care reform must take. Michael Moore’s documentary Sicko touches on this idea but this states the case as clearly as anything I’ve read. I like it. This issue CAN be left to the states, but the states need leaders, and people to point these truths out. Be one of those. Share this. Thank you. much love, :^) gene

Health Care and the New Federalism

In the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries state governments led the nation in developing progressive public policy initiatives. There were experiments in democracy including state laws abolishing slavery, passing civil rights laws, banning child labor, regulating wages and hours, and expanding suffrage to black men and later to women. From the late 1930s through at least the 1990s the nation stepped away from the idea that the states should be the leaders in setting public policy. Instead, we came to rely on the national government to set the standard, with a federal minimum wage, social security, national civil rights laws, and medicare. Since the 1990s the Congress, controlled or stymied by Republicans, has done little to expand social policy. Thus, the United States remains the only western nation without some sort of national health care or health insurance.

It is time for the states to step in, as they did a century ago. As Justice Brandeis noted, “there must be power in the States and the Nation to remold, through experimentation, our economic practices and institutions to meet changing social and economic needs.” This is now beginning to take place in the field of health care. Massachusetts has required that all adults have health insurance. With state backing insurance carriers will be forced to insure all people, and with all people insured the rates can be rationalized. Under such a program health care costs ought to decrease, because those who previously did not have health insurance will no longer be relying on emergency rooms for what little health care they could obtain. San Francisco has embarked on a plan to give subsidized for free health care to all uninsured adults in the city. The program seems generous, but in fact, if managed carefully, it could save the city money. It is much cheaper to give people primary care when they are just starting to get sick then give them emergency care down the road. An ounce of prevention – or a dollop of cash for early health care – will indeed be worth many pounds and many dollars of cures later on. San Francisco will also require that all businesses with more than twenty employees provide health insurance.

We may soon see a new bifurcated America: states and cities where people have access to health care and places where they do not. This will be like the US in 1850 – states with slavery and states where there was no slavery. Or the US in 1910 – states with child labor and those without child labor. If these experiences are any guideline, the states and cities with progressive health care will be more prosperous than those without decent health care. Many states will reject such reforms, arguing that mandatory health insurance is bad for business. But, many states and cities will refuse to join the race to the bottom. Eventually the slaggards will be brought along, by a federal program, no doubt, just as eventually Congress banned child labor. The states today can learn much from the progressive reformers of the last century. Local programs that lead to a healthier, better educated, more secure work force paid off in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries. The free states and the states that banned child labor were far more prosperous than those that did not.

As more states and cities take the lead the pressure will increase for those in Washington — even the die-hard conservatives in the Bush administration and in Congress — to realize that we have a health care crisis which must be solved. The next administration will hopefully have a Congress to work with on the issue, pointing out that the states are already on the march, and it is time for the national government to get in step. Ultimately, fighting against health care will be a losing issue, just as fighting social security and medicare proved to be a losing issue. Just as the states can learn from the history of state initiatives, so too might the Bush administration and its allies in Congress learn from their party’s lost and futile attacks on social security and medicare. Perhaps instead of ranting about the costs and claims of big government, the conservatives will come to the table with ideas and suggestions that can create a national system for health coverage. Meanwhile, the brave and creative states will push forward, creating a healthy America for some while in other places health care will remain problematic.


November 26th, 2007

From Steve Goodier. I swear I should rename this site, the Steve Goodier library, giggle. His isn’t the longest term newsletter I get but it must be very close. There are some techie things I’ve been getting longer, but I believe I was introduced to Steve by someone from the old CWG list at Spiritweb. In the first years, it was a daily, but for the past several, it has been when he can. And I am always glad when he can. Hell, I’m glad when I can, lol. I’m going to tell you a little personal story of the perils of stairways after it – just in time for those of you who might be putting things away for the season, hiding things away for the season or maybe just going on down to change the furnace filter, lol. First, Steve. :^)

Not everyone has a good grip of science. But these children’s
scientific musings at least show humor and creativity!

To explain nuclear reactions, one child said, “When they broke open
molecules, the found they were only stuffed with atoms. But when they
broke open atoms, they found them stuffed with explosions.”

Concerning astronomy, one child said, “Most books now say our sun is a
star. But it still knows how to change back into a sun in the
day-time.” And another said, “Some people can tell what time it is by
looking at the sun. But I have never been able to make out the

“Vacuums are nothings,” said a young physics student. “We only mention
them to let them know we know they’re there.”

“Evaporation gets blamed for a lot of things people forget to put the
top on,” one child observed.

“Rain is often known as soft water, oppositely known as hail,”
reported a budding meteorologist. Another added, “Thunder is a rich
source of loudness.”

Other children added these observations: “Isotherms and isobars are
even more important than their names sound.” And, “It is so hot in
some places that the people there have to live in other places.” And,
“The wind is like the air, only pushier.”

These children have a way to go in their quest for more knowledge, but
I applaud their efforts to learn more about the universe.

Unfortunately, the reputation of science suffers in some circles.
There are those who feel that a scientific mindset and a spiritual
outlook are contrary to one another. They believe that facts revealed
by science contradict spiritual truths. Not so!

William Bragg, a pioneer in the field of X-ray crystallography, made
the point well. He was asked whether science and theology are opposed
to one another. “Yes, but in the sense that my thumb and forefinger
are opposed to one another — between science and theology, we
cannot grasp everything, but surely the combination reveals more of
the cosmic mystery than either can touch alone.” They need each other.

If you love the universe — if you love life, then learn about it.
Learn about it from every place possible. Learn from science. Learn
from the spiritual disciplines. Learn and keep an open mind, for that
is the only way to truth. And the more you learn, the more you’ll
discover that there is nothing so enchanting or wondrous as this world
in which we live!

— Steve Goodier

It is rare that I think Steve misses anything, but I occasionally have a word to add. And do tonight. For one thing, I want to point out, again, that he is an ordained minister. I’ve never known one personally with such an open mind. His is a church I might even attend – once at least, just to shake his hand on the way out if nothing else. If whatever his denomination is does that. I’m a little fuzzy-headed and either finally need new glasses or am having a bit of double vision going on. I’ve had the same pair since 1995. :^). Fortunately my vision stopped detiorating when Vision World came out with flexon frames, giggle. I have a lop-sided nose, quite my own fault, as I may some day tell some of you, and have done some, the extremist in me got me into trouble once upon a time – thank gawd THAT phase seems to have passed. Mostly. Anyway, the point is that made it really hard to get glasses that would fit, they rub a hole on one side of my nose or the either. Well this wondrous young woman, whom I told about this problem, heated these up and bent them perfectly. They have NEVER been uncomfortable in the slightest. And I can’t break them, the flexon is permanently shaped to my particular nose. She did tell me I would probably need bifocals soon and I guess I did almost as soon as I got out the darn door. But since I refuse to believe that, and these seem to be going to last forever, I have never gone back to do anything with them, or had my eyes checked since. I mean I still SEE distance as well as ever. Or did until today. Might have been since Wednesday but today is the first day I was out and about and needed them really. I just don’t wear them when I read or am on the computer – solves the bifocal problem without bifocals. :^) American ingenuity at its best. Or Swedish-American stubbornness at its worst. Might be either. Or both. Probably both. :^)

The only thing Steve says above with which I take issue is that there is nothing so enchanting or wondrous as this world upon which we live. Because I have seen another so much grander that it puts even this wonderful oasis of life to shame. The tiniest glimpse I’ve had of it, proves that to me, I know it deep within my very soul. And I love this place with all of me, it is only that I am completely certain this is NOT the epitome of our experience. Which doesn’t lessen what he has to say at all, really, while we’re here we might as well enjoy it. I mean, considering the options available? Even if this is second best, it is still pretty darn good. And there is no argument between religion and science nor should there have ever been. I’ve known THAT virtually all of my life. Lying on my back looking up at the night sky as a child the sense of awe and wonder that overcame every time, still holds me in thrall, though I can no longer see the night sky of my youth. Not even up where I grew up, lol. I went up there a few months ago one night and the city lights have so encroached that what was, is no more. I knew from virtually my first reading of Genesis, in concert with what I SAW as the scale of the universe, that when God said He did something in a day, that He was not talking 24 hours of my time. Since then, I’ve just viewed the literalists, as silly. Who the bleep knows what a “day” is to a being that could, did, make a universe of the scale of this one? One we know is roughly 15 BILLION years old. The very idea is silly. So I’ve never seen science and religion as at odds, except for those odd balls who insist Genesis happened in one earth week. Nothing in religion, in my mind, is incompatible with science in the slightest.

That it could all just be some sort of cosmic accident? Life, I mean, even one red blood cell, even blue-green algae the original “food” on this planet, an accident? No. That I didn’t buy, still don’t. I believe God set in motion the processes that are evolution, and has watched His creation blossom in as much fascination and love as we do the lilies of the field. Steve is right though in that science and religion DO need each other, neither stands complete without the other. Nothing does here in the realm of duality. Up must have down, for up to exist. Hot must have cold, for hot to exist. Science and religion are opposite sides of the same coin of the realm, giggle. That’s all. :^)

Now then, as to my double vision, this is probably coincidence, and I’d be sure of that but for the not believing in coincidences part, giggle. And I doubt I suddenly need a new prescription. Why would one suddenly need one after, 12 years or so? Apart from the bifocals. Which I do not need and do not want. I do NOT mind taking my glasses off to read, or work here, the only problem I EVER have with that, is remembering where I put them. I mean, I can call my cell and find it – not that I have to do that much, giggle. So what I am wondering is, just how hard a conk on the head does one need to have double vision? Because I have had one of those. Last Wednesday evening, late, around 11 I took Cisco out for his last bathroom break though my garage, and on my way back in with him, I saw my bike. Now, I had been meaning to bring it in for a couple weeks and put it in the basement for the winter, it was just that when I thought of that I was always somewhere else, and it never occurred to me when I was actually IN the garage with it. But it did Wednesday night. So I thought, well, hey just do it now.

So I did, should have moved my car, cuz I had to wrangle around it some and that annoyed me, and delayed Cisco’s treat – since he was a baby (and he turned 12 on 11/14) he has gotten a treat EVERY time he goes potty outside. He knows this. And gets impatient if I dawdle, talking to neighbors or whatever, giggle. That door to the garage is spring-loaded but doesn’t always shut all the way, and I’ll be talking to my neighbor when I see the kitchen light through it, and then hear that roar – which is just his way of saying, “I’m waiting”. :^). Anyway, his treats are behind the door that goes to the basement so he was sort of in my way as I wrangled with the bike. And I have some stuff on the steps, not much, but a few things, and I was going to get the bike down there THEN give him his treat. Well, somewhere around a quarter of the way down, something happened, still not sure what, it might have been HIM, or it might have been me trying to carry the darn bike, but I suddenly found myself in free fall, it felt sort of weightless almost except for the cement floor rushing up at me part. I had this image flash in me of landing on one of those handle bars (should NOT have gone to see the Body Worlds exhibit when it was here, giggle, I KNOW how many organs are crammed in there) and decided that was probably not a good thing, so I somehow managed to twist so that I landed on rear, down to my shoulders – still holding on to that damn bike, and then my head hit. Well, whenever I do something like that, Cisco figures it his fault and he heads for the hills. I thought about belling the cat, you know? Putting a cell or something on his collar, but it would never work, because he won’t come near me when I do something like that, not until I can get up and prove I’m not mad at him anyway, giggle.

So after that thump, I lay there for a bit, thinking, hmmm, okay, I wonder what is still working. My grandpa broke his hip for the first time around my age, for the last time 35 years later, so that didn’t worry me too much, but I wasn’t sure I could move for a little bit there. So I ran a systems check of sorts, okay, shoulders wiggle, don’t hurt, toes move, though one of them sure hurt, hips seemed okay, right leg fine, left knee done in, moving that one hurt (that is the one I did NOT have cartilage taken out of two years, the good one dang it) like, well, heck. In case there are kids reading this, giggle. If there are? Welcome. :^). So I pushed the bike off me, rolled to one side and got up. I could stand, left knee and big toe really hurt but I could put weight on them, so I figured no structural damage, just routine owies.

Sat the bike back upright, hobbled up the stairs to find Cisco hiding behind the living room table (which he only does when he knows he has done something wrong, giggle. All those doggie psychiatrists who tell you that you have to correct them within a couple minutes or they’ll not know what your on about? Are full of it. ALL his life, he has greeted me in the same spot when I come in, EVERY flipping time, except when he’s done something he knows he isn’t supposed to during the day, THEN he is hiding behind the living room table, peering at me from under it. There have been times when it took me two days to figure out what he did, but that he forgot he did it? NEVER happened. If I didn’t cranky right away, when I did find it, he’d just look at me like, what? That was DAYS ago – that part is true, giggle. But when he’d been naughty, it was almost always my fault anyway, leaving something he couldn’t resist out, stuff like that – except his first three years, three months, labs and lab mixes have horrible separation anxiety and they will chew ANYTHING when left alone – yeah I know this is getting to be quite a digression giggle, and he did. I went online to read about it, a woman there said labs chew till they are three. She locked hers in the kitchen where there wasn’t anything to chew and he ate a hole in her poured floor, giggle. I mean after the first year, when Brandon died, I had NO choice, I had to leave him alone when I went to work – I could hear him just howl when I’d get in the car in the morning, it just broke my heart, but I had no choice – so he’d chew anything. I soon learned about not leaving shoes out, but he chewed every piece of furniture I had, couch, love seat, rocker, wood work, living room chairs, wallboard. How he could even do that I have no idea, the cord off my vaccum. Well you’ve got the picture – but you really don’t, you cannot believe the things I would come home to some days – with him hiding behind the living room table, giggle. When he turned three, I told him okay, buddy, THAT is it. Didn’t matter. It was three more months before he stopped. I guess he finally believed that no matter when I left, I WOULD always come back. So far I always have. Even if he is hiding behind the living room table) so I assured him he had done nothing wrong, and I had his doggie snack for him.

Went to bed, woke up with my left knee blown up to twice its size and I am pretty sure I am going to lose the nail on that big toe. Could NOT get both a sock and a shoe on, so had to take Cisco out with just a shoe on my left foot, I could walk on the knee though it looked bad, and he was good to me, didn’t make me go down the hill to the road to keep him on the “right” side of the sidewalk, the “wrong” side is city property and subject to leash laws, so a kind young officer informed a few months ago. He said he must not have ever noticed us down there before in the morning, though we have BEEN down there AT that time virtually every morning for going on 11 years together. But he was good, looked at me, I said no, and he came back up to me. So Ibuprofen did in the swelling and ice, so felt pretty good, most of the weekend, turns out it is a lot harder to sit at a desk for 8 hours than lie on the couch with a bag of ice, so it got darn sore today and the ibuprofen didn’t do much. I went straight to the 800 mg, which a doctor advised me a while back to do, since when they prescribe it for inflammation they do so at that dosage, he said I could just do that myself and maybe save myself a visit – HMO’s don’t you just love ’em, they really like seeing you in there, lol, NOT. Got through the day but on the way home, I drove in today for some reason, I noticed I was NOT seeing well. I had to get a lot closer to things before I could make them out, a weird sort of double vision, almost double, more unclear edges. But I haven’t had a head ache, apart from that original thump that never hurt at all. So now I am wondering what that is all about. Maybe it is a miracle and my eyes are healing and tomorrow I’ll wake up not needing glasses at all anymore. I think I am going to go with that, for a few days anyway, giggle. Unless the knee stays sore enough to make me think I should do an mri, but I don’t want more knee surgery, I only have the one good one and I want it to stay good, so that isn’t my first choice and besides the copays on those procedures have just gotten out of hand and I don’t want to reward bad behavior. Do you think I have this rationalized well enough? giggle. maybe I ought to go do a few sudoku’s just to be sure I am thinking straight, giggle. So, well, that was thanksgiving. I shudder to think what christmas might have in store for me.

And, at least the damn bike is finally in the basement. much love, :^) gene


November 23rd, 2007

This is from Steve Goodier, who though I have never met him, I consider to be quite a good friend.  This is both an amusing and truthful look at this issue.  And I have an idea about this that he did not mention.  So I will once you’ve since his story.  :^)


A knight returned to his castle at twilight. He was a mess. His armor
was dented, his helmet askew, his face was bloody, his horse was
limping and he listed to one side in the saddle. His lord met him at
the gate, asking, “What has befallen you, Sir Knight?”

Straightening himself up as best he could, he replied, “Oh, Sire, I
have been laboring in your service, robbing and burning and pillaging
your enemies to the west.”

“You have been what?” cried the startled nobleman. “But I haven’t any
enemies to the west!”

“Oh!” said the knight. And then, after a pause, “Well, I think you do

What about you? Enemies to the west? Or the north, or the south, or
the east? None of us will calmly sail through our lives in perfect
harmony with everyone we meet. And though most conflict can be
resolved along the way, and most of our bruised re­lationships can
eventually be healed, some passionate issues may threaten to drive a
per­manent wedge between people. Heartfelt moral and political
stances, especially, can polar­ize folks who just as passionately hold
differing positions.

Former U.S. Ambassador Claire Booth Luce once observed: “I don’t have
a warm per­sonal enemy left. They’ve all died off. I miss them
terribly because they helped define me.”

So-called “enemies” can serve a valuable purpose. If we let them, they
can teach us about ourselves. By holding a mirror before us, they can
help us see what we may have missed. By disa­gree­ing with our
heartfelt convictions, they can sharpen our points of view. And, if
we allow it, they can unwittingly help us practice strength and
compas­sion in the face of criticism.

If enemies cannot become friends, they can become teachers. If we
listen, they will teach us what our friends cannot.

— Steve Goodier

I just want to point out that enemies need not be people.  In all truth, I think most often they are not.  They are parts of ourselves we do not understand nor love.  It is in finding these hidden parts of ourselves, understanding them, loving them into our existence that we become fully conscious creatures capable of moving mountains.  We’ll all get there one day.  And what a day THAT will be.  I hope you’ve all had a marvelous holiday and an equally wonderful season to come.  much love, :^) gene

The thing with a blog

November 20th, 2007

Is that you get to say whatever you want, whenever you want. I sort of like that – which those of you who have read my main site and understood, or at least know, what my Ansir profile is, understand. I love Bones, the show. As I’ve said before it is mostly about two people pretending not to know they are in love with each other. But it is so much more than that. Ryan O’Neal has been resurrected, over the last two seasons, a talent far greater than he ever got credit for. But even that isn’t it. Whatever the writers are on strike for? They deserve. The show tonight made me cry like a baby, not once, but four separate times. i think that must be a record for me. No – it isn’t all CWG, some of it is just life. tears trickling down our cheeks and all. much love, :^) gene

I’m not that naive.

November 20th, 2007

In a different mood tonight, life sometimes weighs on us all, I guess that is sort of the point of the journey. What I dislike most though isn’t when I don’t feel right, it is when someone I love doesn’t. And that’s my spot tonight. It isn’t EVER easy being us. But, right now, it is hardest being him. So, tonight, for Evan, with all my love, I know its not easy being you right now, but you are a hero, my son, and you have the right to bleed sometimes. You have always been, since 10:16 pm on 7/31/74, Superman in my eyes, and you will always be, I am SO proud of the man you’ve become. The bleeding WILL stop and you’ll fly again, I promise. :^) dad

It’s not that easy

I can’t stand to fly, I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find the better part of me
I’m more than a bird, I’m more than a plane
I’m more than some pretty face beside a train,
and it’s not easy to be me

I wish that I could cry, fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie about a home I’ll never see
It may sound absurd, but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed, but wont you conceive
Even heroes have the right to dream, and it’s
not easy to be me

Up ahead, away away from me
Well it’s all right, you can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy, or anything

I can’t stand to fly, I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride with clouds between their knees
I’m only a man in a silly red sheet, digging for
Kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet looking for
special things inside of me, inside of me, inside of me,
inside of me, inside of me

I’m only a man in a funny red sheet
I’m only a man looking for a dream
I’m only a man in a funny red sheet, and
it’s not easy
It’s not easy to be me


November 19th, 2007

Which I am pretty sure is not an actual word. :^). But it is in my lexicon, nonetheless. As I do not believe in coincidence, yet things seems to come together in unusual ways for me, I use synchronicity as my name for events that relate to each other. We’ve been delving into CWG, book 2 recently, but haven’t gotten deeply into it – at least not as deeply as I intend to go. Because near the end of it God proposes a series of ideas that He says would, could, lead this planet toward a real civilization. That, defined, is one in which no one would have anything that comes at a cost to another. And, that means, no more taking what is not ours, no exploitation, fair dealings with all, at all times, true transparency in our public affairs. And a lot more.

But I’ve been talking about the idea of a world government for a very long time. Much longer than I have been involved with CWG. I came to the idea in my teens, when I first found the novels of Robert Heinlein, which most often, have at their core, the idea of a one world government, or even a planetary federation – though that idea is developed much more thoroughly in the works of Isaac Asimov – and of course, the Star Trek series and movies. So it has long seemed to me that the only way this planet can rid itself of its worst curse, war, is for there to be a federal republic of some sort, likely based on the United Nations concept, but with teeth, composed of nation-states, free elections, worldwide legal jurisdiction, separation of powers, and that individual countries would still be free to form their own form of local government, much as do the individual states of the United States, though some powers are reserved to the federal government, many are left up to the local level.

I don’t see a reason why this can’t work on a global scale. Indeed, the NAME of my website, derives from this idea. We are not 197 separate peoples/countries, we are ONE people on ONE world. And we need to find ways to resolve our differences legally, peacefully and fairly. No one region should be allowed to exploit other regions, no people should be allowed to do so either. The only way to achieve that sort of ultimate fairness is to have a world government, probably based on a parliamentary system since that is what most of the world uses now, but it could be a form like that in the US too. There would be no more war, the world would have disarm, and give over police powers to the governing body, individual “states” with disputes, would submit them to an impartial court and abide by its rulings. This would require a planetary constitution.

Well, what to my wandering eyes should appear, giggle, but a BIG, little book, Planethood, written sometime in the 1980’s primarily, I think, by two men, Benjamin Ferencz, who as a young lawyer was involved in prosecuting the aftermath of WWII as a prosecutor at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials and is law professor now along with Ken Keyes, Jr., who wrote a book of some repute, the Hundredth Monkey. Eight steps to planetary safety, freedom, and prosperity. I am about halfway through it at the moment, but what I’ve read so far dovetails beautifully with what is proposed in Book 2. Which, as I said, I will be coming back to. Often, giggle.

For the moment though, I just want to point out a couple simple things. Primarily because I know that the first time the idea of a worldwide government is broached seriously, there will be an outcry, around the world, not just in the United States, that it will “steal” our sovereignty. There will be people so afraid of losing their power that they will fight this idea with every breath they have. They will be wrong, and ultimately, they will lose, because we are no longer the little place we were, in the days of horse and buggies, but have grown to be one large mostly urban planet. We are talking here about adding one layer of government. Just one. In the United States we already have four layers: city, county, state and national. We have those because those are necessary to prevent anarchy, to pass and enforce laws that ensure, or try to, a level playing field for everyone. All that is left to do is broaden the powers and change the structure of the United Nations a bit. It must have real power to pass legislation and to enforce it. The world court must have the power to have its decisions enforced every bit as strongly as does our own Supreme Court. Quoting from this little wonder, which is quoting Harry Truman, “When Kansas and Colorado have a quarrel over water in the Arkansas River, they don’t call out the National Guard in each state and go to war over it. They bring suit in the Supreme Court of the United States and abide by the decision.” THAT, is what I am talking about on a global basis. We will go to war no more. I’m going to quote another piece here, that must stand alone:

“This statement is for all those who fear that it unpatriotic to have a government greater than their own. There is no greater patriotic duty than to preserve your own nation and its freedoms. It is that we must retain our freedoms when we unite into one federation, except for the freedom to make war. Just as our own 50 states have turned this task over to our national government, so must however many join, turn over war making and defense to the world federation. I live in Cherry Hills, Colorado, and I think it is the finest city in the world. I live in Arapahoe County, and I think it is finest county in the world. I live in the state of Colorado and I think it is the greatest state in the world. I live in the United States of America, and I think it is the greatest country in the world. But I also live on Planet Earth, and it does not detract one iota from my patriotism to my city, my county, my state and my country for me to feel that this planet is the greatest in the universe and that I will defend it against all perils to the best of my ability. What we need in the is world is a pledge of allegiance to Planet Earth by every citizen of the world.” Tom Hudgens in his book, Let’s Abolish War.

The essentials of a World Constitution must guarantee:

    A bill of rights
    A popularly elected legislature to enact world laws.
    A World court to interpret those laws, with compulsory jurisdiction over world disputes.
    A civilian executive branch with the power to enforce world laws directly upon individuals.
    A system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power by any branch of government.
    The control of all weapons of mass destruction by the world government, with the disarmament of all nations, under careful inspection down to the level required for internal policing.
    Carefully defined and limited power of taxation to support those functions necessary to world peace and the solution of problems affecting, to a vital degree, the welfare of all mankind.
    Reasonable provision for amendments.
    Participation in the world federal government to be open at all times to all nations.
    All power not expressly delegated to the world government to be reserved to the nations and their peoples, thus leaving each nation to choose its own political, social, and economic systems

This part is taken from the American Movement for World Government, based in New York City.

Quoting further: “When we are protected by international laws, courts, and effective enforcement, we can at last safely disarm this bristling world. This would include destroying all mass killing machines. Those deadly bomber, missiles, tanks, submarines and battleships are not needed to maintain law and order inside a nation. No more armies, navies, air forces, or Star Wars! They would not be needed. The United Nations would instead have a staff of well-trained and well-equipped air and ground peace-keeping forces to keep order among the nation-states of the world. Think of all the money and lives this would save. Instead of many millions of soldiers in national armies that have NOT kept world order, a few hundred thousand world “policemen” cold preserve planetary law and order.

Do you recall a few days ago, a chart I produced here that showed that the world spent 1100 BILLION dollars on “defense” in 2004? What could we do with that money, for ALL of the world, were it not “needed” for standing armies, navies and air forces? How much MORE money, other than direct defense spending, is currently put into wars of aggression, economic wars, “intelligence” gathering and interference in the internal political doings of other countries. What if we didn’t have to spend ANY of that money in such counter-productive to human growth and development ways? What could we achieve then in medicine, in technology, in prosperity across the planet? It seems to me quite a lot, giggle. And we’re, well, I am certainly, going to take this a lot farther over the next couple weeks.There are so many groups working toward world peace right now, many whose vision is large enough to encompass this truth – if we do not stop doing what we are doing, we will never get anything but what we are getting. When we are ALL ensured personal freedom, what need will be there for terrorism? What need will there be for war? When every person is afforded equal opportunity for personal growth and development through education and the guarantee of a peaceful life style, what might we achieve as a people, as a world? There is no weight large enough that it cannot be lifted with a fulcrum large enough. Let the will of we, the people, be that fulcrum and we can lift this planet to greatness, while ensuring fair treatment, equal opportunity and the chance for each soul to reach as high as it is able. We CAN do this. I believe we MUST do this, eventually. I hope we can come to it peacefully. I hope it doesn’t require a nuclear carnage and devastation of our planet for us to see THIS is the answer we have been seeking to our individual differences. We can learn to live together peacefully, we can tolerate differences in political structure within states, we can learn that love is the answer to every question. So let’s do that? Okay? much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Purpose – or the purposeful life

November 14th, 2007

Maybe they are the same thing. Maybe not. What I’m going to do here tonight though is jump back in time, giggle, those of you who have read Book 2, will know I am simply stepping back onto a sheaf of paper on the spindle upon which I have before rested. :^). Those of you who haven’t, well, I’m going to quote from Book 2, a section prior to that which I wrote about last night, though it begins with essentially the same question posed by Neale to God.

Neale: “Why did Hitler go to heaven? (I know you have just tried to explain this but somehow I need more.) And what is the purpose behind all events? And how does this Larger Purpose relate to Hitler and other despots.” gene inserts, not necessarily despots alone!

God: “Lets go to Purpose first.
All events, all experiences, have as their purpose the creating of opportunity. Events and experiences are Opportunities. Nothing more, nothing less.
It wold be a a mistake to judge them as “works of the devil”, “punishments from God,” “rewards from Heaven,” or anything in between. They are simply Events and Experiences – things that happen.
It is what we think of them, do about them, be in response to them, that gives them meaning.
Events and experiences are opportunities drawn to you – created by you individually or collectively, through consciousness. Consciousness creates experience. You are attempting to raise your consciousness. you have drawn these opportunities to you in order that you might use them as tools in the creation and experiencing of Who You Are. Who You Are is a being of higher consciousness than you are now exhibiting.
Because it is My Will that you should know, and experience, Who You Are, I allow you to draw to yourself whatever event or experience you choose to create in order to do that.
Other Players in the Universal Game join you from time to time – either as Brief Encounters, Peripheral Participants, Temporary Teammates, Long-Term Inter-actors, Relatives and Family, Dearly Loved Ones, or Life Path Partners.
These souls are drawn to you by you. You are drawn to them by them. It is a mutually creative experience, expressing the choices and desires of both.

No one comes to you by accident.
There is no such thing as coincidence.
Nothing occurs at random.
Life is not a product of chance.

Events, like people, are drawn to you, by you, for your own purposes. Larger planetary experiences and developments are the result of group consciousness. They are drawn to your group as a whole as a result of the choices and desires of the group.”

Neale: “What do you mean by the term “your group”?

God: “Group consciousness is something that is not widely understood – yet it is extremely powerful and can, if you are not careful, often overcome individual consciousness. You must always, therefore, endeavor to create group consciousness wherever you go, and with whatever you do, if you wish your larger life experience on the planet to be harmonious.
If you are in a group whose consciousness does not reflect your own, and you are unable to at this time to effectively alter the group consciousness, it is wise to leave the group, or the group could lead you. It will go where it wants to go, regardless where you want to go.
If you cannot find a group whose consciousness matches your own, be the source of one. Others of like consciousness will be drawn to you.
Individuals and smaller groups must affect larger groups – and, ultimately, the largest group of all, which is ALL humankind – for there to be permanent and significant change on your planet.
Your world, and the condition it is in, is a reflection of the total, combined consciousness of everyone living there.
As you can see by looking around you, much work is left to be done. Unless, of course, you are satisfied with your world as it is.
Surprisingly, most people are. That is why the world does not change.
Most people are satisfied with a world in which differences, not similarities, are honored, and disagreements are settled by conflict and war.
Most people are satisfied with a world in which survival is for the fittest, “might is right”, competition is required, and winning is called the highest good.
If such a system also happens to produce “losers” – so be it – so long as you are not among them.
Most people are satisfied, even though such a model produces people who are often killed when they are judged “wrong”, starved and rendered homeless when they are “losers”, oppressed and exploited when they are not “strong.”
Most people define “wrong” as that which is different from them. Religious differences, in particular, are not tolerated, nor are many social, economic, or cultural differences.
Exploitation of the underclass is justified by the self-congratulatory pronouncements from the upper class of how much better off their victims are now than they were before these exploitations. By this measure the upper class can ignore the issue of how all people ought to be treated if one were being truly fair, rather than merely making a horrible situation a tiny bit better – and profiting obscenely in the bargain.
Most people laugh when one suggests any kind of system other than the one currently in place, saying that behaviors such as competing and killing and the “victor taking the spoils” are what makes their civilization great! Most people even think there is no other natural way to be, that is the nature of humans to behave in this manner, and that to act any other way wold kill the inner spirit that drives man to succeed. (No one asks the question, succeed at what?
Difficult as it is for truly enlightened beings to understand, most people on your planet believe in this philosophy, and that is why most people don’t care about the suffering masses, the oppression of minorities, the anger of the underclass, or the survival needs of anyone but themselves and their immediate families.
Most people do not see that they are destroying their Earth – the very planet which gives them Life – because their actions seek only to enhance their quality of life. Amazingly, they are not far-sighted enough to observe that short-term gains can produce long-term losses, and often do, and will.
Most people are threatened by group consciousness, a concept such as the collective good, a one-world overview, or a God who exists in unity with all creation, rather than separate from it.
The fear of anything leading to unification and your planet’s glorification of All That Separates produces division, disharmony, discord – yet you do not seem to have the ability even to learn from your own experience, and so you continue your behaviors, with the same results.
The inability to experience the suffering of another as one’s own is what allows such suffering to continue.
Separation breeds indifference, false superiority. Unity produces compassion, genuine equality.
The events which occur on your planet – which have occurred regularly for 3000 years – are, as I’ve said, a reflection of the Collective Consciousness of “your group” – the whole group on your planet.
That level of consciousness could be best be described as primitive”.

And that, my loves, leads us to where yesterday’s post began. Again, much to think about. But is there anything here with which one can honestly disagree? Is this NOT the way of life on Earth as we know it? Is it NOT separation, division, differences that keep us from unity? Is the reason we war because we have been wronged? Or is it because “they” are different than “we”? “They” believe something different than “we”. Is not the entire war on terrorism based on this one simple fact? Is not the 1.5 trillion dollars the United States has poured down this particular rat hole all because “they” believe something different than do “we”? Did we NOT go to them and foment rebellion amongst them? Did we not plant agents and provocateurs among them to bring dissension to the Muslim world? Was not our purpose to make them become like “us”. Is there not now a cabal in THIS country dedicated to enforcing the rule of christianity over the entire globe? And are those people not willing sacrifice whatever amount of money and lives it takes to do that? How are “we” any different than “they”.

It will only be when we realize that we are ONE people, on ONE world, that we are all the SAME under our multi-hued skins, that we will begin to address and heal the divisions between us. It will require bringing religion to its knees. Collective religion, I mean, and by that I mean, ALL of them. Religion’s time has passed and it is time for a New Age of spirituality that acknowledges the divine in each soul on this planet.

I often quote Steve Goodier, a Christian minister, in this space, yesterday’s article was wonderful, but I didn’t use it. I am instead today going to use just one paragraph from it. Namaste. He used it this way: “Namaste” is a polite Indian gesture of greeting or farewell. From Hindi, the word literally means “bowing to you.” Namaste has also been used to mean “I honor the sacred that is within you.” What a remarkable thing it would be to actually honor the sacred that is within each person we meet! Even strangers. Nobody would go unnoticed and everybody would count.

I first heard the term on the CWG list at Spiritweb 9 years ago. There someone defined it as the divine in me honors the divine in you. However it is defined, religion, must adopt this word, this theology as its core message, or it will pass into the past as surely as any other extinct species. Division, separation, our way is right, all else are wrong, MUST end. We all come from the same place and to it we will return. The place I describe on my main site, that I have mentioned here as recently as yesterday, that I glimpsed in the presence of the white and golden globes. Maybe that is my only purpose here on earth. Or maybe that is my soul purpose – to put up a website people could find and read about the truth of us. Learn that we are more than we seem and that at least one of us here has seen that. Maybe now that I’ve done that, am doing that as the number of people who are finding that site continues to grow and astonish me, I’ve done my part. Maybe that is worth pondering too. So I think I’ll do that for a couple days. There are yet things I want to bring here from book 2, but I am thinking that being a “witness” is more what I came her for than to agree, mostly with Neale Donald Walsch and his wonderful conversation with our Creator. There are small parts above with which I do not agree, my Jenna points those out to me, but I’m not sure that matters much to anyone but me, and then even but a little. So maybe my time of “witness” is drawing down. Or at least the active part of it is. That’s the pondering. Anyway, I hope those who have gotten through these past two days see the truth in these words and make raising the collective consciousness an active part of your own lives, in whatever way you can. God is SO right. It is so easy not to see the suffering, not to see the homeless, not to see those without, to walk past them without even noticing they are they are. That is a crime against a humanity and an affront to our soul, I think. Thank God, there are people here now with eyes to see and voices to speak. May they triumph in the end. May our planet become a civilization. I’ve heard that described, civilization that is, as a place where no one will have something that comes at the expense of another. I’m pretty sure that is in one of Neale’s books. But wherever it comes from is unimportant, for to me, it is the truth. We are a good long way from that place. And there is much to do to come to that place. I am confident the souls on this planet now, the bringers of the light, will prevail. I feel the mass consciousness moving as if it were my own pulse. Love will prevail. And I’ll be its witness. Namaste and much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Hitler went to Heaven?

November 13th, 2007

How do you suppose he managed that? Well, I, or rather God, through Neale Donald Walsch, am going to tell you. Trust me this leads to the path I choose to walk, it is a bit of a digression, at least from the treatment this question gets in CWG, Book 1, but, it is expanded here in a way that I understand, that resonates as truth within me, a larger truth, I guess I mean. Your mileage may vary, :^). And fair warning, the mileage tonight is substantial. But the trip is worth its weight in love.

Our story tonight begins on page 53 of Book 2, with God having responded in a rather roundabout way to a question Neale posed earlier, one we’ll come back to, probably tomorrow, about the “group” or “collective” consciousness, the undercurrent of thought, in a way of ALL of us together, sort of the consciousness that creates the atmosphere globally. You’ve all heard, or most of you, it said that Jesus said that anything is possible where two or more are gathered in His name. This idea, the collective consciousness, or UNconsciousness, is that amplified by the 6 billion minds presently incarnated on this planet. It considers what might happen if all of them turned toward one idea, what the power of those minds might create – intentionally or not. That is a most interesting conversation and we will have it later, but this night this is what has my interest, and since I am doing the typing, well, you can see where this is going, giggle. Neale suggests that God has digressed actually, to which God responds:

“Not really. You asked about Hitler. The Hitler Experience was made possible as a result of group consciousness. Many people want to say that Hitler manipulated a group – in this case, his countrymen – through the cunning and mastery of his rhetoric. But this conveniently lays all the blame at Hitler’s feet – which is exactly where the mass of the people want it.
But Hitler could do nothing without the the cooperation and support and willing submission of millions of people. The subgroup which called itself Germans must assume an enormous burden for the Holocaust. As must, to some degree, the larger group called Humans, which, if it did nothing else, allowed itself to remain indifferent and apathetic to the suffering in Germany until it reached so massive a scale that even the most cold-hearted isolationists could not longer ignore it. (gene inserts parenthetically, there is a novel, A Princess in Berlin, by a man named Arthur Solmssen, which creates such a picture of post WWI in Germany, that one can understand how conditions came to be so ripe for the National Socialist movement of Adolf Hitler – not justifyingly so at all, but how harshly were the Germans punished by the world that social conditions deteriorated to the point where ANYONE who could point to a way out of the pit was able to gain an audience – the story itself is a heart-wrenching star-crossed love story, but its main value is the stark picture it paints of how Hitler came to power legitimately – for the most detailed version of the conditions leading toward WWII, I can’t recommend strongly enough two novels of Herman Wouk, Winds of War and War and Remembrance, read them, you will never be the same again, you WILL understand that period in more detail than any history course or text could possibly provide)
You see, it was collective consciousness which provided fertile soil for the growth of the Nazi movement. Hitler seized the moment, but he did not create it.
It’s important to understand the lesson here. A group consciousness which speaks constantly of separation and superiority produces loss of compassion on a massive scale, and loss of compassion is inevitably followed by loss of conscience.
A collective concept rooted in strict nationalism ignores the plights of others, yet makes everyone else responsible for yours, thus justifying retaliation, “rectification”, and war.
Auschwitz was the Nazi solution to – an attempt to “rectify” – the “Jewish Problem”.
The horror of the Hitler Experience was not that he perpetrated it on the human race, but that the human race allowed him to.
The astonishment is not only that a Hitler came along, but that so many others went along.
The shame is not only that Hitler killed millions of Jews, but also that millions of Jews hadto be killed before Hitler was stopped.
The purpose of the Hitler Experience was to show humanity to itself.
Throughout history you have had remarkable teachers, each presenting extraordinary opportunities to remember Who You Really Are. These teachers have shown you the highest and the lowest of the human potential. (gene inserts, and the opportunity to choose, each time which we wish to be)
They have presented vivid, breathtaking examples of what it can mean to be human – of where one can go with the experience, of where the lot of you can and will go, given your consciousness.
The thing to remember: Consciousness is everything, and creates your experience. Group consciousness is powerful and produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty or ugliness. The choice is always yours.
If you are not satisfied with the consciousness of your group, seek to change it.
The best way to change the consciousness of others is by your example.
If your example is not enough, form your own group, – yoube the source of the consciousness you wish others to experience. They will – when you do.
It begins with you. Everything. All things.
You want the world to change. Change things in your own world.
Hitler gave you a golden opportunity to do that. The Hitler Experience – like the Christ Experience – is profound in its implications and the truths it revealed to you about you. Yet those larger awarenesses live – in the case of Hitler or Buddha, Genghis Kahn or Hare Krishna, Attila the Hun or Jesus the Christ – only so long as your memories of them live.
That is why the Jews build monuments to the Holocaust and ask you never to forget it. For there is a little bit of Hitler in all of you – and it is only a matter of degree. Wiping out a people is wiping out a people, whether at Auschwitz or Wounded Knee.”

Neale: “So Hitler was sent to us to provide us a lesson about the horrors man can commit, the levels to which man can sink?”

God: “Hitler was not sent to you. Hitler was created byyou. He arose out of your Collective Consciousness, and could not have existed without it. That is the lesson.
The consciousness of separation, segregation, superiority – of “we” versus “they”,of “us” and “them” – is what creates the Hitler Experience.
The consciousness of Divine Brotherhood, of unity, of Oneness, of “ours” rather than “yours/mine”, is what creates the Christ Experience.
When the pain is “ours”, not just “yours”, when the joy is “ours”, not just “mine”, when the whole life experience is Ours, then it is at last truly that – a Whole Life Experience.”

Neale: “Why did Hitler go to heaven?”

God: Because Hitler did nothing “wrong.” Hitler simply did what he did. I remind you again that for many years millions thought he was “right”. How, then, could he help but think so?
If you float out a crazy idea, and ten million people agree with you, you might not think you are so crazy.
The world decided – finally – that Hitler was “wrong”. That is to say, the world’s people made a new assessment of Who They Are, and Who They Chose to Be, in relationship to the Hitler Experience.
He held up a yardstick! He set a parameter, a border against which we could measure and limit our ideas about ourselves. Christ did the same the thing, at the other end of the spectrum.
There have been other Christs, and other Hitlers. And there will be again. Be ever vigilant then. For people of both high and low consciousness walk among you, even as you walk among others. Which consciousness do you take with you?”

Neale: “I still don’t understand how Hitler could have gone to heaven; how could he have been rewarded for what he did?”

God: “First understand that death is not an end, but a beginning; not a horror, but a joy. It is not a closing down, but an opening up.
The happiest moment of your life will be the moment it ends.
That’s because it doesn’t end but only goes on in ways so magnificent, so full of peace and wisdom and joy, as to make it difficult to describe and impossible for you to comprehend.
So the first thing you have to understand – as I’ve already explained to you – is that Hitler didn’t hurt anyone. In a sense, he didn’t inflict suffering, he ended it.
It was the Buddha who said “Life is suffering.” The Buddha was right.”

Neale: “But even if I accept that – Hitler didn’t know he was actually doing good. He thought he was doing bad!

God: “No, he didn’t think he was doing something “bad.” He actually thought he was helping his people. And that’s what you don’t understand.
No one does anything that is “wrong,” given their model of the universe. If you think Hitler acted insanely and all the while knew that he was insane, then you understand nothing of the complexity of the human experience.
Hitler thought he was doing good for his people. And his people thought so, too! That was the insanity of it! The largest part of the nation agreed with him!
You have declared that Hitler was “wrong.” Good. By this measure you have come to define yourself, know more about yourself. Good. But don’t condemn Hitler for showing you that.
had to.
You cannot know cold unless there is hot, up unless there is down, left unless there is right. Do not condemn the one and bless the other. To do so is to fail to understand.
For centuries people have been condemning Adam and Eve. They are said to have committed Original Sin. I tell you this: It was the Original Blessing. For without this event, the partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, you would not even know the two possibilities existed! Indeed, before the so-called Fall of Adam, these two possibilities did not exist. There was no “evil”. Everyone and everything existed in a state of constant perfection. It was, literally, paradise. Yet you didn’t know it was paradise – could not experience it as perfection – because you knew nothing else.
Shall you then condemn Adam and Eve, or thank them?
And what, say you, shall I do with Hitler?
I tell you this: God’s love and God’s compassion, God’s wisdom and God’s forgiveness, God’s intention and God’s purpose, are large enough to include the most heinous crime and the most heinous criminal.
You may not agree with this, but it does not matter.
You have just learned what you came here to discover.”

Okayyyyy. Well, hmmm. There is a bit there to think about, isn’t there? And I think that is what I’ll leave you to do. In a moment, giggle. I have been thinking about this for a very long time. Since Book 1 came into my hands two weeks to the day after my youngest son’s suicide at age 21. It took ME some time to come terms with a lot of what is in these books, but I tell you the first comforting thought, feeling, I had while reading book 1, was this part about Hitler going to heaven, because there is NO other place to go. It lifted from my mind and heart the fear I felt for my son. Completely. And that fear has never returned. That it was the happiest day of his life? As God says above, well, I hope so. It wasn’t so for anyone remaining here. But when God says that it IS the happiest day, when He talks about the state of constant perfection, well, I KNOW that place, it was what I glimpsed in the presence of the white and golden globes. THAT is the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve (figuratively our forebears) did not “fall”, they descended, as do we all, from “home”, that place where love is all there is, to this place, the realm of the relative experience. I KNOW how wonderful that place, our true home is, because I saw it, I felt it, I experienced it but for moments. But I would not have understood it AS such for a second, had I NOT the experience of this life I have, am, living.

It goes beyond Hitler, beyond Jesus, this knowing. We don’t all have Hitler or Christ experiences. Most of us operate on a smaller scale, but we all understand suffering. We all understand poverty. We all understand abuse. We all understand EVERYTHING God talked about above, separation, segregation, yours, mine, ours. What we do with those understandings, how we use them as we grow through our lives is all that matters in the end, and then, only to each of us as we have this individual experience, having forgotten the truth of us, come here veiled from the real truth of us, that in the end, we are all One. I think that is the purpose of being here, in as many lifetimes as we choose to come, to forget and re-member again. I think each remembrance may be sweeter than the one before for many of us, else we would not do this more than once. Some of us, me, will do this only once. That is what my Jenna tells me, giggle. I have packed a lot of experience into this lifetime, I will admit to that. But the reason this website exists, is to tell each of you who come across it, that what Neale Donald Walsch, and God, have written in these marvelous books about “home” is truth. I have seen it. I have felt it. And I know it as surely as anything I have ever known in any part of my life. Those experiences are as real as any I had this day, or any day of my life, and they are truth. Fear of death is not something we need carry. I grant the experience of it may not be as we might all like but there is nothing wasted in any such experience, not for any of us, and I do believe that in the moment we step again behind the curtain into that state of absolute love and joy IS the happiest day of our lives. I’m sure of it. I SAW it and I FELT it and I KNOW it. So, as Sarah sings, perhaps my only purpose here is as a witness, Make me a Witness, take me out, out of darkness, out of doubt. If I can do that for even one of you. I can feel my day is done. This day. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

A small change in the itinerary, :^)

November 12th, 2007

I’ve had a request – to not exactly change anything but to shift gears for a bit, a request I am going to honor. Jen’s asked me to go through book 2 with her this week, re-read it, re-member it, before I say much about social change, let alone social justice. So I’m going to do that but I’m going to chatter some along the way.

One of the things I’ve talked about previously, from an idea in Book 1, is the idea about whether we wish to be the cause of our life or the effect of it. That is in connection with, conjunction with, the choices we make each day in how we live our lives, as creators or reactors. So, what I’m going to do here tonight, is talk about, quote a hatsful of nuggets from early on in Book 2. Things, I’ve known but not thought about for some time, it is important to re-acquaint ourselves with our souls from time to time, lest they feel unappreciated, lol.

So: God asks Neale on page 18 to look at two words that really define the human experience.


And, He says, “Notice they are the same word. Only the “C” has been moved! When you “C” things correctly, you become Creative, rather than Reactive.”

They go on to have a conversation we will come back to in time, but I want to skip a bit ahead to an exchange that has always left me a little breathless. And still does. Neale has been telling God that it is hard to be without God’s guidance and God is explaining that we never are. On page 24 of book 2, Neale says, well, he can’t be carrying around a yellow pad and pen all the time, which is how they were communicating as Neale wrote the books, and God says, well, if THAT was all you had to do, to be in constant touch with Me, woud you not do it? And Neale says, “Well, yes, of course.

God responds: “…I am with you always. I don’t live in the pen. I live in you.”

Neale: “That is true isn’t it…I mean, I can really believe that, can’t I?”

God responds: “Of course you can believe it. it’s what I’ve been asking you to believe from the beginning. It’s what ever Master, including Jesus, has said to you. It is the central teaching. It it the ultimate truth.
I am with you always, even unto the end of time.
Do you believe this?”

Neale: “Yes, now I do. More than ever, I mean.”

God responds: “Good. Then use Me. If it works for you to get out a pad and a pen…then, take out a pad and a pen. More often. Every day. Every hour, if you have to.
Get close to Me. Get close to Me! Do What you can. Do what you have to do. Do what it takes.
Say a rosary. Kiss a stone. Bow to the East. Chant a chant. Swing a pendulum. Test a muscle.
Or write a book.
Do what it takes.
Each of you has your own construction. Each you has understood Me – created Me – in your own way.
To some of you I am a man. To some of you I am a woman. To some, I am both. To some, I am neither.
To some of you I am pure energy. To some, the ultimate feeling, which you call love. And some of you have no idea what I am. You simply know that I AM.
And so it is.
I am the wind which rustles your hair. I am the sun which warms your body. I am the rain which dances on your face. I am the smell of flowers in the air, and I am the flowers which send their fragrance upward. I am the air which carries the fragrance.
I am the beginning of your first thought. I am the end of your last. I am the idea which sparked your most brilliant moment. I am the glory of its fulfillment. I am the feeling which fueled the most loving thing you ever did. I am the part of you which yearns for that feeling again and again.
Whatever works for you, whatever makes it happen – whatever ritual, ceremony, demonstration, meditation, thought, song, word or action it takes for you to “reconnect” – do this.
Do this in remembrance of Me.”

Then, a bit further on, Neale and God have another exchange. And it is this exchange that describes what I felt in the presence of the white and golden globes as well as anything in either book, so I want to close this movement into Book 2, with this piece. They have been talking about humanity’s propensity to do terrible things and not blame God, as the creator of all things, but rather human inventions, like the devil, to make God less than He is, but creating a way for His expressed will for us, the full experience of His love in every moment, to not take place though He has willed it be so, and to excuse this lack by blaming other actors. So let’s pick up at the bottom of page 39, with Neale saying: “I didn’t say You can’t control the devil. You can control everything. You’re God! It’s just that you choose not to. You allow the devil to tempt us, to try to win our souls.”

God says: “But why? Why would I do that If I don’t want to have you not return to me?”

Neale: Because you want us to come to you out of choice, not because there is no choice. You set up Heaven and Hell so there could be a choice. So we act out of choosing and out of simply following a path because there is no other.”

God say: “I can see how you’ve come to this idea. That’s how I’ve set it up in your world, and so think that’s how it must be in Mine.
In your reality, good cannot exist without bad. So you believe it must be the same in Mine.
Yet I tell you this: There is no “bad” where I am. And there is no Evil. There is only the All of Everything. The Oneness. And the Awareness, the Experience, of that.
Mine is the Realm of the Absolute, where One thing does not exist in relationship to Another, but quite independent of anything.
Mine is the place where All there Is is Love.

We’ll come back to this again. And again. And probably yet again. Because, as I talked about the lights on the main site, THIS is precisely the feeling, the words I was searching for to describe the feeling I had as those lights emerged from me. There was NO fear, no anger, nothing really at all, but this overwhelming sense of wholeness, of LOVE. Of peace, warm, safe, complete. I glimpsed where God is in those moments. That’s why the main site exists. To tell people that, just that. To let them know that THIS is not all there is, that there is another place to which we are all indelibly and permanently connected, from which we came and to which we will ALL certainly return. Home. The place where Love is all there is. THAT is our ultimate truth. That there are things to do here is undeniable, else we would not be here, but we need not FEAR our creator, we need not heed those who would teach us through various religions that ours is an angry God, a jealous God, one would condemn us for eternity if we do not manage to stumble onto the one “true” path, the one “true” religion and recognize it as such. God takes religion to task rather severely in Book 2. Those of you who have read book 1, might think He did there, but that was scratching the surface, giggle.

He begins book 2 with these words on page 4 as He and Neale talk about the upcoming work and He says: “Except that in this book I’ll bring up some subjects myself, without you asking. I didn’t do much of that in the first book, as you know.”

Neale: “Yes. Why are you adding that twist here?”.

God: “Because this book is being written at My request. I asked you here – as you’ve pointed out. The first book was a project you started by yourself.
With the first book you had an agenda. With this book, you have no agenda, except to do My will.”

Neale: “Yes, that’s correct.”

God: “That, Neale, is a very good place to be. I hope you – and others – will go to that place often.:

Neale: “But I thought Your Will was my will. How can I not do Your will if it’s the same as mine?”

God: ” That is an intricate question – and not a bad place at all for us to begin this dialogue.”

That is where WE will pick the conversation back up. Or you may yourself if have Book 2. God does indeed have an agenda in Book 2 and He proposes multiple solutions to multiple social conditions – solutions that could be enacted, practically immediately. Reasonable, wise, humane and loving. Could we, should we, expect less of He who lives in a place where Love is all there is? And who considers that place our home as much as His? No. We shouldn’t. Which doesn’t mean some of His ideas aren’t are a hard sell. But that is only because so many of us have learned to live with hardened hearts. When we let our hard hearts soak, just a little while, in love, anything becomes possible. And there is no objection, no obstacle that God has not considered in proposing His ideas for what we might do to avert the coming global warming crisis, the religious wars we are now engaged in around the world and the overwhelming poverty and hunger that holds so many of our brothers and sisters in abject slavery, generational poverty exists across the world. There is enough here to take care of that, to see to it that everyone’s basic needs are met and that all have an opportunity to find and use their talents in ways that enhance and strengthen us all. It IS possible. It WILL come. It IS worth working for.

So I’m going to insert here, just one graphic and then ask just one, maybe two questions about it. This is a list of worldwide military spending, please note that the number is 1100 BILLION dollars. That the rest of the world COMBINED spends 500 billion dollars and that we, the United States, spend 623 BILLION dollars all by our lonesome, with the next closest country coming in at 65 billion dollars – China, we spend 10 times MORE than China. What POSSIBLE reason could there be to outspend the rest of the ENTIRE world, of what can we be SO afraid? And why? With a few, very small changes, and agreements we could change the world overnight, by redirecting some of those funds, not only in our country, but in all countries. It is THAT about which we are going to be talking as I move through book 2 over the next couple weeks and discuss the ideas God laid out for Neale more than 10 years – the latest editions of book 2 contain an updated forward noting the events of 9/11, but the proposals God made 8 years before that to Neale are as rock solid now as they were then. I hope you will look forward to this conversation as much as I am. For me it is like greeting an old friend, giggle, for most of you it will be new, probably. What I do know for certain is that it is doable, reasonable, and timely. We may never make this place “feel” like “home – where Love is all there is”, but we CAN try. much love, :^) gene

I also want to note that I only copied in countries that spend at least a billion – the rest of the list, indeed this whole graphic is at: World Military Spending

World Wide Military Expenditures

Country Military expenditures – dollar figure Budget Period
World $1100 billion 2004 est. [see Note 4]
Rest-of-World [all but USA] $500 billion 2004 est. [see Note 4]
United States $623 billion FY08 budget [see Note 6]
China $65.0 billion 2004 [see Note 1]
Russia $50.0 billion [see Note 5]
France $45.0 billion 2005
United Kingdom $42.8 billion 2005 est.
Japan $41.75 billion 2007
Germany $35.1 billion 2003
Italy $28.2 billion 2003
South Korea $21.1 billion 2003 est.
India $19.0 billion 2005 est.
Saudi Arabia $18.0 billion 2005 est.
Australia $16.9 billion 2006
Turkey $12.2 billion 2003
Brazil $9.9 billion 2005 est.
Spain $9.9 billion 2003
Canada $9.8 billion 2003
Israel $9.4 billion FY06 [see Note 7]
Netherlands $9.4 billion 2004
Taiwan $7.9 billion 2005 est.
Mexico $6.1 billion 2005 est.
Greece $5.9 billion 2004
Singapore $5.6 billion 2005
Sweden $5.5 billion 2005 est.
North Korea $5.0 billion FY02
Iran $4.3 billion 2003 est.
Pakistan $4.3 billion 2005 est.
Belgium $4.0 billion 2003
Norway $4.0 billion 2003
Chile $3.9 billion 2005 est.
Colombia $3.5 billion 2005
Poland $3.5 billion 2002
Portugal $3.5 billion 2003
South Africa $3.5 billion 2005 est.
Denmark $3.3 billion 2003
Vietnam $3.2 billion 2005
Algeria $3.0 billion 2005 est.
Kuwait $3.0 billion 2005 est. [see Note 2]
United Arab Emirates $2.7 billion 2005
Egypt $2.5 billion 2005
Malaysia $2.5 billion 2005
Switzerland $2.5 billion 2005 est.
Morocco $2.3 billion 2005 est.
Czech Republic $2.2 billion 2004
Qatar $2.2 billion 2005
Thailand $2.0 billion 2005
Angola $2.0 billion 2005 est.
Finland $1.8 billion FY98/99
Argentina $1.8 billion 2005
Venezuela $1.6 billion 2005 est.
Austria $1.5 billion FY01/02
Romania $1.5 billion 2005
Jordan $1.4 billion 2005 est.
Indonesia $1.3 billion 2004
Iraq $1.3 billion 2005 est.
Hungary $1.1 billion 2002 est.
New Zealand $1.1 billion 2005 est.
Bangladesh $1.0 billion 2005 est.

Day after day

November 8th, 2007

Sometimes music, okay, most times, makes more sense than we do.  I heard this song this afternoon, for the first time in a long time, and it just moved my soul.  So for tonight…  listen.  :^) gene

Day after day I’m more confused
But I look for the light through the pouring rain
You know that’s a game that I hate to lose
Now I’m feeling the strain
Aint it a shame?

Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll
And drift away
Give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock and roll
And drift away

Beginning to think that I’m wasting time
I don’t understand the things I do
The world outside looks so unkind
I’m counting on you
To carry me through


And when my mind is free you know melody can move me
And when I’m feeling blue the guitar’s coming through to soothe me
Thanks for the joy that you’ve given me
I want you to know I believe in your song
Your rhythm and rhyme and harmony
You’ve helped me along
You’re making me strong


(Repeat chorus 2 times)

Now now now won’t you take me?
Oh oh take me
Fly high…

Referendums and children

November 7th, 2007

Well, the elections have come and gone, and, it seems for the most part, the people have decided to make up for what the penuriousness of legislatures past has caused – the dire cuts in programs and services that children need to become well-rounded citizens. Here in my district, the two most important pieces passed, but such frivolities as reducing activity fees, which as I pointed out in an earlier post, are already the highest in the seven county greater metropolitan area, did not, pricing poor families out of athletics and other extra-curricular opportunities. The pools will not be reopened, more kids are going to have to walk up to two miles to their schools, and upgrading the technology labs so that our kids can be trained on the cutting edge equipment they will need to use in their work lives failed as well. But the schools will stay open. When, I wonder still, will the legislature honor its obligation to provide quality educational opportunities to all of Minnesota’s children? It may be a while.

Things are still tight for school districts but I saw something in todays paper while on the bus that made me realize that although things are hard here for kids, our kids are still far better off than children unfortunate enough to have been born in other parts of the world. I read an article about a man, Dr. David Parker, who is concentrating his efforts on children elsewhere and in the reading picked up some astonishing, disheartening information. He spends his vacations traveling the world documenting photographically the plight of the world’s children, and in my view, all children are our children, how can it possibly be otherwise? He has taken pictures of child soldiers in Sierra Leone, children working in the Indian brick kilns, he tried to get pictures of the child prostitutes in Bangkok but was unable as apparently there had been some negative publicity shortly before his visit, I can’t imagine why, and he found those doors locked to him. We are complicit in this activity, Americans participate on their “vacations” in the “pleasures” of using children as sexual objects. More Americans than anyone suspects or would believe.

He says that in the late 70’s it was estimated that about 80 million children were involved in child labor and back then people predicted that would be halved by the year 2000. Instead it has grown, today the number is 320 million children working, breaking coal, picking cotton, working in brick factories, endless hours under horrid conditions. He says it is a larger issue than simply working them half to death. Those children are not being educated, especially young girls who he says will suffer greatly. Without education to prepare them for life, they will not know that they don’t need to have nine children, or be taught how to have a healthy family. Education empowers people and these children have no voice and are essentially lost to the mainstream, to the rest of the world. What future waits them?

He recommends, as a first step, that companies who do business overseas, institute and enforce policies prohibiting their employees from participating, in any way, in the trafficking of women and children for sex, no second chances, a violation of that policy and they are sent packing. I’d rather recommend jail, but getting them the hell away from those kids IS the first priority. Their predation is likelier to be found out here. I’d go further than this. I would like to see the United States engage the United Nations in an effort to eradicate human trafficking and make and enforce child labor laws, buy NOTHING from any country that uses its children so badly. If we need to lead the world, could we do it in some way OTHER than in arms exports and wars of aggression? Could we do it by NOT supporting countries who do not enact and enforce laws that guarantee basic rights to children? We need statespeople and what we have are actors. People who promise everything and deliver nothing. People who look pretty on the campaign trail and as evil as evil can be in the back rooms where deals are cut and children and the poor sold out for more tax cuts that heap more money on already unspendable, in anyone’s lifetime, piles of cash. Could we, for a change, lead in something other than bellicose talk? That is where I’d like to see us go and what I’m going to talk about this weekend as I’ve near completed my updating and reading. 2008 MUST be the year that marks a real change in America, and Americans. I hope we learn a few things this next campaign season and come up a bit out of the morass of death-dealing we have sunk into. I hope we start moving toward the light that we can be should we put our minds to it. We need a global consciousness-raising and I think it must start here. So I plan to blog about it a lot. And support candidates who can persuade me they are about more than money, that they are about bettering the lives of people. They ARE out there. Let’s help them take control of our countries infrastructure and political apparatus. Do something right for the first time in a long time. 911 was a great national tragedy, but it was not the worst thing that ever happened, maybe HERE it was, but worse things are happening around the planet every day. And we have done very little right since that horrid day. Bush has squandered all the goodwill freely given us in the aftermath of that day, it is time to start making amends. It is time to become a beacon of hope and back our flowery words up with loving action. Give food, medicine and books to others, give of our time and talents, stop exporting fear and death, start exporting love and healing. We CAN. It is my prayer that we DO. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

I am continually amazed!

November 5th, 2007

Which is not an unusual state for me. Those who are bothering to read this will remember that the reason it exists, not this blog, but the main website, is that although my inner voice, jenna, tried to push me out here in this way, i did nothing with that push, until a friend convinced me that I should put my experiences out here for people to find. I admit jenna agreed with this, or I would not have done it. Even so, learning how to do what I did on the main site was SO hard, I needed the support of real people, and I feel so bad for saying that because jen IS real people, but, well, we persevered, all of us, lol. And it isn’t as though this means anything, but jenna told me that SHE would lead ppl here, that ppl needed to know this, which just seems ridiculous to me, but, then, I DID post these stories everywhere for years, and none of that meant anything. jen always said that, she would say it was okay to post at a specific place but that was all. She always said that the important thing was that people HEAR this. I thought I was done with THAT when I left the CWG list and after posting on funky websites for a few years. The idea for this website, well, she gave me that then, and I just wouldn’t. I just wouldn’t. So she found a way to push me into doing this. A compelling way. A way I could NOT ignore. So I did it. Now, I posted these stats a few days ago. I will never post them here again. But this just amazes me. She said she would lead ppl to them. The stories I mean. Me, is not important, what I saw is. And just look. She is doing what she promised. I don’t KNOW that many people, and have NOT told that many people about my site, I mean literally less than 10 real people that this is even here, not even yet, especially not, my own family. Though I will. But, you know, I have no idea what that all this means. Or why. But it still amazes me. I love you jen. My other half, my twin flame, my guide and myself. Life is SO amazing. much love, :^) gene

Summary by Month
Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Nov 2007 390 212 87 45 75 37862 225 436 1063 1954
Oct 2007 307 216 113 53 248 254371 1646 3504 6704 9542
Sep 2007 227 190 88 38 35 19316 116 265 572 682
Totals 311549 1987 4205 8339 12178

Faith at work

November 5th, 2007

Okay I am not even going to try to guess at the synchronicity of this. After I wrote the first post, I moved on to check my mail and found this. Draw your own conclusions. But I will say – the after does not have to have anything to do with the now. A young friend of mine has reminded me of this from time to time, that though my glimpse into what is “not” here, is important, it also important to remember that while we are here, what we do, and don’t, matters. I will no longer deny her the truth of that statement. So, with love from Steve Goodier:


It’s one thing to goof. But it’s another thing to do it in front of a
stadium full of people! In their book Oops (The Rutledge Press, 1981),
authors Richard Smith and Edward Decter tell of such slip-ups. One
occurred during a soccer match between two Brazilian teams. (To
protect the player involved, I won’t name the teams.) The first goal
was scored within three seconds after kickoff. What made the score
particularly hard for the team’s fans to take was the fact that it was
made while their goalie was still on one knee with head bowed in

There is certainly a time for prayer, but this poor man learned the
hard way that there is also a time for action. In fact, both are
necessary in a well-lived life. As Gandhi once said, “I have so much
to accomplish today, I will have to meditate two hours instead of

Often, however, the best spirituality begins with the prayer of the
heart, and then moves to that prayer which is lived throughout the
rest of the day.

Several years ago a bomb was detonated outside the huge oak doors of a
Greek Catholic church in Jerusalem. The heavy doors were blown inward
so that they careened up to the front of the sanctuary and destroyed
the chancel area. Windows were blown out, pews were destroyed, and the
balcony collapsed.

Dr. Ken Bailey, a Presbyterian missionary scholar and friend of the
priest of the Greek Church, stopped by to assess the damage. It took
little time to determine that the priest was in shock and unable to
make necessary decisions. So Dr. Bailey took it upon himself to ask
seminary administrators at the school where he taught to close
classes, and he invited students to join him in helping the priest.
They cleaned the church and boarded the windows to prevent looting.

The next day, Bailey again called on his friend. The maid confided in
him that the priest did not cry at the bomb’s destruction. However,
she added, “He did cry when you and your friends helped clean up the
mess it made.”

Dr. Bailey has since remarked, “I did not teach any theology that
afternoon – or did I?” If theology is about love in action, he held
one of his best classes that day.

The truth is…faith is never so beautiful as when it has its working
clothes on.

And that is the truth. Faith is wonderful, it is something to hold on to, it can prove to us, through our own individual experiences that there is a truth out “there” larger than ourselves, but I am not sure that here, wearing these human skins, it ever gets much richer than this story. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Faith in what?

November 5th, 2007

I mean if you have faith, exactly what is it that means? Have had occasion to be thinking about this of late. I’ve mentioned some of the difficulties my eldest son, has been having, and as a parent, my heart goes out to him, along with my love and money, giggle. What is it though that keeps some people going through the toughest of times? It isn’t religion, well, okay for some it it, but for most it is not. One can’t talk about “fairness” when it comes to the game of “life” because there is no rule book – and don’t even start with me about the bible or the koran or any any other “sacred” text written by humans, at this stage in our species evolution, by male humans.

Because fairness only works when there is someone enforcing the rules of the game. And rules that are agreed upon by the players, in advance of beginning the game. I mean rules the participants KNOW they have agreed to. There are those, CWG, is in this group, who allege the agreements came before our entry to the relative universe, and this may be so, but how then are those “rules”? If you can’t remember what they are, how can they possibly be rules? There are some things that seem to be inherent – for instance, murder, most of us not only find that morally repugnant, but physically impossible. I mean, I do not believe I could make myself do that to another human except under the most dire of circumstances. Yet there are those who feel no particular wrong involved with strapping explosives to themselves and walking into a restaurant and detonating them. There are those who feel no particular moral problem involved with ordering airplanes half a world away to deliver bombs that kill hundreds, in at least two instance, scores of thousands, in the name of the right cause.

This is where my most recent pondering of this moral conundrum has led me. People, the world over, are crying out for fairness but no one is determining what exactly that means. No one is even really asking that question. Oh, they are arguing semantics and disagreeing, disagreeably about theology and philosophy, but no one is saying, lets figure out what FAIR means, and then DO that. It seems impossible for reasonable people to sit down somewhere and figure out what would be fair for all, and then agree to do that. Self-interest, personal or national, gets in the way and we seem unable to leave that behind. I would like to think the United Nations was envisioned as a body which could represent the world, ALL of it, fairly. And in some respects it does, but in many other respects it is nothing more than a shadow.

Robert Heinlein, whom I have mentioned here before, often posited a world that was ruled by “one” government, comprised of nation states, but subject to world-wide rules. Now, I will admit, not one of those stories was Utopian. There were real issues involved in all parts of the world, parochial issues, such as we have now, but the truth of the story was that people in every corner of the world had, if nothing else, the same gripes about government we do now, only they could find kindred souls anywhere because government was the same everywhere. Based on free elections, representatives made decisions and brokered deals in the same manner as do free governments now, and with about as much effectiveness, lol. I would like to recommend to all who might wander across this, one of his books which deals with how a free state is formed, and the pitfalls along the way, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, is a treatise on revolutionary government that is years ahead of its time, centuries perhaps. Even though it is also a history lesson. :^). Fairness was at the heart of that book.

We, the people, want so much for something to believe in. That “need” is so obvious, it is there in the earliest fossil remains we have found, people, the first people, buried their dead. Why do that? Why care about that? The only reason I can think of is faith. In something beyond what we see.

So what form does that faith take? It can’t be based on fairness, or at least not on any definition of such that I have ever read. Fairness demands rules and an impartial arbiter to enforce those rules. Fairness would not leave George W. Bush in charge of the most powerful nation on the planet, sending guns, planes, bombs and young martyrs to his cause off to die in places that not many of us would ever pay to visit. Fairness would not result in a young man or woman wanting nothing more than to care for his or her family having to make choices between buying health insurance or tires for their aging vehicle. Fairness would not result in corporations deciding that because they do not have to pay benefits to part time employees, firing their full time employees and hiring them back as part timers without the niceties of pension, vacation, sick leave or health insurance.

God is not going to solve this problem for us peeps. Sorry. If anything ought be obvious THAT should be. What has it been? 4000 years since He last spoke to one of us? And then as a burning bush? giggle. Which makes me wonder if mushrooms, not sage, might have been involved in that particular fire. I like what He says in CWG, but there is nothing in there that suggests He plans to arbitrate fairness for us either. We are going to have to figure a way to do that for ourselves. And a way to enforce it. The name of this site is not an accident. One people, one world is the truth of us, no matter how much we’d like to pretend it is not.

I am not saying take this on my word, because, hell, what do I know? I’ve had three inexplicable light experiences and one inexplicable awakening experience but I am none the wiser for them. I can’t do anything special. I can’t even say anything special. And what faith I have is limited to a certainty, that through those experiences, THIS is not all there is. But how does THAT translate to making life a particle better for anyone here, including me? If faith matters, and according to most scripture, and other ‘sacred’ writings it does, than it should be able to produce a measurable result. Well, in my thinking anyway, but it doesn’t. It doesn’t seem to mean anything. Which is where the title of this came from. I have faith that this is not all there is but that doesn’t seem to matter a whit in terms of the experience I have here. I guess the question I have been pondering, that has been worrying me like a dog with a bone of late, is why not? Why bother giving me something so incredible and nothing else? I could blame mushrooms here too but I’d not heard of them at 7, nor at 15 and even at 46 had avoided hallucinogenics like the plague, because they scared me. :^). Yes, something scared the extremist, giggle. But what that was, was loss of control, loss of being in charge of my experience. Even though, until then, and continuing to this moment, that experience has not exactly been silver-spoon, lol. Yet I KNOW something, damn it. Why do I know it? What does THAT mean? Maybe I should stick to sudoku, giggle. The easy ones. And figuring a way to help my son with his life too. And those few who depend on me in other ways and for other reasons. I am NOT saying those things, those people, are not important, on the contrary, they ARE my life in every real way possible. I am asking why give me a gift that doesn’t mean anything, that doesn’t allow me to improve life for those whom I love so much – and I am not restricting THAT phrase to my immediate family and friends either, but to the broader group whom I also love, all of us.

So, I’ve been in this odd little place of late. Which is why I’ve been so quiet here. Am still working on, okay – I HAVE it the other piece I’ve talked about, I’m just in a smaller place than I need to be to posit a larger solution. I think I need to figure out how to work things on a micro scale before I start talking about how to help things work on a macro scale. I’m not very good at either for the moment. Or at least that is how it feels. All those people who have now seen my main site, and not one with an idea for me. Which is also what jen told me would happen, but still. Faith. Sometimes I can’t believe in ME, let alone anything beyond that. Maybe that is the point of the experience? Humility. Knowing what we are not. If so? I get the point, let up already wouldya? Ah well, still some thinking to do, and with that comes growth, one hopes all this leads somewhere. Else, as Jodie’s dad says in Contact, it would be awful waste of space. For humanity, I translate that to a waste of potential. Maybe that is the faith we are lacking. Maybe that is key that turns on our ability to access all parts of what is already alive within us and waiting for our awakening call. If you find that key? Give me a buzz. I’ll do the same, promise. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way,
choose to be a bringer of the light. much love, :^) gene


November 2nd, 2007

Not the Mary you are thinking of, if you are a reader here. This is Sarah’s Mary. What brought me to Sarah was “Angel”, through the movie. But it was never that. It was Mary. :^). Always Mary. I think every song Sarah has ever recorded but this one is on the web, on youtube. I don’t know why I am so attracted to this song. jen says I will know, but I don’t yet. It just haunts me. She sings it to me ALL the time. And this young chinese woman who tries her best to sing it too. There is a synchronicity here that I am missing. So what I’m going to do is just post the lyrics.

Mary walks
down to the water’s edge
and there she hangs her head
to find herself faded
a shadow of what she once was
She said “How long have I been sleeping
and why do I feel so old
why do I feel so cold
my heart is saying one thing but my body won’t let go”
With trembling hands she reaches up
a stranger’s flesh is offered
and I would be the last to know
I would be the last the let it show
I would be the last to go

Take her hand
she will lead you through the fire
give you back hope
and hope that you won’t take too much
respecting what is left
she cradled us
she held us in her arms
unselfish in her suffering she could not understand
that no one seemed to have the time
to cherish what was given
and I would be the last to know
and I would be the last to let it show
I would be the last to go…
Mary walks.

I believe, ultimately, this is the woman who will lead us through the fire, unselfishly. Perhaps, okay definitely, not yet born, :^). But her day will come.  Mary.   gawd i love this song…

Life Support

November 1st, 2007

Today, well, I’m not quite in the mood for writing. Life has its way of catching up with us once in a while, for some reason I do not understand, Halloween this year brought with it a sadness I haven’t felt in some time, surrounding my son, Brandon. We had a blizzard here one Halloween, long ago now, but it was a real snow storm even for this area. We were, the boys and I, living at a place named Silver Oaks, we were there only one year, they declined to renew our acquaintanceship, because of, well, yes, Brandon. The same reason we’d left the last place we had lived – he was having his terrible twos reincarnated by several powers of ten, and it wasn’t just one year, but that year was among the hardest. But it wasn’t that I’ve been feeling, it was this sense of missing him. That’s never really gone, of course, but this was a little different somehow. And, my thoughts have been with my oldest son, well, my only remaining child, who has been having an extended period of bad timing, bad luck, and bad, well, just about everything, I’d of said karma, but THAT I don’t believe in, and am supported in this belief by jen. Which I know is very anti-New Age, and I am nothing if not of a New Age. So who said life, and those in it, couldn’t sometimes be contradictory? Is not life itself? So the mood for this hasn’t been, well, not what I want it to be when I write here. But tonight I do want to say a couple things – hey, I heard that boo! :^)

I do have this thing I’m working on for here, and it is sort of big, so I’m gathering ammo, giggle, okay, loading my squirt gun, because I’m going to talk about how we could change the world. Overnight. The idea itself comes from the very last part of book 2 in the CWG series, which I’ve barely talked about at all here, but it fits with the issues in education I talked about earlier this week. What I’m doing is updating the numbers, which is surprisingly easy, and not. So things are sort of percolating there and will for another couple days, I think. But in the meantime, I got this little newsletter from Steve Goodier, reproduced with permission, as always. Steve, when I first started getting his newsletter, many years back, did it daily, other obligations grew for him and so it is now periodic, and not necessarily even weekly, sometimes a couple weeks will go by, but he is always welcome in my mailbox, for that matter, he’d be welcomed in my home, though he be a minister, giggle, not one with whom I’d normally be in sync with, as for the most part, organized religion and I are sort of on the outs, I am in many ways the antithesis of organized religion and may yet be its bane. But never its enemy. I love Steve’s wisdom, I love what catches his eye. And rather than forward his newsletter as I have in the past, I sometimes put it in here – yes, with permission, in case anyone wonders, lol. This one is both amusing and wise. So take a look. I’ll be back after. For a bit.


Jewish humor has it that a rookie recruit for the New York City Police
had passed all of his examinations except public health. The police
surgeon said, “Well, Murphy, you’ve done very well. I’ll ask you one
question and if you do all right on that, you can become a cop.”

He wanted to ask him how he would respond if a rabid dog bit somebody;
for instance, what does he know about the disease, how would he treat
the victim, whom would he call and so forth. The doctor said, “Now,
tell me, what is rabies, and what are you going to do about it?”

“Well, Captain,” Murphy replied, “rabies is Jewish priests, and there
ain’t nothin’ you can do about it.”

There “ain’t nothin’ you can do” about quite a few situations! And
it’s true with people, too. There ain’t nothin’ you can do about the
way they are, so it is fruitless to try to change them into something
else. You are wise to learn to accept them without conditions,
understand them the best you can and love them anyway. For they
probably won’t change much and there just ain’t nothin’ you can do
about it.

Sam Keen Christine said, “We come to love, not by finding a perfect
person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” It’s
all about acceptance. — Steve Goodier

It is, isn’t it? All about acceptance? What else could matter more? What else could do more for this poor world, in this very moment, then acceptance? No more hating anything different, no more prejudice, no more fighting over whose idea of God is best, or bestest, no more killing each other over ideas that not one of us can prove without question. Acceptance. Then too, the idea embodied in that last quote is the essence of wisdom, is it not? “We come to love, not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” We all have our blemishes, those who love us do not see them. Maybe we could learn to do that on a broader scale. Maybe we could learn that as we teach our children it is impolite to stare at someone differently abled, it is impolite to consider anyone differently abled. Maybe we could learn to love each other as we are, not as we wish we were, nor as we wish “they” were, as we/they ARE. Wouldn’t that be a nice first step toward civilization? much love, :^) gene

p.s. I said on my main site, that I’ve posted the light stories many times over the years, in many places, and always have met interesting people, but no one with the same or similar experience. Jen always told me I’d never find another, but that it was okay to look. I did meet a lot of people, but, as I think back, look back, through my saved mails and such, a relative handful of people would have seen them. The idea of doing a website came to me a long time ago, I have a version of what is on the main page sketched into a book from 9 years ago. I sort of was “pushed” into finally doing this. What I find interesting is that the site was up for a bit of August and all of September, but I didn’t submit it anywhere until mid-September. This little graphic below is from my web host’s statistical software and shows the number of people, not bots, actual people who found and saw the stories on my main site. Jen said she’d bring people to them. And she wasn’t lying. 1646 unique visitors to the site. 9542 hits on the site from search engines, but 1646 people. You can tell they didn’t read everything, lol, but hey, jen was right all along. Just put it out there and they will come. No point beyond that. This isn’t Field of Dreams, well, not really. But it is still ironically amusing to me. Maybe to you too. :^)

Month Daily Avg Monthly Totals
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes Visits Pages Files Hits
Oct 2007 307 216 113 53 248 254371 1646 3504 6704 9542

pp.s. giggle. or is that p.p.s? Or neither? Doesn’t matter. I don’t know that anyone but me has noticed this, and why would you, lol, but I am on the search for the perfect blue. I have color charts, beware, giggle, and each of my siggies, of late has featured a different shade of blue. This one is royal blue. Still not right. So, I’ll keep looking. Looking is half the fun anyway, isn’t it? :^)

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Just a little rant about education

October 29th, 2007

I got not one, but two, mailings this past week from my local school district, which faces severe funding shortfalls and has four funding requests up for approval on November 6th. If all four pass, property taxes will rise on my own relatively modestly priced home roughly $500 per year. Why is this necessary?

Well, first we need a little history lesson. There was a lot of back-patting a few years back when the State of Minnesota announced that it was taking over all funding for k-12 education. The idea was to alleviate the burden on local districts to raise funds through referenda and thus alleviate the burden on local property taxes, AND, the disparities in educational possibilities for those districts not filled with $400,000 plus homes – which is to say a LOT of Minnesota outside of the greater metropolitan area. The “joy” was short-lived as the Bush boom years went bust and the legislature failed to index educational funding for anything like the actual rate of inflation. Inflation has ranged between 4% and 4.5% each year and the legislature has been able to persuade our “no new taxes” Governor Pawlenty, and his henchman, David Strom to increase educational funding at 0.9% a full report of the catastrophic effect this has had on property taxes in Minnesota can be found at the Minnesota State Auditor’s report

What this “means” in real terms in just my own district, which serves 41,000 students, if the questions fail is that up to six elementary schools will close, up to two middle schools and one of five high schools – one of which is brand spanking new. We will lose up to 500 teachers, programs in art, music and physical education will be eliminated, we will lose the positions used for advanced students, those with special talents will no longer be able to fully develop them. Fees for extracurricular activities will average $500 – which will effectively price most middle and lower income students out of them completely. The number of courses a high school student can take each year will be reduced from 16 to 12 (that will really help prepare them for college!) meaning core courses only, such frills as industrial technology, business, family and consumer science, music, languages, career and technical education, music, English (hey they have to READ word problems in math people!), although that won’t be as much a difficulty as it might at first seem because also cut will be advanced math and sciences. They will, however, get more study hall time – to work on what is not clear. What does this mean? Kids will be graduating less prepared for college, technical schools AND entry level jobs. Some will not make it into college because they will not have had the advanced placement course work necessary for acceptance.

Frills like pools and swimming lessons, have been long gone, they won’t be offered again anytime soon, computers won’t be upgraded OR repaired, so kids will miss out on learning how to use the technology that is currently being outsourced to India mostly anyway, so no problem there, this district will continue to have the highest cost for athletic and other extra-curricular educational opportunities in the entire metro area and of course, with no money for textbooks, they’ll have to make do with outdated information in all classes as well. Oh, and with more kids in every classroom, none of them will have to worry about coming under the individual attention of a teacher either. They’ll be able to slide through the educational system like the ghosts our governor wishes they were.

Now for the rant. What ever happened to the idea that a well-educated populace is a good thing for this country? There was a time when we believed that it was in everyone’s best interest to educate our children. Those children are the ones who are going to be paying the taxes that support those self-centered, SUV driving, no-tax-is-a-good tax, in their dotage. If they can afford to. Which at the moment is looking just a bit doubtful.

When kids are educated well, we all win. This is such a no-brainer, that I find it impossible to understand how the great State of Minnesota, and we are NOT alone in this idiocy, has decided that NOW is the time to abandon children’s education, to in effect, throw them to the wolves, I’ve mentioned a couple times before here. I mean, come on, just how many janitors can those $500 million a year CEO’s possibly need anyway? Because that is all they are equipping this generation of students to do. Those same businessmen who loudly complain that they need more “guest worker” visa’s AND who are outsourcing every job that pays more than what a french fry cook at Mickey D’s makes, are unwilling to pay a nickel toward educating all of our children. Of course, THEIR children are fine, they’re all in charter schools learning how to NOT love their neighbors as themselves.

Hypocritical is by far too generous a word for this modern day wolves. They are eating our children alive with their refusal to understand that what is good for kids is what is good for America. Not what is good for General Motors. Kids. What is good for kids is what is good for America. That means health care, housing and education. That requires an investment in those children’s future, those children ARE our infrastructure, ignore them and we rot from within, just as a building untended within will eventually collapse on itself, just like the Washington Avenue Bridge. If you do NOT take of the infrastructure, you soon have NO structure at all. And kids are the most important asset we have. The better educated, fed, house and clothed they are, the more opportunities they have to be taught, challenged and developed, the stronger America becomes.

But we have abandoned our children. It has been a slow steady decline but it has now picked up speed. READ that report I cited above. Property taxes are NOT the way to ensure a quality education for all children all over this state. Income taxes are. The income tax is the fairest tax we have, it is progressive and based on ability to pay. It should support education fully. No more funny books, no more hiding taxes by calling them fees. Let’s see some statespeople rise and tell the truth about this issue. If Minnesota wishes to lead the nation in “leaders”, attract businesses, raise the standard of living, then the way to do it is to give our kids the best education money can buy.

And, I’d go farther. Higher education is rapidly becoming completely unreachable for all but the very richest and very brightest. Why can we not see that k-12 is only the beginning? We could fund fully a four college degree for every child who can handle the curriculum, or a technical school degree for those who can’t, for a pittance in income taxes, yet reap huge dividends because our children would be entering the workforce prepared to make real contributions. I think that “free” public education should be made available k-16, with strong assistance for those capable of going on past bachelor’s degree’s. There is no “lose” in this idea. Smarter, better educated, more well-rounded children turn into smarter, wealthier, more well-rounded adults. We ALL win under this scenario.

But we continue to be penny wise and pound foolish. We continue to make school districts come begging for handouts every couple years because we don’t have the courage to stand up and say what we have done is WRONG and it is time to fix it, for ALL of us, not just the children of the wealthy, but for all children. Does anyone really believe the next Einstein, or Najarian or Gates is only to be found among the children of the wealthy? The kid who can cure cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s is among the children being denied the basic education every child in this country should be, at one time WAS, guaranteed.

If there is ANYTHING we should be proud to invest in, in this country, it should be our children. Not bombs. We are not only not going to have smart kids we aren’t going to have kids smart enough to make the smart bombs we currently use to bully smaller nations around the globe with. Who are we going to outsource THAT work to? And where will we get the money to buy those “defensive’ weapons anyway? At the rate we are going, this next generation won’t make enough money to support unemployment taxes for half of them, let alone anything else this country needs. People, wake up. Please. CWG asks the question often, What Would Love Do Now? The answer in this instance is give the schools what they need through referenda and then elect politicians with the foresight and intelligence to realize that education MUST be a priority of the State of Minnesota. Not fancy trips to $455 a night hotels in India. We need that help here right now. We needn’t be looking for “sister cities” in India, we have a LOT of cities and towns in this state who need our help desperately. Vote yes on your referendums next week and support legislative candidates who promise to FULLY fund education for ALL children. They thank, I thank you, for your support. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Ennui – part deux

October 24th, 2007

It still isn’t ennui, but hey, that’s where this started so I may as well continue with the, ummm, continuation under the same title. Then again, nothing I’ve ever read, or seen, that had part deux in its title was worth reading, or seeing, so caveat emptor, even if you aren’t paying for this privilege, that is, if this is a privilege. :^) Where I left this yesterday was:

Neale: “You’ve made this point before.”

God: “Yes, and you’ve done this thing before – not once, but several times.”

Neale seems a bit put out that God is being consistent since, he then says, “Sometimes this book seems to be going in circles, making the same points over and over again.

God responds: “Sort of like life.”

Neale: “Touche.”

God: The process here is that you’re asking the questions and I’m merely answering them. If you ask the same question three different ways, I’m obliged to continue answering it.”

Neale: “Maybe I keep hoping You’ll come up with a different answer. You take a lot of the romance out of it when I ask You about relationships. What’s wrong with falling head over heels in love without having to think about it.”

God: “Nothing. Fall in love with as many people as you like that way. But if you’re going to form a lifelong relationship with them, you may want to add a little thought.

On the other hand, if you enjoy going through relationships like water – or, worse yet, staying in one because you think you “have to,” then living a life of quiet desperation – if you enjoy repeating these patterns from your past, keep right on doing what you’ve been doing.”

Neale: “Okay, okay. I get it. Boy, You’re relentless, aren’t You?”

God: “That’s the problem with truth. The truth is relentless. It won’t leave you alone. It keeps creeping up on you from every side, showing what’s really so. That can be annoying.”

Neale: “Okay. So I want to find the tools for a long-term relationship – and you say entering relationships purposefully is one of them.”

God: “Yes. Be sure your and your mate agree on purpose.
If you both agree at a conscious level that the purpose of your relationship is to create an opportunity for, not an obligation – an opportunity for growth, for full Self-expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea you have ever had about you, and for ultimate reunion with God through the communion of your two souls – if you take
that vow instead of the vows you’ve been taking – the relationship has begun on a very good note. It’s gotten off on the right foot. That’s a very good beginning.”

Neale: “Still, it’s no guarantee of success.”

God: “If you want guarantees in life, then you don’t want life. You want rehearsals for a script that’s already been written. Life by its nature cannot have guarantees, or its whole purpose is thwarted.

Neale: “Okay. Got it. So now I’ve got my relationship off to this “very good start.” Now, how do I keep it going?”

God: “Know and understand that there will be challenges and difficult times.

Don’t try to avoid them. Welcome them. Gratefully. See them as grand gifts from God; glorious opportunities to what you came into the relationship – and life to do.

Try very hard not to see your partner as the enemy, or the opposition, during these times.

In fact, seek to see no one, and nothing, as the enemy – or even the problem. Cultivate the technique of seeing all problems as opportunities. Opportunities to…(gene notes, God sounds a lot like some people I know, giggle)

Neale: “…I know, I know – “be, and decide, Who You Really Are.”

God: “Right! You’re getting it! You are getting it!”

Neale: “Sounds like a pretty dull life to me.”

God: “Then you’re setting your sights too low. Broaden the scope of your horizons. Extend the depth of your vision. See more in you than you think there is to be seen. See more in your partner too.

You will never disserve your relationship – nor anyone- by seeing more in another than they are showing you. For there is more there. Much more. It is only their fear that stops them from showing you. If others notice that you see them as more, they will feel safe to show you what you obviously already see.”

Neale: “People tend to live up to our expectations of them.”

God: “Something like that. I don’t like the word “expectations” here. Expectations ruin relationships. Let’s say that people tend to see in themselves what we see in them. The grander our vision, the grander their willingness to access and display the part of them we have shown them.

Isn’t that how all truly blessed relationships work? Isn’t that part of the healing process – the process by which we give people permission to “let go” of every false thought they’ve ever had of themselves?

Isn’t that what I am doing here, in this book for you?”

Neale: “Yes.”

God: “And that is the work of God. The work of the soul is to wake yourself up. The work of God is to wake everybody else up.

Ahhh. Mmmm. That is soul-satisfying. Or soul-stirring. Or perhaps both. Don’t you think?

I want to close this bit with a last quote as chapter 8 ends. Believe me, I have barely touched on chapter 8, it is filled with wisdom and light. And wonderful advice. I have said often, that I recommend only books 1 and 2, in truth I don’t know how many Neale has actually written by now, though I own at least three others, two of which I’ve read once, one of which I’ve not opened, and doubt I ever will, my jenna is a demanding taskmistress, giggle. Okay, not that, but she knows what is “right’ for me to see and when, and I have been taking, mostly, okay almost mostly, her advice long enough now to trust her when she tells me to stay out of something, to at least attempt to stay out of it. A quick example, for some reason, months ago, a movie caught my eye while I was trolling the movie channels, Lovers of the Arctic Circle, it said it was a hauntingly beautiful love story of two people whose lives had been intertwined since they were 8. It was in spanish, I didn’t know that part, subtitled, I set my dvr to record it and have had it there for months. Now something has happened with my dvr, the color red seems to have disappeared and I am going to have it replaced, so I need, I thought, to watch these things I have recorded and never watched. So the other night, I watched that movie and found out why jen had never let me really do that. It was hauntingly beautiful and an odd love story, but the flipping thing ended with her getting killed by a bus JUST after they’d flown thousands of miles from different countries to meet each other in a place they treasured as children. I was aghast. I couldn’t believe I had watched that whole thing waiting for them to finally get together to have it end like that. I HATE endings like that. I just hate them. I won’t watch movies that have bad endings. I just want everything to ALWAYS turn out well, and it just so hurts within when it doesn’t. I just sat there stunned, unbelieving I had just given 108 minutes of my life over to a movie that ended so horribly. Life can’t be that way. I know it can’t always be happy endings, but damn it, my MOVIES can be! All jenna said was, this is why you never had the impetus to watch that movie, honey. And why you should have listened to me in the first place. But, I swear, sometimes her voice is so soft, or my determination so loud, I blow past what I should have heeded. Tricky thing this sort of guidance, this listening for the small still voice within. Sometimes we have to shut our own voice down in order to hear it. And engage in the conversation within to understand it. Being stubborn has just never been a good tactic for me, giggle. I don’t know why I don’t seem able to get that. Anyway, back to the books, out of book 3, the only thing I really “liked” were the vows Neale and his new wife wrote. I barely remember them and I do remember parts of them were annoying to me, but parts of them incorporated what God talked about above. To heal every small or false thought each other has ever had about themselves, together, well, that seems to me to be a very good beginning indeed. And He’s right, of course, if you want guarantees, you don’t want life, you want a script. And, here? There isn’t one. None but that which we ourselves write each day with the choices we make and don’t make. Sooooo.

Chapter 8 closes cutely. I like cute. So bear with me. I think you’ll like this too. :^)

God: “…Why don’t we end this chapter with a joke?”

Neale: “Good idea. You got one?”

God: “No, but you do. Tell the one about the little girl drawing a picture…”

Neale: “Oh, yes, that one. Okay. Well, a Mommy came in the kitchen one day to find her little girl at the table, crayons everywhere, deeply concentrating on a freehand picture she was creating. “My, what are you so busy drawing?”, the Mommy asked. “It’s a picture of God, Mommy,” the beautiful girl replied, eyes shining. “Oh, honey, that’s so sweet, ” the Mommy said, trying to be helpful. “But, you know, no one knows what God looks like.”
“Well,”, chirped the little girl, “if you’ll just let me finish…”

God: That’s a beautiful little joke. Do know what’s most beautiful? The little girl never doubted that she knew exactly draw Me!”

Now, I’ll tell you a story, and with that we can end this chapter.

Neale: “Alright.”

God: There once was a man who suddenly found himself spending hours each week writing a book. Day after day he would race to pad and pen – to capture each new inspiration. Finally someone asked him what he was up to. “Oh,” he replied, “I’m writing down a very long conversation I’m having with God.”
“That’s very sweet,” his friend indulged him, “but, you know, no one really knows what God would say.”
“Well,” the man grinned, “if you’ll just let me finish.”

Okay, I found that amusing. It isn’t the only giggle in these two books, I don’t mean to paint them as nothing but toil and trouble either. What I find in them is truth. Or at least what resonates within me as truth. And, of course, I have jen, giggle. So, there are things in both books that she tells me are not so, but I’d say, and she agrees, 90% of what is in these two books is worth the trouble of reading AND thinking about. And, gasp, perhaps, even trying to incorporate into one’s life. That is the hard part. Not only discovering, uncovering, re-membering one’s own truth, but then living it. It is a goal worthy of aspiring toward though I think. We humans live in such chaos. Sometimes I wonder how we ever got foothold on this planet, let alone came to be the dominant species on it.

I have “stuff” in me about that, but that is for another time, maybe a long way off time, giggle. But what I want to close with is just to say, that what God talked about up there, living a life of “quiet desperation”, isn’t really living at all. And that is the state most of our world exists in day to day. Even here in the exceptionally well-fed and over-stimulated United States, far too many of us live lives of quiet desperation. Afraid of rocking the boat. Afraid of what lies beneath it. And, if we here can feel this way, so many of us, so unnoticed, imagine what life must be like in so many other parts of the world, where the very real possibility of having not only your lunch, but your entire restaurant blow up with you in it, exists as a daily possibility. What of they? Those souls? What sort of desperation must they feel? What happens to children born there? Whose mothers lived in constant fear while those babies were developing within? The book I’ve mentioned before, the Biology of Transcendence, by Joseph Chilton Pearce, poses some very interesting, sobering thoughts about that.

If this world is to have a chance, if our species is to ever be able to not only dominate this planet but co-exist with it, the conditions much of the people of our world must improve. Fear must no longer be the constant companion of the world’s population. How do we do that? By lifting our lives to their highest potential, by healing every false thought or small idea we have ever had about ourselves OR others, by entering into relationship with each other, I am not speaking of marital relationships here although they are included, but of enduring respect and friendship, by reaching out across our oceans of despair with loving arms and enfolding each other in opportunities for growth and healing. By expressing the truth of Who We Really Are in each moment that we can, and seeing our own reflection in all we meet, regardless their color of skin or cultural tradition, by recognizing that under those multi-hued skin suits, we are all children of a living God, a creator who has not abandoned us, but who has given us the opportunity to create ourselves here, to define ourselves here, to recognize Her in each others eyes. We can do this. There are people here now, trying very hard to do exactly this. And some of them are succeeding.

If you wish to distrust someone, distrust the one who tries to sell you the truth of you. That which is given by God to us as free gifts, should never be for sale. Jesus never passed the offering plate. People gave freely to support His “ministry”, he did not charge for what God gave Him freely. I will grant people the right to make a living. But to withhold a gift given by God, for money, isn’t truth-sharing, it is spiritual extortion. And that is not of God. I’ll talk more about THAT topic another time, it tends to fire me up a little, giggle. And a day is coming when I will have quite a lot to say about that, but for the moment, those who ask you to open your wallet that they might live lives of quiet ostentation, are not coming to you in the name of God, but of man. And man has a sorry record on this planet.  Read a book, you’ll see. Read the bible, you’ll see. You needn’t buy Neale’s books, I don’t deny him the right to make a living either, neither does God as you’ll read in his books, but they’re available at libraries as well as book stores.

I am not criticizing those who have something to share, I am saying one does not sell what God gives us. If people wish to support it, they will. Freely. Making commerce out of spirituality is, to me and for me, something I, in my own definition of who I am, find “wrong”. Is that judgmental? It is indeed. But as God explains in book 1, we come here to make such judgments, by that which we judge “right” and “wrong” do we define Who We Really Are. And I am not a huckster for God. Or anything else for that matter. What I share here, is inspired from within, not all by Neale’s books, as I explained on my main site, once I got past my “lutheran” tradition, I didn’t find an idea in them that I did not already know and believe. Neale just put those ideas together in a way that made a huge impact on my life, at a time when I needed a huge impact. I am happy to have supported his effort by buying his books. I have bought and given away many more than I care to admit here, giggle. Because truth is where you find it, and sometimes you need to start that search without, before you understand that the truth is where it always has been, within. On that note, back into the night for me. I have some reading I need do, want to do. And won’t write again for a couple days at least. So, ttyl (talk to you later), giggle, much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene


October 23rd, 2007

I’m not sure ennui can be properly called writer’s block, for one thing, first one would have to be a writer, and I am not. Of late, I’ve been more of a reader, but it isn’t what I’ve been reading that I want to talk about tonight. Recently reading, I should say. :^) I want to come back to something from a couple posts ago, that I have been thinking about, as I have been reading. I referred to book 1 p. 41 where Neale asserts that without fear, of hell, of heavenly retribution, of God, that anarchy would be the result, and God responds, “is it fear you need to be good?”. A discussion ensued. Sounds like minutes from many of the meetings I’ve attended, the too many meetings, I might add, lol. But I want to take this a step further, because in truth it is not fear that we need to be “good”, and by “good”, I mean to one another. Each other. All the time. So I’m going to move on a good bit into book 1, into chapter 8 which is on relationships, of the human kind, but of the soul kind too, and for the moment I am going to move past human relationships, what their purpose is, what relativity IS, and engage, with God, another idea of relationship.

First, in preface, this section HAS been about human relationships and the “rules” we make to play that particular role, how we define ourselves in terms of how others see us. That is an interesting exchange and I’ll come back to it another time. I am going to have to figure out how to search these archives, lol, if I keep skipping around these books like this, so I don’t repeat myself, too often. Some of these ideas do indeed bear repeating, but given my advanced age, I don’t want you thinking I am repeating myself because I have forgotten I already told you a particular story. Which is not to say I won’t do that or that I’m not capable of that, but there ARE many stories which sort of circle back in on themselves. And, in all honesty, as we talked about in an earlier post, the way to “undo the teaching” of our prior lives, is to read and reread books 1 and 2, until we can call them to mind in midst of our darkest hour and recover our balance through this wisdom. Okay not an exact quote, but if you want the rest of it as God said it, find that post, or read page 120, giggle. For tonight, I want to start with a question from Neale, remember these book ALL began with an angry question from Neale. I wonder if I have ever reproduced that first page? If I haven’t, well, another time, tonight we’re going to talk about THIS question, from the bottom of page 134.

Neale: “So I don’t have to be the long-suffering wife or the belittled husband or the victim of my relationships in order to render then holy, or to make me pleasing in the eyes of God?”

God: “Good grief, of course not.

Neale: “And I don’t have to put up with attacks on my dignity, assaults on my pride, damage to my psyche, and wounds to my heart in order to say that I “gave it my best” in a relationship; “did my duty” or “met my obligation” in the eyes of God and man.’

God: “Not for one minute.

Neale: “Then, pray God, tell me – what promise should I make in relationship; what agreements must I keep? What obligations do relationships carry? What guidelines should I seek?”

God: “The answer is the answer you cannot here – for it leaves you without guidelines and renders null and void every agreement you make in the moment you make it. The answer is: you have no obligation. Neither in relationship nor in all of life.”

Neale: “No obligation?”

God: No obligation. Nor an restriction or limitation, nor any guidelines or rules. Nor are you bound by and circumstances of situations, nor constrained by any code or law. Nor are you punishable for any offense, nor capable of any – for there is no such thing as being “offensive” in the eyes of God.”

Neale: “I’ve heard this before – this “there are no rules” kind of religion. That’s spiritual anarchy. I don’t see how that can work.

God: There is no way it cannot work – if you are about the business of creating your Self. If, on the other hand, you imagine yourself to be about the task of trying to be what someone else wants you to be, the absence of rules or guidelines might indeed make things difficult. Yet the thinking mind begs to ask: If God has a way She wants me to be, why didn’t She simply create me that way to begin with? Why all this struggle for me to “overcome” who I am in order for me to become what God wants me to be? This the probing mind demands to know – and rightly so, for it is a proper inquiry.

The religionists would have you believe that I created you as less than Who I Am so the you could have the chance to become as Who I Am, working against all odds – and, I might add, against every natural tendency I am supposed to have given you.

Among these so-called tendencies is the tendency to sin. You are taught that were born in sin, that you will die in sin, and that to sin is your nature.

One of your religions even teaches you that you can do nothing about this. Your own actions are irrelevant and meaningless. It is arrogant to think that by some action of yours you can “get to heaven.” There is only one way to heaven (salvation) and that is through no undertaking of your own, but the through the grace granted you by God through acceptance of his Son as your intermediary.

Once this is done you are “saved”. Until it is done, nothing that you do – not the life you live, not the choices you make, not anything you undertake of your own will to improve yourself or render you worthy – has any effect, bears any influence. You are incapable of rendering yourself worthy, because you are inherently unworthy. You were created that way.

Why? God only knows. Perhaps He made a mistake. Perhaps He didn’t get it right. Maybe He wishes He could have it all to do over again. But there it is. What to do…”

Neale: “You are making mock of me.”

God: No. You are making mock of Me. You are saying that, I, God, made inherently imperfect beings, then have demanded of them to be perfect, or face damnation.

You are saying then that, somewhere several thousand years into the world’s experience, I relented, saying that from then on you didn’t necessarily have to be good, you simply had to feel bad when you were not being good, and accept as your savior the One Being who could always be perfect, thus satisfying My hunger for perfection. You are saying that My Son – who you call the One Perfect One – has saved you from your own imperfection – the imperfection I gave you..

In other words, God’s Son has saved you from what His Father did.

This is how you – many of you – say I’ve set it up.

Now who is mocking whom?”

Neale: “That is the second time in this book you seem to have launched a frontal attack of fundamentalist Christianity. I am surprised.”

God: “You have chosen the word “attack”. I am simply engaging the issue. And the issue, by the way, is not “fundamentalist Christianity,” as you put it. It is the entire nature of God, and of God’s relationship to man.

The question comes up here because we were discussing the matter of obligations – in relationships and in life itself.

You cannot believe in an obligation-less relationship because you cannot accept who and what you really are. You call a life of complete freedom “spiritual anarchy”. I call it God’s great promise.

It is only within the context of this promise that God’s great plan can be completed.

You have no obligation in relationship. You have only opportunity.

Opportunity, not obligation, is the cornerstone of religion, the basis of all spirituality. So long as you see it the other way around, you will have missed the point.

Relationship – your relationship to all things – was created as your perfect tool in the work of the soul. That is why all human relationships are sacred ground. It why every personal relationship is holy.

In this, many churches have it right. Marriage is a sacrament. But not because of its sacred obligations. Rather, because of its unequaled opportunity.

Never do anything in relationship out of a sense of obligation. Do whatever you do out of a sense of the glorious opportunity your relationship affords you to do decide, and to be, Who You Really Are.”

Neale: “I can hear that – yet over and over in my relationships I have given up when the going gets tough. The result is that I’ve had a string of relationships where I thought, as a kid, that I’d only have one. I don’t seem to know what it’s like to hold onto a relationship. Do you think I will ever learn? What do I have to do to make it happen?”

God: “You make it sound as if holding onto a relationship means it’s been a success. Try not to confuse longevity with a job well done. Remember, that your job on the planet is not to see how long you can stay in a relationship, it’s to decide, and experience, Who You Really Are.

This is not an argument for short-term relationships – yet neither is there a requirement for long-term ones.

Still, while there is no such requirement, this much should be said: long-term relationships do hold remarkable opportunities for mutual growth, mutual expression, and mutual fulfillment – and that has its own reward.”

Neale: “I know, I know! I mean, I’ve always suspected that. So how do I get there?”

God: “First, make sure you get into a relationship for the right reasons. (I’m using the word “right” here as a relative term. I mean “right” relative to the larger purpose you hold in your life.)

As I have indicated before, most people still enter relationships for the “wrong” reasons – to end loneliness, fill a gap, bring themselves love, or some to love – and those are some of the better reasons. Others do so to salve their their ego, end their depression, improve their sex life, recover from a previous relationship, or, believe it or not, to relieve boredom.

None of these reasons will work, and unless something dramatic changes along the way, neither will the relationship.

Neale: “I didn’t enter into my relationships for any of those reasons.”

God. “I would challenge that. I don’t think you know why you entered your relationships. I don’t think you thought about it in this way. I don’t think you entered your relationships purposefully. I think you entered your relationships because you “fell in love.”

Neale: “That’s exactly right.”

God. “And I don’t think you stopped to look at why you “fell in love.” What was it to which you were responding? What need, or set of needs, was being fulfilled?

For most people, love is a response to need fulfillment.

Everyone has needs. You need this, another needs that. You both see in each other a chance for need fulfillment. So you “agree” – tacitly – to a trade. I’ll trade you what I’ve got if you’ll give me what you’ve got.

It’s a transaction. But you don’t tell the truth about it. You don’t say, “I trade you very much.” You say, “I love you very much,” and then the disappointment begins.

Neale: “You’ve made this point before.”

God: “Yes, and you’ve done this thing before – not once, but several times.

And this is where we’re going to leave this for tonight. :^). I’m not done with this quotation yet. A couple more pages. But what’s been said here is worth cogitating about for a day, or two, don’t you think? Where they go next is to the crux of relationship, why, how, and what. God actually has suggestions for we, His children, on how we might not only make better choices in selecting our relationships but in how we might actually learn to sustain them, to make them the glorious vehicles of self-growth He intended them to be for us all. Not in any sort of gender way. Gender is not relevant to this discussion. In truth, it is irrelevant, in that the principles I’m going to put forth tomorrow night, follow no gender path, they follow a path toward creating successful and sustainable relationships, friendships, and beyond, irrespective of gender. If God is not making an attack on fundamentalist christianity, or for that matter dogmatic, exclusionary religious proscriptions on human behavior, in what He has to say next, well, then, I am. Because that IS Who I Really Am and a statement of what I believe and an expression of who I choose to be as I create myself in this world relative to this world. Had I my way, I’d turn this place on its ear and give it a good spin, giggle. I might do that anyway, after tomorrow’s reading. Until then, much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

In memorium of Kelly Ryan

October 17th, 2007

I’m not going to be writing tonight other than this little piece. My remaining son is in process of divorce with his wife, they’ve been separated over a year, sharing custody of my grandchildren, who are 7 1/2 and a bit over 5. They’ve all experienced a loss this week that I know all too well and that saddens me. Kelly Ryan, the older brother of my daughter-in-law died in his sleep Monday night at the age of 33. He was the second oldest of four children in that family. He battled his demons all his life, addictions of many kinds, but was always the cheerful fun-loving uncle to my grandchildren who are for the first time in their lives experiencing this sort of loss. His girlfriend is 7 months pregnant with their first child, another little one who will grow up never knowing his father. My heart goes out to the Ryan’s tonight and though I know no words can be of comfort to them, I want to link to a song that has special meaning to me and say a little prayer of blessing for Kelly as he goes home.

One Sweet Day, the only song I requested for my own son’s service. May you find the peace there you so struggled to find here, Kelly. much love, gene

Free will, Fear and Consequences

October 16th, 2007

We’ve talked, okay I have, a lot about the “illusion” we call life here in the relative universe. I’ve talked about my certainty that life does not end when we end/die here. I’ve also addressed what that can mean for us as we exercise the greatest gift given us here in this place, free will. The question arises then, well if there are no eternal consequences for bad behavior, what incentive is there to be “good”? We address that by uniting. We address that by agreeing on rules here that we all live by in order that we all have the same opportunities and choices. We have the right, as a group, to establish boundaries of behavior within which we might all live safely and without taking unfair advantage of others by virtue of size, intellect, power, etc. Our behavioral code we call law.

I’ve talked about what CWG says about this too, in an earlier post, “Hell? Says who?” in late August, where Neale asks God if he may do anything he likes since God has told him there is no such thing as hell, implying if not stating explicitly that no eternal consequences for human behavior would result in anarchy. And God responds, “Is it fear you need to be good?” I love that passage, p. 41, book 1. But God also goes on to say that while we may do anything we wish here we also need be aware of the law of consequence. Some actions have natural consequences. If you jump off a building in the belief that you can defy gravity, well, there will be a consequence to that act – and you will have the opportunity to reflect on the wisdom of that choice when you are safely home again, as well as an infinite number of lifetimes within which to create new versions of yourself, perhaps even one in which you learn you CAN fly. :^). What I want to talk about here tonight though are the consequences, natural consequences of our choices. What that means in terms of free will. So, we’ll begin with a quote, and then I have a couple ideas I’d like to share about this. :^)

Book 1, p. 42. God says: …Should I therefore punish you for making a choice that I Myself have laid before you? If I did not want you to make the second choice, why would I create other than the first?

This is a question you must ask your self before you would assign Me the role of a condemning God.

The direct answer to your question is, yes, you may do as you wish without fear of (gene inserts, divine) retribution. It may serve you, however, to be aware of consequences.

Consequences are results. Natural outcomes. These are not at all the same as retributions, or punishments. Outcomes are simply that. They are what results from the natural application of natural laws. They are that which occurs, quite predictably, as a consequence of what has occurred.

All physical life functions in accordance with natural laws. Once you remember these laws, and apply them, you have mastered life at the physical level.

What seems like punishment to you – or what you would call evil, or bad luck – is nothing more than a natural law asserting itself.

There is a good bit more that I want to quote from in this section, and I will, in days to come, but for tonight, this is enough. Because what I was talking about earlier is how we have duplicated in our creation of human law, that which God did in creating the relative universe. We may act with impunity as an exercise of free will, but should our act disrupt or harm another, we will face a consequence. We begin learning about human consequences from that first slap on the rump that elicits our first breath in our new atmosphere have just tumbled from the relative safety of the closed universe, our mother’s womb, within which we all begin life. The lessons of act and consequence don’t get any easier as we grow older either, from those first “no-no, don’t touch that” to our last breath, we live within a world of action and consequence. Not all consequence is bad, of course, the act of leaning in for a first kiss, for instance, can be quite rewarding, or not, depending on the particular circumstance, giggle. The smile of pleasure on a teacher’s face when a correct answer to a question is presented is a pleasurable consequence too.

We learn as we grow which actions bring which consequences. Are these consequences restrictions of our free will? Yes, we have collectively, sometimes in groups as small as two, sometimes in groups as large as 6 billion, determined that some acts are simply unacceptable. Yet, the fairness, the justice, of the consequence sometimes depends on who is doing the acting. Nations, if they are strong enough, have throughout history, been able to act as if consequence did not apply to them, doing unto others as they would not have done unto themselves. Groups within nations have, at times, acted with impunity in the same way. But when I look at the totality of our history, I see growth. Yes, there are terrible things still happening in the world, some of which are being perpetuated by the land I was born in and love dearly. But, overall, I see progress, I see a willingness to learn from our history and to move forward with greater love, understanding and forgiveness. There are movements around the world, as Jennifer pointed out in her links, by people seeking to draw us all into the light.  There are many here now dedicated completely to doing just that.

We are slow learners, and there are many obstacles yet to overcome, but I believe in the end, love will win out. What was acceptable behavior even 50 years ago is no longer. We no longer wink at crimes against humanity. We aren’t stopping the “wolves” in their tracks as of yet, but we are moving in that direction.  And yes, sometimes it will be one step back for two forward, we can live with that, as long as we don’t lose sight of the truth of us.  We ARE beings from the light and to it we will return. Then we’ll come back here again, enriched, enlivened, and ready to help humanity reach its most glorious moments. THAT is what is in me as the future of this planet. The story is far from written, but one day, this place will bathe in the light of love and leave the darkness for other parts of the universe to overcome. In the meantime, don’t jump off any buildings, giggle. Use the stairs, keep your light shining, and share the love you are with all of us. That’s how love wins, one soul at a time. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Two small things tonight.

October 15th, 2007

The first is by far the most important. I used a horrible metaphor in my response to Jennifer’s comment the other night, when I said, “now the gloves come off”, which she took to mean, my fists were up and ready for a fight. That was NOT my intention. This is not a site wherein fighting is allowed. On the main page, About My Blog, sets the ground rules, and I said there that dissenting opinions are welcome so long as they are politely stated. I do welcome an exchange of ideas here and I intend to fight with no one. Differences of opinion are not fights. Not to me. Can they be? Of course, but Jennifer and I have a long history and fighting is not part of it. We are on the same page more often than not, and when we aren’t? We usually will eventually end up there. Discussion is how we do that and mutual respect. It is okay to agree to disagree too. I do not have a monopoly on the truth. In fact, I believe that truth, ultimately is something we all define for ourselves. I have a LOT in me. A WHOLE lot in me, some of which will come out here over time. I said that on my main site a few times too. But do I know that is truth? No. Not even for me. Not yet. At least not in my experience, and it is must, for me, be palpably IN my experience for me to know it as truth.

What truth I DO know? Is in the lights, and what I felt then, and in the awakening experience, those were physical things that happened to me. I KNOW them as truth, though metaphysical they may have been, they were in my eyesight and in my body and I FELT them and SAW them, as I wrote about them on the main site. So, there is my truth. The rest that is in me? Comes from Jenna, some of it has been realized, in small ways, a lot of it, most of it has yet to materialize. She simply says it is all coming and I simply wait. Until then, until I LIVE what is in me, those things are no more than ideas and no more true than anyone else’s visions of the future, theirs, mine, collectively. What shows up, I’ll choose. I am not sure I have choice about that, giggle. Though choice is always part of the experience. I guess what I mean to say is that if/when those other things show up? I’ll choose them with love and thanksgiving. I do not fear them. I do not fear Jenna. I do not fear what is to come. I am SURE this ends with me safe again in what I KNOW is my true home. If this be illusion? Matters not. I don’t care. This IS all I know here and I can’t travel out of my body, I can’t foretell the future and I can’t keep from stubbing my own toe. So I don’t care about the whole idea of this being an illusion OTHER than in sharing with others that I KNOW this is NOT all there is. That is why the main site exists. Just to share that idea. Hope. No matter what one’s lot in this life, we are all safe in the long run, we all go back to ultimate love. And I have seen just enough of it to promise all of you that it is wonderful. There is no fear there, no hatred, no envy, no inequality, no servitude, only love, all encompassing, all pervading love. THAT is our heritage. And why I put up the main site. That does not mean that I think this world is of no consequence, because I do. I think our experience here helps us appreciate our lives there even more. And I think we can find what we do here, rewarding to reflect on when we are back there. Even those of us who came here to show the rest of us what we are not. Book 1 talks about this in a story called “the little soul and the sun”, which I do NOT like, but which I believe is mostly true. I do not like it from here. I may well love it from there. From here, I experience it as horror, from there I suspect I understand it as love. It has been hard for me to reconcile those two feelings. I have not yet done so successfully and were it possible for me to make changes in the fabric of reality here, there are some I would make, lol. So it is probably a good thing I don’t have that sort of power. I might make something important go poof. So I accept what I am here, while believing this is not all there is, no not believing, KNOWING. I do KNOW it. THAT much is my truth. Would that I could give each of you that same glimpse, I think it would change the world forever. I hope I’m not running out of time to do that.

Anyway, what I meant to do here was apologize to Jennifer for having given her the idea that my silly attempt at metaphor didn’t mean I wanted to box, lol. I gladly accept her outstretched hand and believe firmly that without gloves on, hand to hand, we, the people, can feel the essence of each other flowing through our hands and each other and in that feeling find the will, the strength and the faith to be bringers of the light. So, I’m sorry Jennie, for having created such a false impression with that silly phrasing.

The second thing I want to do tonight is talk just a little about Mother Teresa’s book. I am having such a hard time with it. Despite my ANSIR profile, there is within me a great deal of empath, there has always been, I can FEEL what another feels, as if it were happening to me. And in her book, I feel the awful twisted truth she was taught. And it hurts. I hurt for her. I don’t wish to condemn an entire religion, although I well may before I am done with that book, but they have got love so twisted as to believe that God requires suffering as loves equivalent. They believe, she believed, that Jesus WANTED her to suffer as proof of her love for Him. That entire religion is built on that premise. That suffering, that vows of poverty, celibacy and humiliation are what their Creator asks of them as proof of their love. It hurts to read such blather. Okay, that is strong, but it is the truth. They are SO far from what God asks, that they create an experience that is virtually the opposite of what He created this beautiful universe for. The work they do, with the poor, the sick, the needy is wonderful work but it needn’t be done to prove love for God, but love for each other which IS love for God. But they don’t see that truth. They scourge themselves emotionally and physically because they believe that they must feel what He felt on the cross or not be acceptable to him. Even if you accept the cross as the story that exists, He never intended everyone else mount it with Him, the whole point of the New Testament is that He sacrificed so that none other need do. Not so that all others must do. I have a long way to go in that book, but it brings to me tears every few paragraphs and so I have to intersperse it with other things, I can’t stay immersed in that darkness for too long or the darkness starts to fall on me, I am not that strong. Yet. But one of the reasons I am with that book at all is because Jenna says I must know what that experience is, the dark night of the soul, in ways I have not yet experienced, though I have had my own special version of it, I need broaden my understanding. So I am listening and learning and I think, I hope, growing. There’ll be more about that over time. But there’ll be more other things interspersed of cheerier nature. I promise. For tonight though, this is that. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Does God answer prayers?

October 9th, 2007

Not a trick question. But the short answer is no. Not in the way we, here, on planet earth think. CWG has an explanation for this, one that makes sense, but which is, in another sense, quite convenient. Actually there is a lot about both spirituality and religion that is just a little more convenient for me. I am, by nature, suspicious of convenient answers. It is one of the reasons I look forward to going home, I mean, that I do not fear death. First, those light globes and what I felt in their presence, I’m not afraid of that or wherever that “there” is. I think, I hope, there are actual answers there. I suppose it could turn out like Contact though, we get to a place where the answer is, “No, we didn’t build this, it was here before we got here, whomever built it was already gone.” I really hope not, because there are questions that have niggled at me all my life and to which I really want answers, answers I know I will never have here. Not one of us has ever come back from this trip WITH answers, not one. Oh, I think we come back, I think that much is true, but as US, as this particular sentience with these particular memories. There may be something to past life regression, but you could not prove it by, or to, me. :^)

So, let’s see what God has to say to Neale about this. Then we can talk about it a little. Or I’ll talk, whether you chime in, or are out there at all, is up to you, my part is this chiming and here I am a one man band, giggle. Not at all unusual in my life, I might add, I seem to have always had my own drummer and only I hear that music.

So then this is going to need an understanding of the conversation Neale is having with God about prayer in general. God has just told Neale that the act of asking is a statement that whatever is being asked for is not present, that, in fact, such a statement produces the experience of not having whatever it is that was asked for. Because all statements are creative. Now, this sounds to me, like some other things I’ve read, that wanting something is incorrect, because by wanting you are saying you don’t have and you get what you say which is a state of wanting, not having. Sort of circuitous logic to me, but then what do I know? :^).

So Neale asks: “Does that mean that I cannot ask for anything I want? Are You saying that praying for something actually pushes it away from us?

God replies: “This is a question which has been asked through the Ages – and has been answered whenever it has been asked. (gene injects, see? I told you I’d heard this before!) Yet you have not heard the answer, or will not believe it.

The question is answered again, in today’s terms, and today’s language, thusly:

You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience – wanting – in your reality.

The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude.

When you thank God in advance for that which choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there…in effect. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to God; an affirmation that every before you ask, I have answered.

Therefore never supplicate. Appreciate.

Neale: “But what if I am grateful to God in advance for something, and it never shows up? That could lead to disillusionment and bitterness.”

God: “Gratitude cannot be used as a tool with which to manipulate God; a device with which to foll the universe. You cannot lie to yourself. Your mind knows the truth of your thoughts. If you are saying “Thank you God, for such and such,” all the while being very clear that it isn’t there in your present reality, you can’t expect God to be less clear than you, and so produce it for you.

God knows what you know, what you know appears as your reality.”

Neale: “But then how can I be truly grateful for something I know is not there?”

God: “Faith. If have but the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move mountains. You come to know it is there because I said it is there; because I said that, even before you ask, I shall have answered; because I said, have said to you in every conceivable way, through every teacher you can name, that whatsoever you choose, choosing it in My Name, so shall it be.”

Skipping ahead a bit, because this is where I want to go with this discussion. :^).

Neale: “When you say that a prayer is a statement of what is so, are you saying that God does nothing; that everything which happens after a prayer is a result of the prayer’s action?”

God: “If you believe that God is some omnipotent being who hears all prayers, says “yes” to some “no” to others, and “maybe, but now now” to the rest, you are mistaken. By what rule of thumb would God decide? If you believe that God is the creator and decider of all things in your life, you are mistaken.

God is the observer, not the creator. And God stands ready to assist you in living your life, but not in the way you might expect.

It is not God’s function to create, or uncreate, the circumstances of your life. God created you, in the image and likeness of God. You have created the rest, through the power God has given you. God created the process of life and life itself as you know it. Yet God gave you free choice, to with life as you will.

In this sense, your will for you is God’s will for you.

You are living your life the way you are living your life, and I have no preference in the matter.

This is the grand illusion in which you have engaged: that God cares one way or another what you do.

I do not care what you do, and that is hard for you to hear. Yet do you care what your children do when you send them out to play? Is it is a matter of consequence to you whether they play tag, or hide and seek, or pretend? No, it is not, because you know they are perfectly safe. You have placed them in an environment which you consider friendly and very okay.

Of course, you will always hope that they do not hurt themselves. And if they do, you will be right there to help them, heal them, allow them to feel safe again, to be happy again, to go and play again another day. But whether they choose to hide and seek or pretend will not matter to you the next day, either.You will tell them, of course, which games are dangerous to play. But you cannot stop your children from doing dangerous things. Now always. Not forever. Not in every moment from now until death. It is the wise parent who know this. Yet the parent never stops caring deeply about the outcome. It is this dichotomy – not caring deeply about the process but, caring deeply about the result – that comes close to describing the dichotomy of God.

Yet God, in a sense, does not even care about the outcome. Not the ultimate outcome. This is because the ultimate outcome is assured.

And this is the second great illusion of man: that the outcome of life is in doubt.”

And this is where I’m going to leave this particular story. I’ll come back to it, because there is more to it, much more to it. The point God makes here is what I think the light experiences are about. He has given us the universe in which to “play” the game of life, as wish. We are doing that. We have been doing that. Our “leaders” want us to believe the ultimate outcome of life is in doubt. That is how they keep us in fear, and by keeping us afraid, they retain their power over us. By feeding us stories about hell and the devil from our earliest years do they keep us in their thrall. Our fear allows them the power to play the game the way they wish, with global wars, internecine wars, global tensions, us against them. And what did Jesus say about this? A house divided against itself cannot stand. Luke 11:17. And where is the leader preaching unity? On this planet, I mean? Where is the one saying we must come together as one people to solve the problems of this one world? Nowhere to be found.

If the relative universe is our playground, and if when our time on this playground ends, the outcome is assured, if we ALL go back whence we came and wake in the comfort and safety and love that fills our true home, then what we do here does not “matter” in any sense but in how we conduct ourselves here, what we learn of ourselves here, even if that learning is what we are not. Those lights, the glimpse I had of what I am sure is my real home, for me prove that this “life” is the illusion. The truth is what I felt in those moments. And if I am that truth, then the small part of me that is here, that gets upset, that is bothered by small things and large, is simply me experiencing what I am not. So that when I am home again, I will understand better the greater truth of who I really am. Experience IS our greatest teacher, is it not? Now there are some who will say that this line of thinking gives carte blanche to behavior of any sort. And to be honest, one must answer yes, it does. But we also have the right, the ability to re-member here, Who We Really Are, and join together to bring opportunities and love to each other, to protect each other from those wolves who walk among us. They show us who we are not too. But we have the right to protect ourselves, and our children, from them, even as they have the right to be as they are. Because I believe, that in the end, far more of us here to experience love than not, and that the greater good is something we care about and a desire for peace and a loving sharing of this experience is what most of us come here to have. So we go about our lives, doing what we can, as we can, loving each other, giving of ourselves to each other, and protecting each other from the wolves. It is in identifying those wolves in sheep’s clothing that discernment lies. Oh, some are easy to spot, they are at the front of the pack carrying swords and rifles and shouting about how we must do the other side harm before they do it to us. Or standing in front of a congregation telling those seated in front of them that everyone not in those pews is going to hell.

We have choices here, we have free will here, and we can, I believe recognize the truth of who we really are. It is a matter of simply re-membering. CWG, books 1 and 2, are a wonderful beginning. But only a beginning. There is a long path yet to walk, but I believe the world is ready to start that journey. I believe the world is tired of the carnage our political, religious and business “leaders” have wrought on the planet and on us. I believe we are ready to choose love as the answer to the many questions we face. I believe a time is coming when we will rise together and stop those who would force their twisted view of God on us at sword or rifle point, when, we, the people will say, enough bloodshed and seek solutions to our problems that ennoble us, enrich us, bring us together as children of the one who created us all. We need not play hide and seek from each other any longer. Let’s just play seek. And let love win this time. I’m going to talk a lot more about this. About how we can do this, we, the people who control nothing, in the end control everything, if we refuse to submit to the god of fear being forced down our throats around this world by bloody, violent men who care about nothing but their power. But not tonight. Tonight, though, one thing we can ALL know is that this is not all there is, regardless what happens here, we have a loving home which we have never really left and to which we will surely return. That is what the lights are about. There is no need for fear when the outcome is assured. And it is. I know it is. There is no hell. There never was. There never will be. The worst we can possibly experience, we do right here on earth when we separate ourselves from the love that created us and forget He has never left us and that She is still watching us and will be welcoming us home with open arms when this life’s drama is done. We can’t lose and since we can’t lose, fear need not be our constant companion. We’re SO much better when we love. Life is so much better. We ALL know this. We just need to practice what we already know. We can. I believe we will. There are many more of us than there are wolves. I promise. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Horoscopes, lol, and an idea.

October 7th, 2007

Maybe that should be horrorscopes, depending on the perspective. The Internet is full of psychics, and it has always been an interest of mine, seeing into the future. But I wouldn’t take the word of someone who alleged psychic abilities, yet couldn’t identify me by name to start with. Not suspicious in the slightest. Practical. I like to know what I’m dealing with before I deal with, which is where my habit of finding out as much as I can about a thing, any thing, before approaching it comes in. I’m most uncomfortable with nebulous ideas, thoughts and people. I define that as uncertain, unconfident, or overly broad. So this morning as I have been going through my ‘scopes, I have been looking for common themes. Just to see if there are any. And what possible use any such could have.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your level of anticipation is high, but you aren’t confident enough to trust your impulses today. Instead of taking a risk, you’ll probably play it more conservatively for now. After all, you aren’t interested in a flash in the pan; you would rather build on what you already have, while waiting for the real stuff.

This one is introduced by this statement:

Where one person hurts, so does another. That’s the empathic power of Venus, connecting single hearts with the global heart. As Venus moves into Virgo today, the insensitivities of humanity don’t go unnoticed. Some say we’re spiritual beings learning to be human. As she graciously gilds our imperfection with kindness, Venus surely agrees.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Relax! Molehills tend to resemble mountains right now, but your problem isn’t as taxing as it appears.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)
You have a lot of creative energy today, yet it may be difficult to find a way to express it. Your most original thinking may have to stay within your mind for now, as words may fall short of conveying your thoughts. Don’t fret about this, though, for your best ideas will continue to mature until they are ready for sharing.

Sunday, Oct 07, 2007

Your worries and concerns could span a wide range of issues today. And you might find yourself a little lacking in self-confidence right now. Don’t be afraid to be a little skeptical today. Just remember that if something sounds unbelievable, then it probably is.
And be sure to avoid any kind of speculation or idle gossip the best you can right now because it’s only likely to bounce back in your direction. Just be aware that other people might not fully understand your intentions today.

You still may be feeling a little uncertain about a few issues and might find that you’re having a bit of a hard time making certain decisions right now. Give yourself a break and just hang in there until the obvious answers start to present themselves.

Welcome to Your Daily Forecast for Oct 7, 2000

You’re wired for sound, and not feeling at all patient with anyone who’s dragging their heels, especially if there’s work to be done. Here’s a tip: to avoid confrontation, work alone.

That crowd forming around you consists of fans, all of whom are lining up to catch a glimpse of you. It’s up to you to keep them at bay while still holding on to their everlasting love and admiration.

Even if you’ve always worked a certain way, you’ll need to rethink that now. Try what you’ve only dared to think of before. Bet it works.

Whether they’re nice about it or not won’t matter. You’ll know if you’re being rejected, and you won’t take kindly to it.

Then this comes from a dear friend:

“The Paradox of Our Time”

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more but enjoy less.

We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences but less time; we have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge but less judgment; more experts yet more problems; more medicine but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life, we’ve added years to life not life to years.

We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We’ve done larger things, but not better things.

We’ve cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We’ve conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but accomplish less. We’ve learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; big men and small character; steep profits and shallow relationships. These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses but broken homes.

These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway morality, one-night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer to quiet, to kill.

It is a time when there is much in the show window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share this insight, or to just hit delete.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.

Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent.

Remember, to say “I love you” to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there. Give time to love, give time to speak, give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. To all my friends in my life, thanks for being there!

Yesterdays were all the same. All about something coming. Now all my life I’ve been happiest when anticipating something arriving. I don’t know why but when that isn’t true, I feel empty from within, the world goes gray and so do I. Which is why I need the actual ‘SAD’ lights my in home or the gray of winter’s short days worms its way into my very soul. Despite the cheery words of horoscopes though, what I feel within is that grayness. I’m not sure reading about Mother Teresa’s struggles with the darkness is actually helping, I’m finding I can only take so much of that in one sitting and then I need to set it down and find something of greater cheer to balance the feeling I absorb from her writings. I know these next two years are important for me but I am having a difficult time connecting that spiritual feeling with the reality of the world around me. I suppose that is some sort of balance thing, but patience has just never been my real strength. And it isn’t now either. I don’t feel a sense of urgency because of my age, I don’t really feel my age at all, but I have grown weary of this “something” Jenna talks so much of, always being coming, never being actually here. And I am not sure what to do with that, it is that unsureness that is producing this feeling of ennui of late. That, and the reality I live in, that I see reflected around me. Maybe I’m just a little depressed because I see another campaign season coming with those endless attacks on our soul from the anonymous right wing and their ceaseless little ads that just eat away at ones heart because they attack in such insidious ways ones psyche. Another year of “swift boat” attack ads on people who only want to make our world better for all of us from people who only want to pile up more money and power for themselves.

Wouldn’t it be a miraculous world if we could get past all that, and get all of us pulling in the same direction? We can quibble on the details as we need, but to at least get us all facing the same direction on issues that shouldn’t be controversial. I mean how can anyone be against children’s health care, how can philosophical questions about the “wisdom” of government operated health care be used to prevent so many people from having ANY health care. Employers, even large ones struggle with this issue now, in my own situation, health care costs are rising 12% for 2008. If large employers struggle with this, and they do, how can smaller enterprises hope to deal with such on their own? Employers have been THE main source of health care for Americans for 60 plus years, and now the costs are so ridiculously high, their answer is to shove more of those off onto their employees who already struggle with the cost of prescriptions, copays and family coverage premiums? Yet “socialized medicine” is made to sound the like greatest evil ever invented. Michael Moore’s documentary, Sicko, shows that this system WORKS, all around the world. Yet here we resist it as if it were the devil himself offering it up in exchange for our souls. And we already know that isn’t true, or at least I do. There is no devil, and there is no hell, but we can certainly manage to create conditions here that emulate the worst of the lies that are told about that on Sunday mornings. Those conditions exist in many places around the world. And we, here in America, don’t even care about reducing our environmental poisons in the slightest. We make the most heavily polluting cars on the planet and all we care about it is selling more of them.

Where are the people who would put people before profits hiding? Why can’t they find a common voice and teach the American public the truth. We MUST lead the way in this area, Kyoto is just the smallest of beginnings and we have to be part of it. Medicare works, it isn’t perfect, but it works, and to extend it to the rest of the country would not be the evil that the republican party insists it would be. It would make health care available to all of us. There are MANY successful models around the world to emulate, we do NOT have to invent the wheel to do this. We only have to acquire the will to do this. How can such a church-going nation care so little about so many people? How can this nation so consistently put dollars before people? It is enough to make one a little disillusioned from time to time. Just once in my life time, I’d like to see the stock market react badly when a new ceo famous for cutting jobs is installed at some fortune 500 company because it recognized that all of those jobs that are now in immediate jeopardy represent PEOPLE not stock market numbers. That though the company may struggle to redefine itself and become more profitable it must do so in ways that do not harm its workforce. Putting people on the street is NOT good management and that the stock market rewards such behavior is evidence of the sickness of soul that lies at the heart of the American economic model. I am not advocating socialism or communism or anything of the sort. I am advocating humanism. People before dollars. We CAN do this, we need simply begin thinking in a new way, rewarding those whose conscience requires them to first protect the people who produce the products and find new ways to make production more profitable, whose first reaction to a crisis is not to fire people, but reorganize the way they do business, in ways that protect their workforce. THAT is how business will regain the loyalty of its employees, when it begins to demonstrate, as once it did, that they CARE about their employees first and foremost. When they engage their workforce in finding solutions, they’ll find their workforce able and willing to help them. It is a mistake of gigantic proportions to think that ideas can only be found in boardrooms and in firing the people who make the products that make the company profitable. America needs to find its soul. And remember that it is our relations with each other that are important, that when one of us succeeds, we all succeed. We ARE in this life together, we need remember that and starting living that truth. Unity is what we need, not separation. Get us all pulling on the rope in the same direction and we can move the world. I hope we find one candidate next year who can bring that idea to the forefront and help our country recover its sense of national purpose and dedicate our efforts to helping all of us, not just some of us. Who will work to bring us together, not work to deepen the differences we have now. If we keep deepening those valleys between us, eventually we’ll split this planet in half, and none of us survive that. I believe the rest of the world is waiting for our leadership in human terms. And I think it is time we showed them that we are not people of war but people of love. The world will respond to that sort of leadership. Let’s make the “paradox of our times” 2008’s campaign platform. We’ll all win if we do, I promise. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Reality check

October 5th, 2007

Yesterday, I mentioned in passing, that one of the places, jenna leaves messages for me is where she knows I’ll see them. Well, one of the things I’ve read every day for, oh I suppose it is going on 42 years, less the three I spent in the Army, is the astrology column in the StarTribune. NOT, as I said, because I give any credence whatsoever to astrology as a science, but as an entertainment medium, I enjoy it. And, she has led me to some very interesting places in recent years with it, not as prescience but as a way of pointing things out to me. Well, each day, for many years, this particular one has been, interesting to say the least. As I said, it is one thing she knows I will see every day. It gives her another way to open my eyes, which as my Ansir profile clearly points out, can sometimes be shut very tightly as I’m locked into my own inner vision. So this from today’s paper I found amusing.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If you are poster child for anything, it’s common sense, common honesty and common dignity, the most beautiful virtues to grace a poster. And in practice, it turns out that those qualities produce something uncommon indeed.

And yes, I’m going to tell you why. :^).

In the ANSIR realms, I am Thinking: Healer, Working: Philosopher, and Emoting: Extremist. There are but four of us in the 450,000 plus who’ve taken their profile test who match this profile, for the longest time until somewhere upwards of 300,000, I was the only one. For me, the combination could not be more perfect, for in the in the simplest terms it tells the truth of me. And Holiday Mathis, the author of the Strib column, has captured what I believe, perfectly today. Common sense – what good does anything produce if it makes no sense spiritually, physically or economically? Common honesty, well the philosopher in me asks what other kind is there? And how could one accomplish anything if no one could believe what you say? Or believe that you believe it anyway? And, if you have noticed a common theme throughout this blog, it is that I believe most strongly that EVERYONE deserves common dignity. THAT is why I’ve reproduced the quote from Hubert Humphrey about the moral test for government a couple times. Everyone, regardless their particular circumstance, deserves to be treated with common dignity. In my career, so far, I have been in public service, and one of the things I look for when I hire is people who believe that even the poorest of the poor must be treated with common dignity, especially they, for they have the most fear. I put those three principles into my every day. I think our world would be a better place if everyone did. And, if I could, I’d make ’em – THAT’s the extremist in me, giggle. Yes, I know, free will, blah blah blah. And I buy that theory too. But still, if there were three values I could make all parents teach their children from the moment of conception, it would be those three I’d choose because the outcome of all them together is love, unconditional love for self and all others. If you live in that state, you do not become a terrorist, you do not try to impose your values on the rest of the world, you do not wish to have that which comes at the expense of another and you treat everyone as you would have yourself be treated. So where’s the harm in that? :^)

Now, I didn’t say that is the only one I read each day, jen’s led me to a variety of places over the years, and so I get a handful of these each day. Not every one, every day speaks to me, but often, there is a spark of an idea, or a glimmer of hope, in each one; they are nuggets in a way, that I can use as I begin my day. Yesterday I talked about waking dreams and having this feeling of being on the cusp of something? So today into my inbox wanders this:

August 23-September 22 Friday, Oct 05, 2007
Don’t under-estimate your own abilities today. You may be feeling like others are a little more in control of your destiny right now. Just remember that you’re probably quite capable of working hard and devoting yourself to achieving some larger and more important goals at this time.

You might also have the feeling that many things may soon be about to change for you, and you may very well be right. Just try not to allow fear or guilt to cloud your mind and hold you back right now.

Then, this one, You may not be totally happy about your position right now, but remember that it’s only temporary. If it doesn’t feel that way, look around for small signs that things are getting ready to change.

And there is no doubt this one is true too. It is fear, and yes, some guilt, that has clouded my mind, particularly since my son’s death 10 1/2 years ago, the long dark night of the soul I’ve spoken of here and on my main site. I’ve been working on releasing those things for quite some time, it is they which have caused the sleepless nights the past 9 years. Progress can be slow, and some of that is very hard to let go of, it has been part of me so long, but to move on, it is necessary to shed the past, as Sarah explains in Full of Grace, “its just that we stayed too long in the same old sickly skin”, and let love and hope be born afresh each day. I find that easier to do first thing in the morning. Gets a little harder as the day exacts its toll for passage, sometimes. And some days I lose the battle entirely, but the “war” for my soul can’t be lost, the outcome is assured, the light experiences prove that to me, for me, so fear just can’t ever win me over. When you don’t fear death, I mean really don’t fear what comes next in the slightest, it changes your outlook on what happens here. Or it does for me. The extremist part of me might feel that way anyway, even though in my early years, well heaven and hell were always part of the thought process, I couldn’t avoid that given the circumstances into which I was born. But there came a day, between the light experiences, between the white globe and the golden, when I let go of that fear too. The philosopher part of me had been thinking, okay, if this guy, the devil has as his sole purpose the purchase of my soul, then why does that rascal make himself so hard to find? I mean, watch the movies, you gotta draw pentagrams on the floor, light candles, do chants, all sorts of machinations to get this guy who wants ME, no matter the cost, to show up at all.

Well, I thought, if he really wants ME, he’s going to have work a little harder than that, and I am certainly NOT going to do that work for him. So, one evening, okay late, late, late one evening, and after a few more than a couple beers, while out walking in the middle of the night – which I am still prone to doing quite often, walking in the middle of the night I mean, what the hell else do you do when you can’t sleep? So, I sat down on a bench and invited him to come visit. Said we could start a negotiation, tell me what he had to offer, I was willing to listen. Never showed up that night. Nor any other night. So when I read in book 1, God saying there is no such entity, well, I wasn’t exactly shocked, lol. The devil, hell, is just another invention of men to control other men, and women and children too. Something to threaten us with if we don’t let them tell us what to do and pay them for the privilege. What a racket THOSE guys have going. They’re the ones pleading poverty and getting rich through paying no taxes on real estate, or anything else, and STILL pleading poverty – those abuse settlements have hurt them, I guess. I despise those hypocrites every bit as much as did Jesus in his day.

So, reality check. I come home from work tonight to find that not only has my “health” plan decided that complicated bereavement is not a medical condition but they have billed me $1500 for the pleasure of finding a way to finally sleep for a few hours again. So, I canceled my Monday appt with the good sleep doctor. Then, I find a message from my remaining son, who’s lost his job because he is in the middle of an ugly divorce and having to stay home to take care of his children, both of whom have asthma, one as severely as does he, was not important to his employer, only his presence was, and now he has had his appeal for unemployment benefits denied because he accepted their “severance or be fired package”. Now about THAT I have no guilt, the asthma did not come from my side of the family, that comes from his mom – and it isn’t as if she could help it. Even that is sort of a joke. I think the reason so many kids have auto-immune diseases, asthma, autism, ADD, is because of the environmental poisons we have been spewing into the air and pouring onto our farm lands since the end of WWII (the war to end all wars, it turns out, only ended Hitler, it continues to exact its human toll to this very moment) and I understand how Neale felt in those moments he raged at God in the beginning of book 1. The only difference, really, between us, is that God spoke to him. And he found a way to help himself and those he loved, indeed found new love himself. Me? I have a gentle loving voice who sings to me and doesn’t even have a Visa card. So? Astrology? Fun. But it reflects my own reality no better than anything else.

What I would really like to do is find this key that turns on this big creation machine we are, book 1, and use it to make a difference. Not for me. I, honest to god, do not care about me, I’ve been here 58 years and certainly have served out whatever useful purpose, or sentence, lol, I came here to serve. But there are so many things “wrong” here, that could be made “right” so easily. And we haven’t the will to even try. Somehow, for some reason, I feel guilt about that too. What will it take to make a difference I wonder? A real difference. A little difference doesn’t matter to me. The Extremist in me doesn’t notice little differences. The Philosopher cares enormously about the state of this planet’s mental health. And the Healer in me is filled with tears that no one seems to really care one way or the other about anything except themselves and what advantage they might gain from whatever alliance they make today. I think I may have just defined the word conundrum. So, here, in the early evening, I am left hoping tomorrow dawns with hope, because for this evening I need spend some time alone with my tears and my jenna and see if there is any sense to be made of this at all. I’m not interested this night in flowery language and lofty ideals. But I could use an an idea. That would be good. Maybe by the time I take my 2 am walk, I’ll have one. If you have one? Let me know. g’nite all, much love, :^) gene.

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene


October 4th, 2007

“I thought that dreams belonged to other men
Cause each time I got close, they fall apart again!”

Two lines from a song called Almost Paradise. I’ve told you, here, and on my main site, that jenna often sings to me during the day, in fact, often she begins something as I rise from bed, it will change during the day, sometimes, today it didn’t. Those two lines all morning. Which got me thinking about what I wrote yesterday, or quoted, regarding our ability to realize our waking dreams.

And, so, tonight I want to talk a little in human terms about yesterday’s post, which was more in Godly terms, I suppose one would have to say, than human, considering He, through Neale, did most of the talking. There was once a column that used to run in the St. Paul paper by a man whose name I found on Google, Bob Talbert, called, “things I learned while looking up other things”, for some odd reason I had his name tangled with another man, also long passed on, which I happen to remember because he wrote the first book I ever read about astrology, one I bought and read as a teen – my curiosity knows no boundaries, nor has it ever. :^) I BEGAN reading with a full-sized children’s bible, pictures but lots of text; my favorite story was Daniel in the Lion’s Den, from there I moved on to comic books, giggle. Not such a leap as I look back on it from the perspective I have this day. I guess what I mean to say is that I have always found truth wherever I was, or it found me. That is not to say I believe astrology to be an exact science. Or a science at all, but as God pointed out in book 1, His messages are everywhere – a brief quote, from an earlier post.

Page 5, of book 1, “And so I will continue sending you the same messages over and over again, throughout the millennia and to whatever corner of the universe you occupy. Endlessly will I send you My messages, until you have received them, and held them close, calling them your own.

My messages will come in a hundred forms, at a thousand moments, across a million years. You cannot miss them if you truly listen. You cannot ignore them once truly heard. Thus will our communication begin in earnest. For in the past you have only talked to Me, beseeching Me. Yet now I can talk back to you, even as I am doing here.”

Then, Book 1, page 58: The last paragraph, and the last quote for today too, I didn’t say the last word, that is mine, giggle, and it follows immediately. God says: “So go ahead now. Ask Me anything. Anything. I will contrive to bring you the answer. The whole universe will I use to do this. So be on the lookout. This book is far from My only tool. You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your ear – all these devices are mine; all these avenues are open to Me, I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there, All ways.”

So I look at a lot of things, every day, and see what meaning, if any, they might have for me. Ideas can be sparked from anywhere, within as well as without. I pay attention, and there ARE things I see every day, and my jenna knows this, and she does not restrict her communication with me to her voice within me at all. She, too, uses all sort of communication mediums and tools. She sings to me, always the perfect song, the perfect lyric, in just the moment I need hear it, sometimes a very dark moment indeed, but I can hear her through the darkness, perfectly, though I cannot sing a note, she sings things I haven’t heard in years, perfectly in tune. And, she draws my attention to other things, usually things I would have otherwise not noticed, nor paid heed. When I “miss” something, she tends to internally whack me upside the head, until I DO see whatever it is she wants me to see, then we talk, or she does, and gives me an idea, or an application or a possibility. So far, she’s been right. I say so far, because as I’ve said before I do not have a crystal ball, nor do I “see” the future in any way that could be of immediate use – in fact, sadly, quite the opposite. I DO have visions of what is to come here on this planet but those are so far off as to have no meaning to anyone but me and I have no desire to be a modern day Nostradamus, so I will leave behind no predictions. They would be useless anyway because humanity, each and every soul, will write their own scripts for their lives and time, even as do I.

Where I began this thought was with that long ago columnist who wrote about “things I learned while looking up other things”. :^). This could be, should be, my own motto. Because most of my “education” has come about in exactly that way. I call it pulling threads. I start with one idea in mind, find something else interesting along the way, pull that thread, which leads me to something else entirely and soon I am hopelessly lost among the various windows I have opened (the internet makes this WAY too easy – Wikipedia for example, giggle, is a forest of information in which I often find myself lost amongst the trees, fortunately browsers make it easy to find my way back “home”, I don’t have to leave a pile of rocks or mark a red X on any trees to do so, though as I think about it, one of the things I never did while wandering the woods of the farm I grew up was get lost, I always knew where I was in relation to home. And, in all truth, I still do, in many different ways.

I guess, I’m too restless for formal education, giggle. I’m not hyperactive in that way, at least not on the outside, but within, interest never flags, never tires. And I multi-task quite well, I always have, or maybe that is just a short attention span. :^) Anways, so now we come to those two lines that began this :^) In case anyone was wondering whether I was ever coming back to them at all. It is a song Jenna has been playing in my mind all day. She really does do this often, I’ve grown to love it. Which is odd, because I used to just hate it when a song would get stuck in my head as a kid, I grew to loathe some very good songs because of that.

But, of late, I’ve been feeling the way those two lines put it. As if I’m on the cusp of something, and each time I think I’m close to whatever it is that is trying to break loose, the dream falls apart again, like the wisp it was. I love the astronomy pic of the day from NASA (sometime search their archives on the word starbirth – you will be amazed at what you see), yesterdays picture 10/3/2007 Picture of the Day was a little movie of a comet (which as I think of it, looked amazingly like a sperm) racing past the sun and having its tail blown off by a gust of solar wind. Fortunately, or perhaps not, I’m not sure it matters, the comets tail regenerates. But this happens to me too, I feel on the verge of something and whoosh my tail gets blown off, giggle, I guess it regenerates too, or it so far has always anyway, not sure what happens if one day it doesn’t.

They are singing about “waking dreams” but I’m not really sure dreams “belong” to anyone, I certainly don’t experience sleeping dreams, (when I remember them which is VERY rare – for a reason, I’ll probably talk about here someday) as predictive, although perhaps waking dreams are sometimes, or can be, if we choose to create them. Perhaps those dreams are how we create the circumstances of our lives, or fail to do so. Failing to have waking dreams at all is, to me, akin to having ones tail blown off by an existential wind, leaving one for a time, rudderless, like a boat with no pilot slowly circling until it crashes on the shore or its motor runs out of gas.

The question all of this leaves me with is one posed in CWG, do we want to be the cause of our life, or the effect of it? That is the choice we have, that we make each day. Somedays I choose better than others. Maybe the key to leaving a lasting mark on this world, if that is a goal for any of you, is being sure that each day begins with the rudder in your own hand. Easier said than done.

So, why did this come up? Well, I got my copy of Mother Teresa’s book the other day and have started through it. I mentioned in a previous post that I had not much real respect for her until I saw an article on this book. I have always mistrusted, instinctively, religion and those proponents of it who insist every day is gospel and joy, when the evidence of my own existence so clearly demonstrates, to me, that they are blowing smoke because not only do I not see that reflected in the world around me, I don’t believe THEY believe it either, it is just part of the package they are selling.

So, this article, which talked about her doubts and fears and crises of faith, gave me a new respect for her, because I know about long dark nights of the soul as you will have seen from my main site, I’ve spent much of the last 10 years in one of my own. So I felt a kinship with her that nothing I had heard or read before created. I’ve barely made a dent in this book, but my respect for her is growing by the page. The first thing I read as I opened it for the first time was this little quote, sorry about lying about the last quote above, I meant from CWG, :^).

The impression I got was that I was dealing with a woman who somehow saw God and felt God in the distress of the poor, and a woman who had an incredible faith in light and darkness. She saw the suffering of the Christ, but it was not that she was taken up in ecstasy or things like that – that was not part of her life, although people might be tempted to think that….I really believe the reason Mother Teresa had to undergo so much darkness in her life is that it would bring about a greater identification with the poor.”

Waking dreams are hard to come by and harder to hold on to. But they signify hope and without that, for me, life here is empty. So even though they fall apart on the edge of manifestation, I can retain the ability to choose again each new morning, to rekindle that hope as I move through my day, that this time, maybe this time, the cusp will bring with it not another gust of etheric wind with which to shear my dream from my soul. And perhaps, if by evening the wisp that was my waking dream has once again eluded my grasp, that overnight my tail, my waking dream regrows. So far, most days, that has been true. The darkest of my days in the year following my son’s death, well I survived those, and still hope survives in me, though my experience of faith is no more than Neale’s as described yesterday, weak and wavering.  Still I think, today, perhaps, my own waking dream comes to be. That is what gets me up each morning and through each day. Is that faith, do you think? Or foolishness? Does it matter? It gets me through the day. It gives me hope for a better tomorrow. Maybe that hope is what we all need to focus on. Maybe if we could all just do that, we could turn the tide on our battered and bloody planet and reverse course for its battered and bloody people. That’s a waking dream worth having, I think. I hasten to say that is NOT the dream I pursue each day that eludes, though surely, it must be part of it in some way. So I am going to keep that faith of the mustard seed, knowing only that I must land and take root to be what I came here to be. That is all that is required of the flowers of the field, why would our creator ask more of us than to take root and bloom? So each day, so far, I choose that. I hope that can be so for you too, each day a fresh waking dream of love and finding your own truth within. Now, tonight, I am going to get much better acquainted with Mother Teresa. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

A pause for a political message.

October 4th, 2007

This news release from yesterday speaks for itself. Nonetheless I have a couple words following it. :^)

The Honorable Charles B. Rangel, Chairman
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Contact: J. Jioni Palmer or Matthew Beck (202) 225-8933
Rangel Responds to President’s Veto of SCHIP
WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) issued the following statement today after President George W. Bush vetoed legislation to improve the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).
“No matter what the president says, the basic question the American people are going to ask is, were you with the children of this great nation or not?

“The president has chosen to stand between 10 million needy children and a doctor’s office. This veto marks the death knell for compassionate conservatism.

“Not only does it show a callous disregard for our nation’s children, it is ill-conceived and shortsighted. Not only is it fiscally irresponsible, it is morally reprehensible.

“SCHIP is a good program, and I hope Republicans in Congress will take the wind out from the president’s wings and deliver a victory for the children of this great nation.”

Who is served: The State Children’s Health Insurance Program, enacted in 1997, is designed to subsidize health coverage for families that earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford private insurance.
Eligibility: Most states cap eligibility at $41,228 for a family of four. The bill would have raised that level to $61,842.
Cost: The federal government now spends about $5 billion a year on SCHIP. The bill would have raised that to $12 billion.

$190 billion to kill Iraqi’s, but not $12 billion to provide health care to our own children.  Now THAT is compassionate conservatism.   The tricky thing with Conservatives, a stratagem President Bush has become a master of, is saying one thing and doing another.  While he speaks compassionately, even passionately, in public about love and faith and helping others, what he does in private is where his true soul shows.  And this is perfect evidence of that.  I don’t think he is going to have to worry about a rapid beatification process once he’s gone back behind the curtain.

Who creates our life circumstances?

October 3rd, 2007

I mean whose fault is this all anyway? Book 1 has a few thoughts about this that I want to share with you tonight. :^) And I might have a comment or two of my own after this excerpt. This is actually a little premature and I had intended to come to this a while down the road, but the topic came up in a conversation with a friend and so I decided since I’d already gone to the “work” of typing this out, I’d just do this now. But with a bit more of the conversation added. So this is a bit bigger excerpt than I will normally do, well, I don’t know if that is true exactly, not being able to see into the future very well as of yet, giggle, but I suspect it is. And I want to use something else from that conversation here too, at the end though, because it is the truth of it all. :^)

Neale has been crabbing about how his life had gone, and he did live an interesting life, no doubt, with his fair share of ups and downs, book 1 came at a very down period in his life. He told God that it was hard to get to his “God space” when he’d lost his job, the rent needed paying, the kids needed a dentist, and being in any sort of lofty space didn’t really seem to be a likely way to deal with any of his problems. The “you” so often referenced is Neale, of course, but it is not as well, it is YOU, too, and me, and anyone who finds their way into this Conversation With God, Neale was the vehicle of its deliverance into our hands, and the you, is we.

So God says: “Do not forsake me when you need Me most. Now is the hour of your greatest testing. Now is the time of your greatest chance. It is the chance to prove everything that is written here.

When I say “don’t forsake Me, ” I sound like needy, neurotic God we talked about. But I’m not. you can “forsake me” all you want. I don’t care, and it won’t change a thing between us. I merely say this in answer to your questions. Is when the going gets tough that you so often forget Who You Are, and the tools I have given you for creating the life you would choose.

Now is the time to go to your God space more than ever. First, it will bring you great peace of mind – and from a peaceful mind do great ideas flow – ideas which could be solutions to the biggest problems you imagine yourself to have.

Second, it is in your God space that you Self realize, and that is the purpose – the only purpose of your soul.

When you are in your God space, you know and you understand that all you are experiencing now is temporary. I tell you that heaven and Earth shall pass away, but you shall not. This ever-lasting perspective helps you to see things in their proper light.

You can define these present conditions and circumstances as what they truly are: temporary and temporal. You may then use them as tools – for that is what they are, temporary, temporal tools – in the creation of present experience.

Just who do you think you are? In relationship to the experience called lose-a-job, who do you think you are? And, perhaps more to the point, who do you think I am? Do you imagine this is too big a problem for Me to solve? Is getting out of this jam too big a miracle for Me to handle? I understand that you may think it’s too big for you for you to handle, even with all the tools I have given you – but do you really think it’s too big for Me?”

Neale says: “I know intellectually that no job is too big for God. But emotionally I guess I can’t be sure. Now whether You can handle it, but whether you will.”

God: “I see. So it is a matter of faith.”

Neale: “Yes.”

God: “You don’t question My ability, you merely doubt My desire.

Neale: “You see, I still live this theology that says there may be a lesson in here somewhere for me. I’m still not sure I’m supposed to have a solution. Maybe I’m supposed to have the problem. Maybe this is one of those “tests” my theology keeps telling me about. So I worry that this problem may not be solved. That this is one of those You’re going to let me hang her with…”

God: “Perhaps this is a good time to go over once more how it is I interact with you, because you think it is a question of My desire, and I’m telling you it’s a question of yours.

I want for you what you want for you. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t sit here and make a judgment, request by request, whether something should be granted you.

My law is the law of cause and effect, not the law of We’ll See. there is nothing you can’t have if you choose it. Even before you ask, I will have given it to you. Do you believe this?”

Neale: “No. I’m sorry. I’ve seen too many prayers go unanswered.”

God: “Don’ be sorry. Just always stay with the truth – the truth of your experience. I understand that. I honor that. That’s okay with Me.”

Neale: “Good, because I don’t believe what whatever I ask, I get. My life has not been a testimony to that. In fact, I rarely get what I ask for. When I do, I consider myself damned lucky.”

God: “That’s an interesting choice of words. You have an option, it seems,. In your life, you can either be damned lucky, or you can be blessing lucky. I’d rather you be blessing lucky – but, of course I’ll never interfere with your decisions.

I tell you this: You always get what you create, and you are always creating.

I do not make a judgment about the creations that you conjure, I simply empower you to conjure more – and more and more and more. If you don’t like what you’ve just created, choose again. My job, as God, is to always give you that opportunity.

Now you are telling Me that you haven’t always gotten what you’ve wanted. Yet I am here to tell you that you’ve always gotten what you called forth.

Your Life is always a result of your thoughts about it – including your obviously creative thought that you seldom get what you choose.

Now in this present instance you see yourself as the victim of the situation in the losing of your job. Yet the truth is you no longer chose that job. You stopped getting up in the morning in anticipation, and began getting up with dread. You stopped feeling happy about your work and began feeling resentment. You even began fantasizing doing something else.

You think these things mean nothing? You misunderstand your power. I tell you this: Your Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.

So what is your intention now? Do you intend to prove your theory that life seldom brings you what you choose? Or do you intend to demonstrate Who You Really Are and Who I Am?

Neale replies: I feel chagrined. Chastised. Embarrassed.

God responds: “Does that serve you? Why not simply acknowledge the truth when you hear it, and move toward it? There is no need to recriminate against yourself. Simply notice what you’ve been choosing and choose again.

Neale asks, “But why am I so ready to always choose the negative? And then to spank myself for it?”

God answers, “What can you expect? You were told from your earliest days that you’re “bad”. You accept that you were born in “sin”. Feeling guilty is a learned response. You’ve been told to feel guilty about yourself for things you did before you could do anything. You have been taught to feel shame for being born less than perfect.

This alleged state of imperfection in which you are said to have come into this world is what your religionists have the gall to call original sin. And it is original sin. But not yours. It is the first sin to be perpetrated upon you by a world which knows nothing of God if it thinks that God would – or could – create anything imperfect.

Some of your religions have built up whole theologies around this misconception. And that is what it is, literally: a misconception. For anything I conceive – that to which I give life – is perfect; a perfect reflection of Me.

Yet, in order to justify the idea of a punitive God, your religions needed to create something for Me to be angry about. So that even those people who lead exemplary live somehow need to be save. If they don’t need to be saved from themselves, then they need to be saved from their own built-in imperfection. So (these religions say) you’d better do something about all of this – and fast – or you’ll go straight to hell.

This, in the end, may do nothing to mollify a weird, vindictive, angry God, but it does give life to weird, vindictive, angry religions. Thus do religions perpetuate themselves. Thus does power remain concentrated in the hands of the few, rather than experienced through the hands of the many.

Of course you choose constantly the lesser thought, the smaller idea, the tiniest concept of yourself and your power, to say nothing of Me and Mine. You’ve been taught to.”

Neale asks, My God, how can I undo the teaching?

And God responds, “A good question, and addressed to just the right person!

You can undo the teaching by reading and re-reading this book. Over and over again, read it. Until you understand every passage. Until you’re familiar with every word. When you quote its passages to others, when you can bring its phrases to mind to mind in the midst of the darkest hour, then you will have undone the teaching.”

Now, I grant that was a good piece of work reading. And, that since it shows up on pages 116 through 120, that there is a bit of context missing for you. So go get the book, read it all, and see what you think. giggle. Rent it, borrow it, buy it. I fewer than 10 of you ask, I’ll buy it and send it to you, giggle. What comes before it is important. But the lesson God teaches in this piece is critically important. God does not send us here to create the circumstances of our lives for us. This is not His stage, it is ours. We come here to create our own masterpiece, whatever form that may take, from beggar in the street to CEO of a Fortune 500 company. We have multiple opportunities and everyone gets a turn at everything. This life is no accident, you didn’t just “end” up here. You came here with a purpose in mind. And you are living out that purpose. And you may change your mind at any time. What we make of life here IS up to us. In all moments and at all times. This little interchange between Neale Donald Walsch and God isn’t just about their relationship. God’s relationship to Neale is no different than His relationship to you, or to me. We all are His children. We all have the same opportunities. That we come here with some sort of agenda is true, we have in mind something to do, to remember, and as every movie needs every role, so do we all play our parts in this drama we call life. The challenge is to recognize this and then decide what part of it serves us and what does not. Then to move away from that which does not and toward that which does. For me, it is moving toward those lights, toward the feeling I had in their presence, nothing has ever so captivated me as those fleeting moments, I would recreate them in my every moment were I able. And perhaps that is my path, to find a way to BE able to do that. I don’t think I have to go “home” to do that. And even if I do, a life spent moving toward the light, to me, is worth the trip. I have found a piece of the truth of me, of US, and I pursue it relentlessly. Oh, hell, I have my Neale moments, we all do, but it is in choosing again that we proceed. Endless, infinite opportunity to choose again is one of God’s gifts to us all. Relationship is His greatest gift. We’re going to talk a lot more about that, relationship, in days to come, but this has grown long enough. I’ve joked with a friend that I don’t write books, I have no desire to do so, but I DO tend to write chapters, giggle. So I’m going to end this post with a request that you think about the excerpt I’ve quoted, and if any wish to take me up on my offer to gift you with book 1, please let me know, I’m no bookseller, but I am a bookgiver, giggle. Maybe that is my gift. And maybe there is more. I’ll choose when choosing need be done.

What I want to do is close this with a bit of dialog from Bones, if you’ve read anything else in here, you will know I love that show. There is very little I watch on network television, a literal handful of shows, but this is one that just engages me at my core. I love the music, I love the relationships, I love the science of it (Carl Sagan’s spirit, at least his questing spirit lives on in me) and I love watching the two main characters pretend to not know they are in love with each other. This particular episode was about a woman who had been part of a “terrorist’ group in the 70’s (it seemed to me a take off on a woman who was apprehended here in Minnesota a few years ago, her story in a way), who had been in hiding for 35 years, marrying, having a wonderful child and making a good life after what had been a horrible mistake. She was on her way to turn herself in and had written a letter to her daughter, explaining what she had done and what she was doing, being television, of course, she was murdered on her way to the police. The letter closed with these words: “Understanding, compassion, kindness and love are the only true revolutionary ideals, when we compromise those, we become what we despise and we lose our humanity.” I believe those words are gospel truth. Religion, politics and business separate us, divide us, teach us to demonize that which is different, ALL who are different than we. What we need now is not separation and division but unity, love, kindness, compassion and understanding. And to move toward the light that We Really Are. If I do only one thing with this blog and my main site, if I move even one soul toward the light, it will have all been worth it. Even if that soul is me. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

The Symptoms of Inner Peace

October 2nd, 2007

From Steve Goodier’s, Life Support Newsletter, another treasure worth sharing. :^)

by Saskia Davis, reprinted with permission of the author
(A note from the author follows today’s reading.)

Be on the lookout for symptoms of inner peace. The hearts of a great
many have already been expose to inner peace and it is possible that
people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions.
This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly
stable condition of conflict in the world.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

* A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based
on past experiences.

* An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.

* A loss of interest in judging other people.

* A loss of interest in judging self.

* A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.

* A loss of interest in conflict.

* A loss of the ability to worry. (This is a very serious symptom.)

* Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.

* Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.

* Frequent attacks of smiling.

* An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them

* An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well
as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.

WARNING: If you have some or all of the above symptoms, please be
advised that your condition of inner peace may be so far advanced as
to not be curable. If you are exposed to anyone exhibiting any of
these symptoms, remain exposed only at your own risk.

© 1984 Saskia Davis
———— —
A note from the author:

SYMPTOMS OF INNER PEACE was written from the state of being that it
describes. In fact, when I wrote it, I was high on Love. Not romantic
love, but the kind that confirms to us that we are connected to and
supported by the Universe. It had been eight years since I had taken
stock of my unsatisfying life and had committed myself to changing it
from the inside – out. This had meant giving up “image-management- for-
the-sake-of- social-acceptance” in favor of choices and relationships
that were based on my real thoughts, feelings and desires as well as
giving up fear-based choices in favor of faith and love-based choices.
The result was a passionate and satisfying life grounded in deep inner
peace, the state from which SYMPTOMS OF INNER PEACE was written.

Since “SYMPTOMS” first was published, it has taken on a life of its
own, making its way around the world via friends, newsletters,
bulletin boards, books, radio, church groups, and, now, the internet
where it can be found on hundreds, possibly thousands of sites which
seem to be multiplying exponentially: a totally grassroots peace
movement! Wow! What a rush!



What Will You Become?

October 1st, 2007

In accordance with Steve Goodier’s injunction to use his Life Support articles freely, tonight, I am using one of his, that I got in today’s mail. The reason is that I believe there is no such thing as coincidence in this world. And I have just finished a book, I’ve mentioned called the Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce. In the latter part of his book is a chapter called Always Becoming, in which he quotes Jesus, as saying during his time in the desert before beginning his walk around the middle east, “If I be lifted up I draw all people toward me.” Which thought brought me to a song from Sarah McLachlan’s that I particularly love, which has a verse that has drawn me in deeper each time I’ve listened to it.

“I’m pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
Oh darkness, I feel like letting go.

If all of the strength and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place,
I know I could love you much better than this,
full of grace
full of grace.”

Then comes Steve in the third instance of becoming, because to me that is what Sarah is singing about too, overcoming the darkness, becoming the light of love. And, to me, divinity reveals itself in threes. Mind, body, spirit. Always the divine triad. So when Steve’s newsletter arrived today, the synchronicity of it seemed, well, right. I need to percolate a bit about Transcendence before I talk about it here, but I wanted these three ideas to float around the ether while I do that. That subject line IS the real question I’ve been asking since the inception of my own “mystical” experiences. What will I become? It is a personal question but it is one I think we all need be asking ourselves. And moving always in that becoming toward the light. So enjoy Steve’s story, I’ll be back tomorrow night with another idea, much love, :^) gene


“Is it true,” a young boy asked his mother, “that we are made of dust?”

“Yes,” she said.

“And is it true that we go back to dust again when we die?” he continued.

“Yes, dear.”

“Well, Mommy, when I looked under my bed I saw someone who was coming or going, but I don’t know which.”

I’m afraid to look under MY bed….

There are times that we feel as if we don’t know whether we are coming or going. But this little boy doesn’t have to worry about people coming and going underneath his bed.

But did you know that all things are coming and going in a different way? Even people are constantly reshaped, remolded and re-created! Not from dust bunnies, but from life itself. Let me explain.

The Rocky Mountains in which I live are reshaped every year. Wind, water and ice erode them away about three inches every 1,000 years. That isn’t much, but they are being re-formed all the time. A 10,000 foot peak will vanish every 40 million years! In fact, today’s Rocky Mountains are the third version of earlier mountains that rose out of volcanic turbulence and eroded through the passage of time.

We may not see much of a difference in ourselves from day to day, but we, too, are shaped and reshaped. Everything that happens to us, the good and the bad, leaves its mark. Actually, we are not even the people we were yesterday!

But unlike mountains, we have a hand in our re-creation. Harsh experiences can erode and destroy, or we can use them to call forth beautiful inner qualities. Illness can actually create within us an attitude of compassion for others who suffer. Loss can help build strong bonds with others who care. Suffering of all kinds can be used to strengthen our faith.

Even good times can leave us different than they found us. We can use joy to hone a sense of humor and pleasant memories to cultivate a heart of gratitude. Everything shapes us. You and I are being re-created every minute of every day.

We are quite literally in the process of “becoming.” The possibilities are exciting and wonderful. In a short time from now, you will be a different person than you are today.

The important question is: What will you become? Something extraordinary can happen when that question is answered seriously. What will you become? Your very life depends on your answer!

My hope as always is expressed below. :^)

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

I was remiss

September 28th, 2007

Yesterday, I posted about abuse, in conjunction with thousands of other bloggers around the world. I asked people to tell me if they had any cause they wished to have some publicity. And I got a letter from a dear friend and did not publish it. I thought it was something she wished to tell me. But, I was remiss, she wanted her story public. Without names and in such a way as to not actually make it public. No one will find this who could harm her. So she asked me today to do this. To tell her story as it is. And I do so, in hope and in faith, that anyone who reads this and recognizes any part of it, will remain silent no longer. That anyone who recognizes any part of themselves in this story, in any role, will seek help for it. I want people to know, and so does she, that they are NOT alone. They did NOTHING to cause this to happen to them. And that people love them, no matter what happened to them, no matter its repercussions. And I want to emphasize here that events like this reverberate through our lives like echoes that never stop. There is NO end to this, unless WE end it. So here, is this story, in all its sad detail. And I ask anyone reading this, to offer up a healing thought for this young man, and his mother. much love, :^) gene  – I was going to do another post tonight too, but I think this one has to stand on its own.  My own ideas will wait.  This is what is important tonight.

Through the years I think I have told you about the emotional and mental abuse for myself as well as my son. He was abused as a child. It was child abuse. I have suffered extreme depression and anxiety through the years and so has my son. He was sexually abused. The perpetrator was a family member. Even to this day, at the age of 33, he has that constant reminder of his past. There are times when he comes over to visit and relates the whole past to me again and again, and he cries alot even if he is a man with a family, a daughter and a son, and because he has suffered for so many years, I have come to the realization that he will never forget. My son was molested. Even if he was just molested it has put a hole in my son’s life. Because of this, he has had troubles with the law but has been released. I pray so much for my son and this monster that lives in him. He gets jobs and can’t hold on to them for long. He feels as if he is the head of the company and always blows off steam. Therefore, they let him go. He thinks these thoughts I feel because that is the way he thinks of himself so that he feels he is in control. I thought that as the years passed and after countless therapists and counselors, this would have relieved him by now, but it hasn’t. I support any organization that deals with child molestation. I would like you to put this on your blog.

People have to know that even a child molestation, at a very young age, and at the age of 11, when the family member told him he would give him money if he would so a very dirty act on him. Luckily, he was 11 and he ran. For many years, I have blamed myself for this to happen. I had no one to stay with my son, at the age of 11. I had to work tomake a living. The only one I could count on was my mother. She offered to stay with my son while I worked across the street, two blocks away.

The family member I am talking about lives with my mom and dad. Not to get into any details, he managed to let my son watch cartoons in his room. My parents were very caucious, but were not very caucious. I trusted my mom and after that, I couldn’t leave him there while he was young. I had to find someone else who had no other person living with her and I felt so confident with this person to leave my son with her so I could work. She was great. He took a moment, when my mom was very busy in the kitchen to say these things to my child. Being that he was 11 and I cautioned him about not being around this family member alone, he was still a child. He ran to my office and as soon as I saw him at the door, which I had to buzz him in to get in, I immediately knew, in my heart, that something terrible had happened. He didn’t get to hurt my son luckily but, when he was a child at the age of 2, I was so naive to the world. I lost my husband and I almost lostmy sanity and to this day, I feel depression and anxiety and, worries about who he might hurt next. At this time, I called an organization that had to do with child abuse and my family member actually stated that what he said to my son was true. He didn’t deny it. He was let go on no bail but had to go to court and so did I with my son. NO ONE, in my family, went with me that day and as I sat, on that bus, suddenly my family member walked into the same bus and sat right behind me. He started saying, “I hope that I don’t have to go to jail and I didn’t hurt him”, and all I could do was be strong for my son.

After the judge saw my family member, he gave this person five years probation and jail if he ever touched another child. My son kept asking me, on the bus, “Mommy, why didn’t they put my family member in jail”. To this day, I still hate that judge. I felt he needed to be put away. My family member has two sons and they stay at the family member’s home on the weekends which is my parents home. My sister adopted them and feels that the children will not be hurt. I often think,”what if”. But, it has been 31 years and there has been no problems arising from his past. But, that doesn’t condone what he did to my child and to me and to my family. My siblings never took their children to my parent’s house when they were young and now that they have become adults and have children of their own, they do not bring the children to the house of my parents except on specific dates such as mother’s day and father’s day. When they do, they have their children veryclose to them. We found out, in the past, when all this happened, that this family member was on very heavy drugs and this person did not know what he was doing at the time it happened. He doesn’t remember the details but he did know because this family member acknowledge it to my mother.

This is why I am also an advocate for Alcohol and Drug Addiction and what it can do to a person and how it destroyed my family. My son’s lack of self esteem will always remain with him but I pray for him. He tells me that the only way that he would forget is if this family member were to die. We are all a loving family and a Godly family. I must see my mom and dad because they are older and need my help and, in doing this, I have to constantly run into this person. My familymember will often say, “Oh! you came to visit and he hugs me and kisses my cheek”. Being a Godly person, I have forgiven him, but I will never forget. I try to stay clear of him but I can’t because of my parents who I love dearly. This family member has been treated for schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder since this occurred 31 years ago.

I will never condone what he did to my son and the rage inside of my person grows more and more especially when my son repeats it to me over the years.

I consider this a tragedy. This person ruined my family. He destroyed the confidence I have in men. He destroyed my son and I lost my family. I lost my husband. I have been alone for many years. God blessed me with a wonderful man for seven years but at the end of this relationship we had to say goodbye because he was lying to me. I look for happiness and I feel like I am not blessed with the kind of man I want to have in my life. Yes, I feel that 31 years ago, confidence, hate, anger and all the other words I want to add, have and are still in my life. I know that God will help me and my son and he has been helping me. I was a single mother trying to do what I can for my son and to this day, I consider myself as a good mother even though he is now an adult. Being an adult does not take away your childhood fears.

I would you to share this with others and please do not mention my name (I know you won’t).

Stop Abuse

September 27th, 2007

I got this invitation from the BlogCatalog to join them today in a project:

“Thousands of bloggers from around the world are joining together this Thursday, September 27th with a single message: Stop Abuse!

BlogCatalog would love for you to be one of them!

On Thursday, September 27th, post about any abuse topic you care about – child abuse, domestic abuse, animal abuse, drug abuse, emotional abuse, verbal abuse, political abuse – and let the world know you stand united with thousands of bloggers as part of the Bloggers Unite “Blog Against Abuse” campaign. Depending on your topic, you can even link to local, regional, national, or international organizations that you care about or support. Every post will count!

And I’m going to. First, I am going to recommend a couple of places recommended to me by others, young people who care. I’d encourage anyone reading this to support these organizations, after that I’m going to talk about another form of abuse that is close to my heart.

I’d recommend you encourage people to read “Do They Hear You When You Cry” by Fauziya Kassindja and to support the Equality Now organization.

Equality Now

Equality Now is an international human rights organization that works for the protection and promotion of women’s rights. Issues of concern to Equality Now include domestic violence, rape, female genital mutilation, reproductive rights, trafficking in women, and other forms of violence and discrimination against women that have historically been neglected by the international human rights movement. The Women’s Action Network of Equality Now is a growing force of activists around the world campaigning for the human rights of women.

And another wonderful place. The Animal Humane Society Which, of course, protects those little ones who give us all of their love and ask nothing in return, this place tries to help those whose human animals are lesser creatures than those they “own”.

Now I want to beat the drum for my own particular cause, though all of those listed above need be addressed and stopped, the one I want most dearly to see ended forever is child abuse. National statistics indicate that 1100 children a year die in the United States from child abuse. Most sadly, 90% of those suffered at the hands of someone in whom they should have been able to unconditionally trust, a parent or other caretaker. These little ones have no voice of their own and they have no idea what they could possibly have done to deserve such treatment. The truth is they don’t deserve such treatment. Children are the forgotten victims in our world today. Starvation, malnutrition, war, terrorism and parents, of all people, parents, abandon these innocents to unspeakable acts of violence and abuse. There are more than 3 million reports of neglect and abuse received by child protection agencies in the United States, 2/3’s of which are actually investigated. Estimates are that less than 20% of child sexual abuse instances are ever reported. How can it be so in a free country that we stand idly by, protesting a tax increase that would help these most deserving of all people in need, our own children.

President Bush has promised to veto a bill that would extend health care coverage to children because he does not want to go down the road toward socialized medicine. What social need could be greater than providing health care coverage to children? How many more children must die of neglect, abuse, malnutrition and starvation before we say enough? He will ask for $190 billion dollars to blow limbs off Iraqi children next year, okay, Iraqi adults too, but is not willing to extend health care coverage to children in this country because it is too costly and could actually lead to health care coverage for everyone, gawd forbid. This is compassionate conservatism showing its core values. Death over life. That really isn’t much of a motto for a country that bills itself as freedom’s haven, is it? What does it say there on the Statue of Liberty?

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)

This is an eloquent and beautiful portrayal of what was once the promise of America: a new land of equal opportunity. Isn’t it still carved into the concrete pillar at the base of the Statue of Liberty? When did we stop meaning that? Why did we? Does anyone know? Are those not still the core values of America? Are we not the land of the free and the brave?

I believe we still are and I join with other voices today in asking all of us to stand up when we see those values being abused, to be counted on to help stop the abuse, in any form and in any place, of our children. When you see an atrocious act taking place, intervene. Don’t look the other way. Call someone. Get help. But DO something. And, I don’t ask this solely for American children, I ask that you heed the voice within you, that voice which says we must end the conditions that create the poverty that breeds the violence that consumes our littlest and least protected souls. It IS time to say ENOUGH. Do so with your pocketbooks, do so with your votes, do so with your love. Please. much love, gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Random thoughts

September 26th, 2007

Last night was pot pouri and you can’t have the same thing for supper every night, well, unless you are me, I am on my third night in a row of peaches for supper. I think I could live on those alone. I might be trying to, giggle.

So what I am going to do is wander, random thoughts, that have been running through me. Tomorrow night will be different, a group of bloggers is sponsoring a rally against abuse, of all sorts, I got a mailing today about it and solicited ideas from friends, organizations, things like that, dealing with all manner of abuse, unfortunately there are many forms to consider. So tomorrow night, I’m going to write something about something and have no idea yet at all what that will be, jen does, she tells me not to worry about that tonight, tomorrow night will flow on its own. So I am sure it will. :^)

I was thinking, because of this book, I’ve mentioned about transcending our biology, which really means our primal instincts as I am understanding it and thought it is sort of hard going, I am finding a lot of truth in it. I’m going to do a piece, maybe more than one about that eventually, or elements of it. It is important, kids are, how they get their start in life is.

While I was reading that today at lunch though, I heard this child’s laugh echo through the atrium of the building I was in. And it made me think of something, I know lots of people are annoyed by children in restaurants and other public places, all that noise and exuberance, which is not always all that conducive to those other people having the experience they are there to have. And at one time in my life, a much younger me felt the same way – can’t those parents control those children. Then I had children of my own, giggle. I mean we were all told as kids ourselves that children should be seen and not heard. If you weren’t, well, good on you, as a friend of mine from down under might say, but a lot of us were. But you know, a very long time ago, I changed my mind about all that and for a reason that I’ll talk about in tomorrow’s post. I smile now when I hear a child’s raised voice in a restaurant, because I know that is a child who knows she is loved. Children who aren’t sure of that, who live in fear, they are the quiet ones, the ones who know that if they make noise, they will hear about it THEN, or even worse, later. To me now, a giggling child’s shrill little voice signifies one who is secure in her person, who knows that the people around her love her and who has not been taught to be silent, or made to be. She is full of cheer and questions and confident that she is allowed to ask them, to observe, to giggle and free to be. So while I still think, that all children should be taught the difference between inside and outside voices, they should not be until they have heard their laughter peal through the echoes of a large public building. At least once. Cuz, hey, I want to hear that too, giggle. It make me smile and some days I need that more than anything else that is going to happen.

I’ve been listening to Sarah McLachlan again, this time a song from Solace, which on the whole is not my favorite cd of hers, but I am expanding my understanding of her music and so will keep with it for a bit, I am REALLY loving Afterglow and will talk about those another time but this one is special, I just love the whole song, I will not forget you, but it’s chorus is what catches my attention most.

And I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go
I will oh I will not forget you

I think this is the song God sings us as we descend into our human bodies here in the relative universe. I think this is why, somewhere deep within us, every soul, remembers home.

I saw in the paper today that the White House is seeking $190 billion dollars for war in 2008. What do you suppose that much money would buy in terms of love? Health care for children, food and shelter for the homeless, sick and needy, early childhood education and child care, post-secondary education for more of our talented little ones, job training for those so inclined. Yet we want to spend it on death. What do priorities of THAT sort teach our children about our moral values?

I got a joke in the mail today. One of those Jeff Foxworthy “you might be a” something or other if you? Well, I am most definitely a Minnesotan cuz not only did I have the experience of most of them, but I did one last night, lol. Took Cisco out for his last potty break of the night wearing shorts and a parka, giggle.

I saw something in a movie the other day, heard, I suppose I mean, a line that gave me real pause for thought. Some guy said that the new law of the 21st century jungle is not kill or be killed, it is kill or be irrelevant. That really is the world we’ve become isn’t it? It isn’t enough to stand on a soap box and speak your piece to anyone who might stop to listen, or to write yourself a snotty little book about how others should do things, or send off pithy letters to the editor, or even hold court at your local watering hole. No, in this century, to be relevant, to make your point, you kill or you are invisible. You strap bombs to yourself and kill 30 innocent people having lunch. Or, you load up a car with explosives and drive it into a building. Or you arm your warplane with all manner of horrors and take off from a flight deck into the beauty of a God-given morning and drop those hellish contraptions on people you hope are the enemy. Or are told are the enemy. I am wondering why we aren’t wondering just how important relevance has to be. Has it ever really been different on this planet? Did the first two groups of humans to meet, do so to kill each other? We aren’t very good at this learning to play nice with others part yet. In those dark nights of the soul I talked about yesterday, I worry that we will never be, but always comes the dawn and with it a rebirth of hope. Hope can’t die. We can’t let it. Without that, we really do have nothing to light the darkness. 90 billion flipping dollars for war next year. And all that is being debated is the amount. THAT is scary. That is the darkness encroaching. And, hell, we don’t even know what bin Laden’s budget is. Or where he is for that matter. So we’ll just keep pacifying Iraq and blowing up various parts of Afghanistan, and God know what else.

The president of Iran will keep making speeches that in many countries could get him committed but in this one, and in his own, gets him applause. The holocaust is a fraud, did you know that? Do the six million Jews who died in the chambers know that? A journalist was impertinent enough to tell him that he was wrong in saying there were no gay people in Iran, that she knew personally some of them. He inquired as to their addresses, so that the government might know what was going on. The world gets more insane by the day, and honestly, on most days, it seems no one is noticing. I’m going to quote a bit of a book I love here, Stranger in a Strange Land, by Robert Heinlein, actually I’d quote from two, but one of them has gone missing, giggle. No worries, I’ll get another, and anyway, I practically have it memorized. I have identified with this book since I first read it, I guess that would have been 1968, though it was published in 1961, until 1968, I was occupied reading all of his books leading up to this one. As an aside, I was pleased to see Neale Donald Walsch credit what he called the “visionary literature of Robert Heinlein, who raised questions and posed answers in ways no one else has even dared approach” in the Acknowledgments preface to book 1. Indeed there was a time when I thought most of book 1 was lifted FROM Robert’s works, so similar are many of the ideas God brings forth. Anyway, what I’m going to do here is just quote a little of what Robert interspersed throughout this most enlightening, mind-expanding and wonderfully entertaining book. I mean, most of it is pure story, well written and conceived as was everything he did, but he threw in at the beginning of many sections, what I suppose you could call non sequiturs, a couple of paragraphs that had NOTHING to do with the story, but which sort of summarized the “news” of that particular day. I found them all quite amusing, for example,

“The third planet from Sol, held 230,000 more humans this day than yesterday; among five billion terrestrials such increase was not noticeable. The Kingdom of South Africa, Federation associate, was again cited before the High Court for persecution of its white minority. The lords of fashion, gathered in Rio, decreed that hemlines would go down and navels would be covered. Federation defense stations swung in the sky, promising death to any who disturbed the planet’s peace; commercial space stations disturbed the peace with endless clamor of endless trademarked trade goods. Half a million more mobile homes has set down on the shores of Hudson Bay than migrated by the same date last year; the Chinese rice belt was declared an emergency malnutrition area by the Federation Assembly; Cynthia Davis, known as the Richest Girl in the World, paid off her sixth husband.

The Reverend Doctor Daniel Digby, Supreme Bishop of the Church of the New Revelation (Fosterite) announced that he had nominated the Angel Azreel to guide Federation Senator Thomas Boone and the he expected Heavenly confirmation later today; news services carried it as straight news, the Fosterites having wrecked newspaper offices in the past. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Campbell VI had a son and heir by host-mother at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital while the happy parents were vacationing in Peru. Dr. Horace Quackenbush, Professor of Leisure Arts at Yale Divinity School, called for a return to faith and cultivation of spiritual values; a betting scandal involved half the professionals of the West Point football squad; three bacterial warfare chemists were suspended at Toronto for emotional instability; they announced that they would carry their cases to the High Court.”

Now honestly, does all THAT sound much different from the headlines of any newspaper in the world today? That was published in 1961. And, to me, it reads much like the Minneapolis StarTribune on any given day this year. There are many more such little bits scattered throughout what really is a profound look at humanity, faith, values and just who gets to determine what those are at any given time for any given group of people. And it is the story of how one man comes of age, a human not born on earth, a Stranger in a Strange Land. But I swear, I WAS born on earth, and I feel much like Michael Valentine Smith every day. Sometimes you have to laugh until you cry.

I think though, what truth can be found in what is happening around our world, where to not kill is to be irrelevant is found in a simple statement. Do not become that which you fear. We can’t change what we see around us by becoming what we see around us. We can’t change what our world is until we can talk about what it is. That takes people of courage, people of love, people willing to stand up and say this is NOT what we are. Moderates of every faith and tradition have to do what that brave young woman named Wafa Sultan, an Arab-American psychologist from Los Angeles did on Al Jazeera Television. Watch this amazing woman’s two minutes. SHE, and many more like her, are what are needed now. Al Jazeera Television

Then remember this as we go forth into our next day and try to follow her example. We are ALL Bringers of the Light, this must be our truth:

And I will oh I will not forget you
Nor will I ever let you go

I will oh I will not forget you

much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way,
choose to be a bringer of the light. much love, :^) gene

Pot Pouri

September 25th, 2007

Tonight is going to be sort of free form. I sometimes do this on email, usually with a subject of pot pouri since I tend to cover a lot of unrelated ground, varied turf you might say as I wander the twists and turns within. I’ve got a lot of little two line notes to myself lying around and I’m going to talk a little about some of those tonight.

Those of you who’ve seen my main site will know that I am no atheist. I’m not really what you could call a deist either in that I am no friend of religion, at least in its institutional form. Individual practitioners of every persuasion I can love with passion, but their institutions all give me the chills. I wasn’t going to talk about CWG here at all tonight but it turns out I need a quote to set the tone:

This actually starts on the bottom of page 89, book 1, when Neale asks God a rather impertinent question.

Neale: Which brings me to another question. Why don’t You fix the world, instead of allowing it to go to hell?

To which God replies: Why don’t you?

Neale: I don’t have the power.

God responds: Nonsense. You’ve the power and the ability right now to end world hunger this minute, to cure diseases this instant. What if I told you your own medical profession holds back cures, refuses to approve alternative medicines and procedures because they threaten the very structure of the “healing” profession? What if I told you that the governments of the world do not want to end world hunger? Would you believe me?

Neale: I’d have a hard time with that one. I know that’s the populist view, but I can’t believe its actually true. No doctor wants to deny a cure. No countryman wants to see his people die.

God: No individual doctor, that’s true. No particular countryman, that’s right. But doctoring and politicking have become institutionalized, and its the institutions that fight these things, sometimes very subtly, sometimes even unwittingly, but inevitably…because to these institutions it’s a matter of survival.

And so, to give you just one very simple and obvious example, doctors in the West deny the healing efficacies of doctors in the East because to accept them, to admit that certain alternative modalities might just provide some healing, would be to tear at the very fabric of the institution as it has structured itself.

This is not malevolent, yet it is insidious. The profession doesn’t do this because it is evil. It it does it because it is scared.

What started me on this particular train of thought is that I’ve always been sort of on the opposite side of the world from those who consider Mother Theresa now, and while she was living, a saint. I guess my main opposition came from my antipathy toward her religion. Catholicism, as an institution, has been responsible for a great deal of despair and bloodshed during its long history, witch burning, pedophile protecting, not to mention the most recent pope (people who have the temerity to claim they speak as Jesus in the flesh sort of set my nerves on edge) claiming that all adherents of every other faith were condemned, things like that have sort of always left me a bit cold toward the “one true church”. Well, that and being born and raised Lutheran, giggle. But don’t make the mistake of thinking I exempt Lutherans from my irreligious ire. Because I do not. I believe that there has been more evil done by men in the name of God than for any other reason. And, to me, that is the greatest blasphemy of them all. To do evil unto others and to lay the blame at God’s feet and claim you act in His name is the most evil act of all.

So why does Mother Teresa come into this little diatribe? Well, I read an article this past week about a new book, which I have since ordered and will read, which is apparently a collection of letters she wrote various people. Nice people, of course, who saved them and are now using them for their own purposes long after her having returned home, though she never intended they become public and had actually asked they be destroyed. If there were such things as circles of hell, I’d have one reserved for such as they. Anyway, despite her public pronunciations of faith, and some of the harsh things she said (which were what caused my rather low opinion of her personally, not her work; her work was wonderful, bringing comfort to those in need is indeed God’s work. But then since there is nothing which God is not, then, one must also conclude it is EVERYONE’s work – so do I conclude) about people who made choices other than those she might have made herself. Like, for instance, those who faced abortion or divorce. I wasn’t impressed with other reports of about her work either, feeling a lack of compassion in her work which is talked about somewhat in the wiki article I cite below. Now that may sound odd, given what she did, but it was the “feeling” I had. Keeping people alive dogmatically, but not necessarily humanely, didn’t feel saintly to me. It still doesn’t. There is a whole Wiki section devoted to her that talks about some of this: Mother_Teresa

But that is not what I want to talk about now. I want to talk about this book I have on its way to me, Mother Teresa: Come be my Light. I am really looking forward to it. It seems she and I have something in common. Something maybe a lot of us have in common. The article I read was about this book and her letters in which she apparently agonized over her own ability to believe. She heard the voice of Jesus, she said, calling her to the work she did throughout her life, tending to the poorest of the poor. Mystical encounters with Jesus, the article says, now THAT I understand, having detailed my own mystical encounters on my main site, the lights, the awakening, and, of course, my jenna. The difference between us is that she lost her ability to hear Jesus virtually as soon as she began doing the work she thought he asked her to do. Thus beginning what the article calls an extended “long dark night of the soul”, something it says she had in common with many catholic saints, though not many had such an extended night as did she. She doubted her faith, God’s existence and felt abandoned spiritually. I think that showed tremendous courage, for that to me is what courage means, being scared as all hell, feeling completely alone, yet going ahead and doing what you feel is right anyway, no matter the personal cost. I think she did that. I am eager to read how she felt as she did.

I empathize. I cycle myself between complete faith in jenna and everything she tells me to doubt that there is any truth within me at all. My own long dark night of the soul has lasted, well, having just turned 58, I guess one would say quite a long time, because I have vacillated between faith and despair all of my life. Not faith in the sense of disbelieving a creator exists, I have never been able to come to a place wherein I was able to believe that the universe just “happened”, there is too much order and precision in it for me to ever be able to believe that, but my faith that a creator who actually gave a rat’s butt what happened to any particular individual IN this creation, well, that is where the rub has been for me. jenna not withstanding. CWG cleared a lot of that up for me. I’m not saying this is how I would have done it, but that it has been done this way, I understand. Even if there are large pieces I do not like at all. Still, the part about not knowing who we are until we know who we are not makes sense to me. If we come from a place where love is all there is, and I believe we do, then how do we know that? If there is nothing else, how would one “know” anything? Let alone anything else. That we might then come here to experience what we are not in order to experience what we really are makes a terrible sort of sense to me.

Book 1 talks about this on page 61, where God asserts that Hitler went to heaven, which idea, will, when more people hear of it than have now, horrify most “believers”. But God says that there is nowhere else to go and that, in fact, Hitler did us all a service, by showing us what humanity at its darkest, is capable of. If we see the dark and we know we are not that, does that make us the light? Make us appreciate the light more? I would think it must. At home. But here, the dark encroaches everywhere. Fear is the darkness here. And though it has been more than 60 years since Hitler returned to the light, have we really learned all that much about how to live a better way? We have Hitler wannabes living in caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan wanting nothing more than additional bloodshed. And we have Hitler wannabes living in penthouses and global corporate boardrooms wanting the very same thing. Each for their own reasons, but they are the same people.

We have power brokers in political positions around the world who want the same sort of carnage Hitler wrought, because it would bring them, and their idea of power, to the top of their particular ideological mountain. They, too, are the same. And it matters not what nationality these are. Had they been born in different countries they would be the same, just dressed differently and speaking different languages, but they would still ALL be here to show the rest of us what we are not. So should we thank the bin Laden’s and Bush’s and Putin’s and Mao’s of the world today? For modeling for the rest of us behavior that teaches us what we are not? I wonder.

Or do we, as God also says in book 1 on page 133 face this question? This is the answer to your question, “If love is all there is, how can man ever justify war?”

Sometimes man must go to war to make the grandest statement about who man truly is: he who abhors war.

There are times when you may have to give up Who You Are in order to be Who You Are…Thus, in order to “have” yourself as a man of peace, you may have to give up the idea of yourself as a man who never goes to war. History has called upon men for such decisions.

On page 132, He prefaced this piece above by saying:“…As a practical matter – again leaving esoterics aside – if you look in these situations where you are being abused, (gene inserts ANYONE is being abused),at the very least what will do is stop the abuse. And that will be good for both you and your abuser. For even an abuser is abused when his abuse is allowed to continue.

This is not healing to the abuser, but damaging. For if an abuser finds that his abuse is acceptable, what has he learned? yef it if the abuser finds that his abuse will be accepted no more, what has he he been allowed to discover?

Therefore, treating others with love does not necessarily mean allowing others to do as they wish.

Parents learn this early with their children. Adults are not so quick to learn it with other adults, nor nation with nation.

Yet, despots cannot be allowed to flourish, but must be stopped in their despotism. Love of Self, and love of the despot, demands it.

Is it time for good people to wake and take back the truth of humanity from those who would usurp our trust and use it to satisfy their own blood lust? I’ve been hearing Dido in my head lately. Haven’t heard a song of hers in a very long time, but this verse has been playing over and over at odd times for days.

I will go down with this ship, And I won’t put my hands up and surrender, There will be no white flag above my door, I’m in love and always will be.

I think maybe that is what we need assert now. That love is going to win this time, and that we will go down with this ship even if it sinks, believing that the truth of us is that we ARE love and trusting that our ship will not stay down, but will rise again and that our will, I believe the majorities will, to live in peace and family hood, can prevail. I think we approach a cusp. When the scales will finally accumulate enough weight on the side of love to tip the balance and let the dark slide off into the vastness of the universal black hole from which it came, when we can create here a replica of our home and let this be a place where love prevails. Honest to “god” I think that is the only answer that saves us. Because we are in love and always will be. And, as always, Sarah has the perfect line, we should wear our love like heaven. Wouldn’t that be a sight to see? In our rainbow hues, arms linked, facing down those angry men who would make us fear them, fear life, fear each other. Wear our love like heaven, that would certainly let our little lights shine, wouldn’t it?

Okay, I’m going to leave the rest of my thoughts for later, tomorrow maybe. I need to think, these drain me in a way. And maybe walk in a bit in the cool night air of late September. We’ll talk again tomorrow, much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

I was wrong about something. Yup, me.

September 24th, 2007

About the two greatest threats to planet earth. There is one greater. Franklin Delano Roosevelt famously named it: Fear. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. I’m reading a book, of late, about transcendence, I’m going to talk it about later this week, but it is about transcending biology, ostensibly, but it isn’t biology we need transcend. It is fear. It is fear that grips this world by the throat. It is fear that our media, all versions, spew out in hurried, harried phrases. Often, not what has happened, on a slow day, but what MAY happen if nothing horrible can be found to frighten us with. That is where the transcendence part comes in. Our world, we, its people, must learn to transcend fear. How may we do that? It is a reasonable question and one I’m going to explore later this week. But for the moment, I just wanted to make it clear that fearing religion and global warming aren’t going to cure either. What will then? Transcending them with love.

So, tonight, as I am a bit harried and hurried myself, I’m going to borrow a bit from Steve Goodier again, as always from his newsletter, Life Support, and it does, he does.


I love the story about an angel who suddenly appears at a faculty
meeting and tells the dean of the college that, in return for his
unselfish and exemplary behavior, he will be given his choice of
infinite wealth, wisdom or beauty. Without hesitating, the dean
selects infinite wisdom.

“Done!” says the angel, and disappears in a cloud of smoke and a bolt
of lightning.

Now, all heads turn toward the dean, who sits surrounded by a faint
halo of light. At length, one of his colleagues whispers, “Say
something wise.”

The dean looks at them and says, “I should have taken the money.”

Though wealth is highly regarded in our world, I rather suspect this
fictitious academic made the better choice. Wisdom, like many other
virtues, is usually more difficult to obtain and can be far more

I’ve heard it said that when our hearts are empty, we collect
“things.” On the other hand, when our hearts are full, we tend to lose
interest in most of the “stuff” of life. The “things of the heart”
become all important. Things like love and joy and peace. Or wisdom.
Or hope. Or faith.

And the wonderful truth is that these gifts are given freely to any
who will take them! None of us has to live without love. There really
is joy to be found in this life. And we can know peace – now.

Fra Giovanni gave us these immortal words in 1513:

“No heaven can come to us unless our hearts find rest in today.
Take heaven!
No peace lies in the future that is not hidden in his present
moment. Take peace!
The gloom of this world is but a shadow.
Behind it, yet within reach, is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness, could we but see,
and to see we have only to look. I beseech you to look.
Life is so generous a giver….”

You have already been offered things even finer than infinite wealth.
Will you grasp them and make them yours – today?

Steve is right. None of us has to live without love. None of us should. If there is anything those who oppose the light would take from us, it is our ability to forgive without restraint and love that which ennobles and frees us. That would be the indomitable spirit born in each of us. There is a new “resident evil” movie out this past weekend. It amuses me how even our “entertainment” wants to make us afraid, wants to appeal to the dark side of life, feels it must lest no one care. But my favorite movies are all those in which love transcends fear. What IS resident in us is love and light.  When the light wins. I lost my taste for the dark many years ago though I have lived in its shadow all of my life, as have we all. The cold war, terrorism, global warming, gangs, radicals of every stripe and persuasion. All want us to live in fear because it is in that fear that we give them our power, that we allow them to run the world as THEY see fit. Well, I think it is time we take back our power, that we who know the light exists, who have felt it, who have transcended it, even if for brief moments, begin sharing those moments, begin talking about those moments, we can all emerge from our long dark night of the soul into the light that is our birthright. As a child, a song we sang in Sunday School every week as little ones, has new meaning, new purpose in my life, in all of life, I think. “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine” we sang each Sunday morning. I think we need to start singing that song every morning, every evening, until the light of those small candles overwhelms the dark, and lets us see that there is nothing there in the shadows but sad, little people, who have lost the ability to see their own light. We can teach them to love too. We will. How’s THAT for a goal for the 21st century? It is coming, it is ALL coming. Sooner than any of us think. The gloom of this world is but a shadow, and we know shadows are not to be feared, because they are caused by the light. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way,
Choose to be a Bringer of the Light. :^) gene

Investing in our future. OUR future.

September 18th, 2007

Tonight I’m going to start with a story. A real story. A real sad story. Then, I’m going to talk about that a bit. What it really means. And more.

Federal Investment in Children Expected to Weaken by 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. September 10, 2007—Federal investment in children is likely to decline markedly within the next decade, according to a new Urban Institute study for the Partnership for America’s Economic Success. The share of the federal budget for programs that enhance kids’ future productivity or income—by improving education, promoting good health, supporting parents’ ability to work, and more—is forecast to drop from 1.6 percent of the gross domestic product in 2006 to 1.3 percent by 2017, under current policies.

The decline would be even steeper but for increased federal spending on children’s health care, an aspect of the budget that report authors Eugene Steuerle, Gillian Reynolds, and Adam Carasso attribute largely to spiraling medical costs rather than to deliberate investment in children and their futures.

In “Investing in Children,” the authors note that spending for future proceeds and well-being, as opposed to spending on current consumption, has long been recognized as a primary driver of economic growth. “In an increasingly knowledge-based economy, investment in human capabilities rises in ever-greater importance,” write Steuerle, Reynolds, and Carasso. Nonetheless, the researchers find, domestic spending is likely to rise by about $647 billion by 2017, with less than half of 1 percent of the increase going to investment in education and research.

The report’s authors point to large federal programs with built-in growth mechanisms to explain why the slice of the federal budget pie assigned to investment in children is so slim. “Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid do not require annual appropriations and the benefits they pay grow automatically each year with changes in wages, life expectancy, and medical costs. Programs that invest in children seldom grow or expand by design. Increasing investment in kids’ programs is a much more difficult process,” observe Steuerle, Reynolds, and Carasso.

The researchers conclude, “Reorienting the budget toward investment in children is one way of trying to both increase their future well-being and to give them greater economic capacity to finance the programs that support their parents’ and grandparents’ needs.”

Investing in Children” charts U.S. federal spending on investment in total and for children from 1965 to 2017. It was written by C. Eugene Steuerle and Gillian Reynolds of the Urban Institute and Adam Carasso, formerly with the Institute and now with the New America Foundation, and is available at Funding was provided by the Partnership for America’s Economic Success, a project of the Pew Charitable Trusts.

The Urban Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy research and educational organization that examines the social, economic, and governance challenges facing the nation.

The point of this is insanity defined. Only worse. Doing LESS of the same thing and expecting better results is far worse than simply repeating the follies of the past and expecting the same results. And BETTER is what they, meaning our political leadership, is going to TELL us they are doing. That, my friends, is called spin. And it how the political game of “find the pea” is played. You SAY one thing while doing another and hope your lips are moving fast enough so that the people don’t catch on that there was NEVER a pea in play in the first place. The pea, they have safely tucked away someplace for their own supper, it isn’t on the table, it isn’t under the shell and it certainly isn’t going to better our children’s lives. 2017? Really, does anyone REALLY think it is going to take that long? Does no notice things like:

U.S. has second worst newborn death rate in modern world, report says

CNN) — An estimated 2 million babies die within their first 24 hours each year worldwide and the United States has the second worst newborn mortality rate in the developed world, according to a new report.

American babies are three times more likely to die in their first month as children born in Japan, and newborn mortality is 2.5 times higher in the United States than in Finland, Iceland or Norway, Save the Children researchers found.

Only Latvia, with six deaths per 1,000 live births, has a higher death rate for newborns than the United States, which is tied near the bottom of industrialized nations with Hungary, Malta, Poland and Slovakia with five deaths per 1,000 births.

“The United States has more neonatologists and neonatal intensive care beds per person than Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom, but its newborn rate is higher than any of those countries,” said the annual State of the World’s Mothers report.

The report, which analyzed data from governments, research institutions and international agencies, found higher newborn death rates among U.S. minorities and disadvantaged groups. For African-Americans, the mortality rate is nearly double that of the United States as a whole, with 9.3 deaths per 1,000 births.

Sub-Saharan Africa remains the worst place in the world to be a mother or child, with Scandinavian nations again taking the top spots in the rankings by the Connecticut-based humanitarian group.

Sweden heads the list, with Niger last. (10 worst and best)

The “Mothers’ Index” in the report ranks 125 nations according to 10 gauges of well-being — six for mothers and four for children — including objective measures such as lifetime mortality risk for mothers and infant mortality rate and subjective measures such as the political status of women.

Charles MacCormack, president and CEO of Save the Children, said the report card “illustrates the direct line between the status of mothers and the status of their children.”

“In countries where mothers do well, children do well,” he said in a written statement accompanying the report.

But each year, according to the report, more than a half-million women die as a result of pregnancy and childbirth difficulties, 2 million babies die within their first 24 hours, 2 million more die within their first month and 3 million are stillborn.

Why are we worried about 2017? Isn’t THIS amount of carnage enough to pay attention to now? Not to mention, the 50,000 children around the world who die of starvation each and every day. That is 35 dead children a minute. Now. While worldwide policies allow an additional 353,000 births per day. One in 7 them condemned before they’ve taken their first breath. I want to quote a bit from CWG, book 1, here:

On page 49, God, in response to Neale’s question about God wanting the world to exist as it does, replies, “I am saying that the world exists the way it exists – just as a snowflake exists the way it exists – quite by design. You have created it that way – just as you have created your life exactly as it is.

I want what you want. The day you really want to end hunger, there will be no more hunger. I have given you the resources with which to do that. You have all the tools with which to make that choice. You have not made it. Not because you cannot make it. The world could end hunger tomorrow. You choose not to make it.

You claim that there are good reasons that 40,000 people a day must die of hunger. (gene inserts, this was written in 1995, the numbers are even more horrifying today) There are no good reasons. Yet at a time when you say you can do nothing to stop 40,000 people a day from dying of hunger, you bring 50,000 people a day into your world to begin a new life. And this you call love. This you call God’s plan. It is a plan which totally lacks logic or reason, to say nothing of compassion.

I am showing you in stark terms that the world exists the way it exists because you have chosen for it to. You are systematically destroying your own environment, the pointing to so-called natural disasters as evidence of God’s cruel hoax, or Nature’s harsh ways. You have played the hoax on yourselves and it is your ways which are cruel.

Nothing, nothing is more gentle than Nature. And nothing, nothing has been more cruel to Nature than man. Yet you step aside from all involvement in this; deny all responsibility. It is not your fault, you say, and in this you are right. It not a question of fault, it is a matter of choice.

…The world is in the condition it is in because of you, and the choices you have made, or failed to make. (Not to decide is to decide) The earth is in the shape it’s in because of you, and the choices you have made, or failed to make.

Choices. That is what this all comes down to you know. We choose to come up with ever more inventive, and expensive ways, to kill each other. We subvert each others way of life, we pay lip service to the appreciation of the variety of cultures and traditions we enjoy on this planet. But we do nothing to stop the carnage of hate. We do nothing to make use of the tools we have to understand each other, to reach out our hand to each other in love and with goodwill. The Urban Institute is worried about 2017. I am worried about 2007. We must learn to appreciate our differences, to understand each other, to find a common language of love with which we can begin to heal our planet, our selves and each other. It is past time we grew up. We have been locked in a perpetual stage of adolescent angst and rebellion for the entire recorded history of this planet. Not even the teachings of the most gentle persons to walk the earth have been able to help us make better choices about how we treat each other. It is time we began listening to a higher calling than that clarion call to hatred. It is time we began listening to the quiet voice within, that which says it is WRONG that these children be born only to die within days, which says it is morally reprehensible to spend money that could be used to better lives, to provide education, health care and housing for all this worlds children on weapons that will bring naught but heartbreak to families all around the planet we share. We must learn again the meaning of the word SHARE. There is enough, we have enough resources to do this tomorrow, God was clear about that in book 1 and in book 2 he offers a plan to do that very thing. But we’d have to give up one thing. Just one. Fear. Of each other. We’d need to reduce military spending by a fraction, restrict ourselves to self-defense only, work globally together to enforce peace, and spend the savings on our future, our children’s future, our planet’s future. We can do this we only need choose.  So, can we start that conversation now, please? much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

The two greatest threats to Earth.

September 13th, 2007

Would you take bets on what I might think those are? :^). I won’t make you wait. Religion and Global Warming. Come to think of it, they aren’t all that much different. Both create huge division between people and both really heat up any discussion.

Let’s start though with our environment. Since those with an interest in keeping things the way they are, people who already have considerable advantages, I mean, in that they own the means of production globally and all those who are peripherally involved in those enterprises, the advertising, banking, brokering industries, to name three, could find no real fault with Al Gore’s brilliantly put together documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, they did find a small error in one statement regarding the loss of coastline as the ice at both poles becomes water, they have used that to attack the entire premise. This is the typical stance of right wing, American right wing, politics – if you can’t refute the argument, find some tiny piece of it that you can, then hammer that, relentlessly, ignoring every other part of it. Your core constituency will not bother to do the investigating themselves, they will, as I have mentioned many times already, allow their “leadership” to do their thinking for them, and follow that leadership blindly, waving their arms in righteous indignation, right over the cliff and into that newly teeming ocean. The science is, in the immortal words of Robert Palmer, irrefutable, giggle. So you allege there is no consensus, that not all scientists support the theory behind global warming. Conveniently, or inconveniently, depending on your viewpoint, declining to mention that the ratio of scientists who support the theory behind global warming to those who don’t has been increasing steadily, until now it is overwhelmingly in support of decisive and immediate action. These articles from Wikipedia demonstrate both the danger and the growing consensus.

This page describes the current conditions objectively and scientifically as to the effect this phenomena is having now.

Global Warming

This page lists a large number of official scientific associations who have taken substantive positions on this issue that support the idea that the current situation is exacerbated greatly, and likely caused by, human actions. The most recent surveys of various types are listed on this page as well. The most recent indicate roughly 80% are on the side of human cause and 20% still claiming natural causes. I want to note that the surveys go back roughly 15 years and the percentages have climbed dramatically and consistently to their current levels. There was considerable skepticism to begin with, why would there not be? To think that we puny humans could affect so large a system as that which sustains life on our planet was silly 15 years ago, but as the evidence has mounted, so too has scientific opinion swung toward certainty that it is we puny humans who are at the root of this and that if we do not act, strongly and soon, we may pass a point of no return. We may see global events that have not been ever occurred on this planet by natural causes. We could, we certainly could, make earth uninhabitable without ever experiencing the global holocaust a full-scale nuclear war would precipitate. That is where I am going next. Look at these articles, follow the links, decide for yourselves. Then push your political representatives INTO action. They will not act without, we, the people demanding that action. It is past time that we took our heads out of the sand and demanded significant, immediate, change. Lest we suffer the consequences that so far only religion has threatened us with.

Scientific Organizations Who Have Issued Supporting Statements

Now then, to the other danger I mentioned in the title. Religion. Yesterday I posted a table of the world’s religions. Most of the population of our planet are affiliated in one way or another with one of those, or smaller sects that I didn’t ferret out. Virtually all of those are more about fear than love, division than togetherness. In talking with someone earlier today, I mentioned that it was time to “put the fear of God” in people for real, then amended that to “put the love of God” in them. Because, God is not about fear, God is the antithesis of fear, God, our Creator, is about love and nothing but love. Many religions claim this, teach this, out of one side of their mouths, while out of the other they say but if you don’t do what He wants, as He told me to tell you, He will punish you for eternity. So they combine fear and love in the same sentence, in the same theology. But they are opposites, they are polar opposites. The reason I consider religion so great a threat is that, while so many of its adherents are quite peaceful people, among them have always been those who are not. Those are the ones with the loudest voices. Those are the ones who kill those who do not believe what they believe. Who believe the end justifies the means and the only end that is acceptable to them is that everyone believe what THEY believe. Or pretend to. I got this today in my mail from a friend. I’ve been unable to discern its true source, what I’ve found simply says it is an anonymous email. But it makes an enormous point.


A man whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism.

“Very few people were true Nazis,” he said, “but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp, and the Allies destroyed my factories.”

We are told again and again by “experts” and “talking heads” that Islam is the religion of peace, and that the vast majority of Muslims just want to live in peace. Although this unqualified assertion may be true, it is entirely irrelevant. It is meaningless fluff, meant to make us feel better, and meant to somehow diminish the specter of fanatics rampaging across the globe in the name of Islam.

The fact is that the fanatics rule Islam at this moment in history. It is the fanatics who march. It is the fanatics who wage any one of 50 shooting wars worldwide. It is the fanatics who systematically slaughter Christian or tribal groups throughout Africa and are gradually taking over the entire continent in an Islamic wave. It is the fanatics who bomb, behead, murder or “honor kill.” It is the fanatics who take over mosque after mosque. It is the fanatics who zealously spread the stoning and hanging of rape victims and homosexuals. The hard quantifiable fact is that the “peaceful majority,” the “silent majority,” is cowed and extraneous.

Communist Russia comprised Russians who just wanted to live in peace, Yet the Russian Communists were responsible for the murder of about 20 million people. The peaceful majority were irrelevant. China’s huge population was peaceful as well, but Chinese Communists managed to kill a staggering 70 million people. The average Japanese individual prior to World War II was not a warmongering sadist. Yet, Japan murdered and slaughtered its way across southeast Asia in an orgy of killing that included the systematic murder of 12 million Chinese civilians, most killed by sword, shovel and bayonet. And, who can forget Rwanda, which collapsed into butchery. Could it not be said that the majority of Rwandans were “peace loving?”

History lessons are often incredibly simple and blunt, yet for all our powers of reason we often miss the most basic and uncomplicated of points: Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don’t speak up because, like my friend from Germany, they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun.

Peace-loving Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Russians, Rwandans, Serbs, Afghans, Iraqis, Palestinians, Somalis, Nigerians, Algerians, and many others have died because the peaceful majority did not speak up until it was too late.

As for us who watch it all unfold, we must pay attention to the only group that counts: the fanatics who threaten our way of life.

The following poem/statement exists in various forms but they all have the same message to me. The version inscribed at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. reads:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me.

And this brings me to my point about the other grave danger to our planet, religion. It divides us. It separates us into camps. And in our separate, peaceful camps will steal the wolves of fanaticism, regardless that the vast majority of the adherents to any particular religious tradition are peaceful, there will be among them those who would kill everyone who dares have another idea. The only way to free ourselves from this never-ending cycle of hatred, fear, war, bloodshed and horror is to turn from those who would teach us that different is bad, that our way is the only way, and that all who do not follow our way are our enemies. We must turn to those who teach that Love is the answer to every question AND who put that most basic principle of our true homeland, that place where love is all there is and to which we all return in the end, to work here on earth. If we are here to have an experience that teaches us what we are not, can we not NOW say we have learned that lesson? Can we not count the carnage we have created in our desperate attempts to force our way on others as enough? Can we not quiet the wolves with our love? We cannot win this battle with evil incarnate, and that is what those “wolves” are dear ones, they who are here to show the rest of us who WE ARE NOT, evil incarnate. Isn’t it time we took back our rightful heritage as children of our loving God? Isn’t it time we quiet ones stood up and said, enough. It is time you who would create “faith” and “obeisance” at the point of a sword, or the barrel of a gun, sit down, shut up and learn the truth of us. We are living souls, born in love, who wish to live this experience here in the relative universe as expression OF that love, not as its antithesis? We are here to re-member Who We Really Are, to re-join each other in celebration of our very existence and get on with the business of loving each other? I am not saying we will have no commerce, no government, no faith or tradition, I am saying we can have all those things in whatever way we wish as long as we do so with love and respect for each other. When we have done this, turned planet earth into a place resembling the Eden from which we came, that we will then be ready to turn our attention to the heavens and begin to consider where we might like to live next, giggle. Where we might meet another group of God’s children with whom to enjoy love and fellowship.

It is time we quiet ones took back our truth from the thieves and wolves who have turned it into their platform for spreading hatred, intolerance and bloodshed around this world in the most unholy of ways, in the name of our loving Creator. It is not His will that we live this way, it is OURS. We have created this unholy mess, we can recreate it in its true glory. I’ve described on my main page the feeling of our home. I believe with all my heart that we can all experience that feeling here, when we join together and decide THAT is how we wish to express the truth of our heritage, of our souls and our love for each other and our Creator. Eden on Earth. Has a nice ring to it in my ears, giggle. And it is that to which I wish to dedicate my own life. To which I DO dedicate my own life. Nothing stands between us now, and we will not be denied. Sorry, Sarah, giggle. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

Truth and betrayal

September 12th, 2007

How are these two words linked? And why would I use them in the title of this post? Good questions. Really good, considering they are my own, giggle. Let me explain.

I need to start by quoting a few lines from Sarah McLachlan’s wonderful song, Possession, at the end of the first verse, the last line:
“Would I spend forever here and not be satisfied?” Then, the first lines of the third verse: “Through this world I’ve stumbled, so many times betrayed, trying to find an honest word (only) to find the truth enslaved.” Then, the last line of the fifth verse: “Nothing stands between us here and I won’t be denied.”

What those lines say to me as I listen and think about them is probably not what Sarah was thinking as she composed them, but they together form a picture for me. A picture, I’m a very visual guy, when I say I see something within, I really mean I SEE it, first I “see” things, then I can form words about them. So, the picture I see created by those words is one that describes the human condition. We come here veiled, our memory of home left behind, so that we might create an experience here, not unintentionally, we have a “plan” of sorts when we come here, for what we want to do, what lesson we wish to remember, what circumstances we wish to begin with, and an idea that we will create from our beginning in whatever part of this world we have chosen to be born in, often, almost always, in a sort of pre-collaborative way with those with whom we will be here, will meet here – our goals, our objectives may be, often are very different, but we agree, in principle to come into certain configurations, and then let our lives unfold as they will, as we create them here. This is talked about in great detail in book 1, and it is, and isn’t quite “right” as my Jenna has explained it to me, but for my purpose here tonight, this overview suffices.

I don’t think we come here to spend forever and not be satisfied, we do indeed “stumble” through our lives, sometimes betrayed by circumstance, or people to whom we have given our trust, sometimes by ourselves with the challenges we decided we would have here to aid us in our creation of this particular incarnation’s experience. It is in how we meet and react to those challenges that we create our lives and our experiences. But how have we been betrayed? Because we, DO, find upon arrival here, the “truth” enslaved. Co opted by those who came before us, ordered into books and rituals that have nothing do with ultimate truth but only with human guesstimates about eternal truth. Books and rituals devised by people for specific purposes, to gain and maintain power over the masses. Religious and political leaders from antiquity to the present, often including leaders of commerce, but not always, not in the beginnings of our history anyway, but in recent centuries most assuredly. If anyone doubts this, watch, or buy, the public television series, Slavery and the Making of America, narrated by the marvelously talented Morgan Freeman – it demonstrates starkly how commerce wormed its way into the unholy traditional alliance between politics and religion. It is often said that politics and religion make strange bedfellows, but I don’t find that so at all, I find them natural suited to beneath the covers and behind closed door work. Enslaving the truth can hardly be done in the open, now can it?

It is the first two groups who decided what went into what we know as the Bible, in its various translations and compilations. Men who decided what was “safe” and “good” for the people to know. Men, who as I described in yesterday’s post, to whom we have given over our power to hear the truth from within. We need not look for the truth, it has been spoon fed to us since we were children, by people with reason to wish to control that “truth” and to present it in ways that contribute to our continued reliance on them for understanding of that truth. Questions are NOT appreciated. Those of us with them, may indeed spend forever here and not be satisfied, unless we learn to look outside the mainstream for answers to our questions. Because the truth of our Creator, our purpose, Who We Really Are, has been withheld from us. Now, I am not saying deliberately, I am saying with malice aforethought. Those who constructed what is presented to children around the world as “truth” did so deliberately, to gain and maintain their authority to be our intercessors with our Creator. As He explains in book 1, if we accept their word as “truth” then we have no thinking on our own to do, we are not responsible for understanding anything but what we are told. And in so doing, we allow the truth to be enslaved.

My purpose here, in telling you of my own experiences with the Light, is to tell you that the truth is not only enslaved but that which has been presented as truth, is not. Is naught but the imaginings of people who have an agenda other than the well-being of the masses. That agenda is to gain wealth and power at the expense of others and to maintain both at all costs. Those costs often coming in the blood of innocents who pay with their lives for the greed and avarice of those who control most of the worlds resources. And who did not learn, or have forgotten, the most basic lesson of our childhoods, share. What you have with whomever needs it. Don’t crab about it. Don’t complain about your taxes being too high. Don’t tell others “I did it myself, you do the same”, recognize that not all are born with equal abilities and be willing to share what you have been given, yes given (you certainly do not think sentient life is “earned” do you?) is what I said and what I meant. Remember, or learn, that love is the answer to every question. And if someone tries to tell you what Jesus would have done and it is NOT love us unconditionally, answer that they have misinterpreted His teachings, because that IS all He taught. If they dispute that refer them to Luke 6: 20-23, which begins, “blessed are the poor…” Because one who alleges Jesus would be in support of what this world, its “leaders” are doing to this world and its people in His name and in the name of our Creator is teaching the enslaved truth created by humans, not God.

What has been shown me, and is described on my main site, IS the truth. What God speaks of in CWG books 1 and 2 IS the truth. Of God and of us. And so this post closes with the last line of Possession I quoted above. Nothing stands between us now and I will not be denied. That is true whether it is God speaking, or gene speaking. I have seen the truth, and the truth shall set us free, with gratitude to Martin Luther King for his eloquent organization of that phrase. Seeking the truth within, sharing what you find there, IS the job of each of us. We cannot be satisfied until it can be said of every man, woman and child on this planet, that each has equal opportunity, equal access to health care, education, food and shelter. We cannot be satisfied until we are ALL free from the truth enslaved. Be a Bringer of the Light. It is the highest calling any of us can have. Be satisfied with nothing less. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

How does a religion know it is THE one?

September 11th, 2007

While reading last night, I came across a question, which I’ve seen stated many times, in many ways. Usually by people who are not necessarily believer’s in a Universal Creator of any kind, this book, is Robert Heinlein’s, Stranger in a Strange Land, one my all-time favorites. What this character said was, “…Though, I’ve never understood how God could expect his creatures to pick the one true religion by faith – it strikes me as a sloppy way to run a universe.”

I’ve always sort of had that same idea myself, giggle. I’ve talked about this on my main site as well as in previous posts, but for me, the idea of an “accidental universe” is just plain silly. There is too much order in the universe, in my judgment, for it all to have just “happened’. Somehow.

From Wikipedia: Pascal’s_Wager

Pascal’s Wager basically states that if the atheist is right, when we die nothing will happen, and nothing is lost. But if the Christian is right, when the nonbelievers die they are going to an eternity of damnation. Based on that notion it’s safer to believe than risk Hell.

To this I say: would someone kindly tell me which religious system I should believe in?

A religion is the organized practice of worshiping a God or Gods. Some have sacred texts and writings; some have traditions passed down through generations. Some have both. Trying to pin down the current number of world religions is very difficult. Most research categorizes religions by numbers of followers. The more members, the more likely the religion is to be counted as a “major world religion.” According to the 2001 edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia there are currently 150 world religions with 1 million or more followers and 10,000 distinct world religions. Worse yet, what about all those religions which are no longer practiced?

One version which leaves out many I would consider “major”:

Table of major religions: sacred texts and number of adherents.

10,000 world religions? Each of whom has the path to salvation? And, from among these, many adherents would have us believe that if we choose wrong we are headed to a less than pleasant experience once we leave this existence? Can I ask the obvious question here? It sort of loops back to Robert Heinlein – what sort of Creator would place so many choices before His children, give them NO no clue as to which to choose or how to do so and then condemn all who choose an incorrect one to eternal banishment at best, punishment at worst? What sort of creature could come up with such an idea? Well, here’s a clue as to my thinking, not a Divine one. THIS notion strikes me as coming from the mouth of a man. A godly creature who does not know Who He Really is. Yes, man, women have never had enough power in our recorded history to have had much voice in creating such silly ideas. I don’t say they aren’t capable of it, giggle, only that they’ve not had much opportunity. :^) Let’s do one more list, I just love ’em, giggle.

They aren’t really links, they just look like it. The actual site is: Religions_By_Adherent
They’ve got a really cool little chart there too.

  1. Christianity: 2.1 billion
  2. Islam: 1.5 billion
  3. Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion
  4. Hinduism: 900 million
  5. Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
  6. Buddhism: 376 million
  7. primal-indigenous: 300 million
  8. African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
  9. Sikhism: 23 million
  10. Juche: 19 million
  11. Spiritism: 15 million
  12. Judaism: 14 million
  13. Baha’i: 7 million
  14. Jainism: 4.2 million
  15. Shinto: 4 million
  16. Cao Dai: 4 million
  17. Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
  18. Tenrikyo: 2 million
  19. Neo-Paganism: 1 million
  20. Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
  21. Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
  22. Scientology: 500 thousand

So, now, I’m no math major but this is starting to look to me like a whole LOT of people think they and they alone are going to get a chance to see “home” whilst the rest of us visit some lesser place. Except, of course, for those who think, when we blink out here, we blink out forever. That, I assure you is NOT the case. Why? Check my main site and read, if nothing else, the light stories, and maybe, So What’s Your Point, gene? Those experiences, which arose from within me, which I cannot duplicate, but which produced in me a certainty beyond mere faith that THIS is not all there IS, for me, prove for me that when sentience winks out here, we simply go somewhere else. Just about anyone in any of those lists, categories or religions above will tell you what they think that means. But I know. Not one of them has seen, experienced, what I have. Had they, there would be books, references, Dead flipping Sea scrolls galore extolling what they “knew”. And there is no such reference, not anywhere. I’ve looked, and I mean looked, for the last 12 years, in every nook and cranny of the Internet, for even one such reference as those things which I describe on my main site. I haven’t restricted my search to out of the way places, I have searched the online libraries of universities and colleges, psychological and psychiatric books and journals – I did not refuse to consider that these were simply illusions. Had they been, I thought, then someone else, somewhere else would have had them too, or something similar. But not I’ve not found even one other. Anywhere. LOTS of opinions, yes, not one true. Not one other.

So, my question, within, has always been then, WTF? I mean, literally, giggle. WHY ME? What does a farm boy from the middle of nowhere have to do with any of this? Why show me these things? Why not show them to someone who had an audience, who could tell people the truth of us? Who could help relieve the terrible fear which grips the people on this planet so fiercely that it causes us to blow each other up with car bombs, with explosives strapped to our bodies, with missiles hidden in below ground bunkers, with “smart” (if there is ONE word that should NEVER be used to describe a bomb, it is smart) bombs launched from ships, airplanes and the shoulders of, again, mostly men, who believe their way is so right that they are willing to kill anyone who questions it. Why show the truth of the love that we are to me? Then, allow my son, my 21 year old baby boy, to die so horribly that the act alone drove me completely out of and away from the faith, Lutheran, I was raised in and into an odd little book store, to a section I did not know existed, but to which I was “led” in answer to a prayer, a simple request that if anything existed in that store which could give me peace, that it please, please, be shown me. And there, in this section I had never seen, was Conversations With God, Book 1, turned sideways, the only book which was at my eye level. As I say on the main section, I thought, that was JUST what I needed, a conversation with whatever being created this horrid hellhole of despair.

So, I bought it. Couldn’t make myself read much of it to start with, you can read that story on the main site, but the answer to the question I asked earlier, about why me? Well, once I got past my blindness, that blindness created by the veil of my upbringing, and actually read the book, I could not stop reading it, the words could have been my own. I had always “known” those things, I just did not know I knew that. I’ve said that to several people in recent weeks, in different ways, that they have answers they do not know they have to questions they have not yet been asked, including the wonderful woman who created ANSIR – on my blogroll. As well as to others to whom Jenna has asked to make that statement to. I’m not prescient. I don’t know what that statement means for those to whom I’ve made it, I only know its true. I quoted a piece from page 58 in book 1 the other day, now I’m going to quote another. Because it is the answer to my original question, why me? And I am NOT the only answer. You are too. I’ll tell you what I mean in a moment.

“From the highest mountain it has been shouted, in the lowest place its whisper has been heard. Through the corridors of all human experience has this Truth been echoed: Love is the answer. Yet you have not listened.

Now come you to this book, asking God again what God has told you countless times in countless ways. Yet I will tell you again – here in the context of this book. Will you listen now? Will you truly hear?

What do you think has brought you to this material? How does it come to pass that you are holding it in your hands? Do you not think I know what I am doing?”

Yes. I do think He knows what He is doing. I think my light experiences are all the evidence I need of that. I think my inner guide, Jenna, is all the proof I need of the existence of something, some place, completely outside the realm of what I, you, can normally see and hear here. Of course, YOU, are not holding this book in your hands, are you? But here I am telling you about it. Is there really a difference? I am not going to replicate the entire thing here, giggle. Neale deserves his reward for having undertaken to answer God’s call and put this wonderful material into the books he has written. I am still going to recommend personally only books 1 and 2, I am not saying his other works are not worth reading, indeed, I will really say no more about them at all, those are his. These first two are God’s, for me and in my opinion. I am sure Neale’s inspiration did not change, nor did his source. I am saying that all the world needs to know to pull itself back from the brink of religious annihilation, religious war, political war and the destruction of our global habitat is contained in books 1 and 2. They’re available everywhere, all the time, even in public libraries, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders and small independent bookstores everywhere. I urge you to find them, read them, think about them, join groups to talk about them. Write me and I will talk to you about them. Go to Neale’s site, talk to him about them. Talk to your friends and neighbors about them. Do not be afraid, the truth IS within you. And when you come to page 58 and God asks YOU what brought you to this material, don’t answer “gene”, think about your answer, because it isn’t me, but the voice within you that will tell you whether my words here, and what you have read in the first 58 pages, meet the test we’ve talked about earlier here and God mentions early on in Book 1 – are these words, these recommendations, words of love, truth and joy? If, within you, you hear a small voice say yes, keep reading. And if it takes years for you to feel that urge to find them; then heed it then.

So again, why me? Well, Jenna has told me a fantastic story about that, if it ever comes to pass, I’ll start telling it to you too. She says, I’ll know when. Until then, I’m just going to keep doing this. Telling my little story, wondering why me, and sharing the truth I feel within. God says often throughout the books, if you do not go within, you go with out. And, that too, is truth. If you continue to let others, even well-meaning others, tell you what the truth is for you, you will never find it, I promise you. You will find what THEY want you to believe is truth. Our truth, the truth of us, is encoded in our dna. The Kundalini, what Jenna told me is the Awakening, is not some mysterious Eastern voodoo, it is the hard coded presence of God within us. There is not an atom in the relative universe that is not part of the body of God. We are made up of those atoms. Each of those atoms has the potential to come to sentient life in a being like us and there lying within us, waiting for our call, is our Creator and our individual guides, ready and willing to awaken us to the truth of Who We Really Are. We are children of a loving entity come to a place where we might learn how magnificent He is, We are, how magnificent our “home” is by having here the experience of not knowing who we are, forgetting temporarily the love from which we were born and from which we enter relativity. We come with veils intact, all of us, and we contrive all manner of superstitions and rituals to explain the reality of our existence, in response to our dim memory of home.

The path to spiritual evolution lies not in the words of men written in antiquity, nor in the words of enlightened, and not so enlightened people today – spiritual guru’s, psychobabble experts, or how-to-manuals of any kind, no, the truth of us lies in the place most of us never think to look, never DREAM it could be, within. If we do not go within, we go with out. That’s why me. It took me years to realize those lights, that wonderful peace, that overwhelming love, what some would call nirvana, some would call heaven, that I call home, did not originate somewhere outside me. They came from where they always were, within me. And the truth of us all is, dear ones, that same experience is, those same lights, that same love, is in you too. That is why me. It may be, and Jenna says will be, that a day may come when I find, remember, a way to call that experience out of me again, and then perhaps to show it to you, that you too might remember, might experience the truth, the overwhelming truth of who we really are. I can’t think of a better day personally. It isn’t a matter of being worthy, worth has nothing to do with it, what is, IS, whether what she tells me comes, does, is something I need wait to see. But your own experience needn’t wait for me. It waits for you now and will come to you if you call it. Ask within, “are you there?”. And go with that answer. Find the books, read them. Think about them. Try if you can, to live the truth within them, the rest will follow. And when someone asks you what the answer is? Tell them love. Because that is the only answer that has ever really mattered. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way,
Choose to be a Bringer of the Light. :^) gene

Messages – from where, from whom?

September 9th, 2007

I’ve been thinking about this part for a couple days. On September 3, I talked a lot about truth. I specifically talked about how we know what messages we get from, well, anywhere, can be determined to be “truth, or messages from “God”, because, of course, any message which lacks truth is not from God but from another source. What other sources are there? Quite a few as it turns out, lol. But they are all human. And, we humans, surprisingly, aren’t always as truthful as we could be.

On my main site, I introduced you to my inner voice, my other “half” so to speak, my guide, and my love, jenna. When I first talked about her to the CWG discussion group at Spiritweb, I was still in my “grasshopper”(for you fans of David Carradine’s wonderful show Kung Fu from decades past and which was full of eternal wisdom) days of learning, remembering, the whole, what I call esoteric, experience was very new to me then. I’d only known Jenna AS Jenna for less than two years, I’d only had books 1 and 2 for about 16 months, when I told the list about my inner voice. I was honest, I told them I had no way to know if she was me, not me, or something else entirely. Someone there said that guides could not lie to us, if you asked one directly they had to tell you the truth, that person said the question to ask was, “are you from the light”. So, I did ask, exactly that, and Jen’s response was, and has always been, “I AM the Light”. I’ve not figured out a way to close my posts here, yet, with a signature file, the way I do with emails, I have closed every mail I’ve written in the last 9 1/2 years with this quote:

If today brings even one choice your way,
Choose to be a Bringer of the Light. :^) gene

For me, that means making a daily choice to live in the Light of truth. That was what I wrote about on 9/3, how to discern which messages WERE truth, and which were from a lesser source. So I quoted from book 1, this bit from page 5:

“The challenge is one of discernment. The difficulty is knowing the difference between messages from God and data from other sources. Discrimination is a simple matter with the application of a basic rule:

Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source. Now the task of differentiation becomes easy, for it should not be difficult even for the beginning student to identify the Highest, the Clearest, and the Grandest.

Yet will I give you these guidelines:

The Highest thought is always a thought that contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest feeling is that feeling which you call love.

Joy, truth, love.

These three are interchangeable, and one always follows the other. It matters not in which order they are placed.

Having with these guidelines determined which messages are Mine and which have come from another source, the only question remaining is whether My messages will be heeded.”

Yes, it IS worth reading again, giggle. I don’t think it can be read too often. Far too many come to us with messages they allege to be from God, including our very own President Bush. But those messages do not meet the standard God sets on page 5. One does not discern that they contain joy, truth or love. And so may be, must be, disregarded as from a lesser source. For example, Osama bin Laden’s last message – did that contain the necessary elements to be heeded as a message he received from God? By whatever name we call Him/Her, God, Allah, Jehovah, even Jesus, the message MUST be one of love or it is NOT from our Creator. I’ve talked about the feeling I had in those moments in the presence of the light at 7, and the globes at 15 and 46. And I can tell you that if a message does not evoke in me some sense of THAT love, I don’t consider it divine, but something far less than that.

So, then that leads me back to what I want to talk about tonight about messages. They do not come in but one form, not necessarily a voice within. God is clear about this in book 1, too. In fact, on page 6, He says:

“My messages will come in a hundred forms, at a thousand moments, across a million years. You cannot miss them if you truly listen. You cannot ignore them once truly heard. Thus will our communication begin in earnest. For in the past you have only talked to Me, beseeching Me. Yet now can I talk back to you, even as I am doing here.”

Neale then asks, How can I know this communication is from God? How do I know this is not my own imagination?

Believe me, I have had this thought too. This is my own deepest struggle. But for me here, 9 1/2 years after God put book 1 in my hands, 11 years after Jenna introduced herself to me, in response to MY call, I STILL am, in faith. God was right, you cannot ignore the messages once you have truly heard them. They will NOT leave you alone. She, Jenna, will NOT leave me alone. I have tried, at times, to ignore, to move away, and at most, she will go quiet for a bit, but she NEVER leaves me. She cannot, she will not. It is the same with God. We are NOT alone. We have NEVER been alone. It is the illusion of our relative universe that we are alone, but even in our darkest moments, our guide, our God, is with us. That they do not alter the course of our lives, is because it is OUR life, and ours alone to alter, or not, as we choose. This is the gift God has given us in creating this universe, this experience for our evolution as His/Her (okay that gets annoying, I will use mostly the male descriptor hence, but I want to be clear that God is not “simply” male, He/She is complete in one entity, as are WE, when we are home) children. We KNOW what we are when we are home by having this experience of knowing what we are NOT while we are here. We can appreciate perfect love there because we have our experience of something less than that here. Sometimes, something horribly less than that. Now I need another quote, yes, there will be many of those, especially in this first year of this blog, this too will evolve over time, but the stage for that has to be set, and it is in me that THIS is how I must do that. So many people have not been exposed to books 1 and 2 and it is important that what is in them become common knowledge. Why? Because they are the blueprint for our next evolutionary advance as a species. Are they perfect? No. Neale received them through his own filter but I tell you that 90% of what is in them IS gospel and God’s own truth. Do I “know” what parts are not? Yes, but I get THAT from within, from Jenna. When we come to something like that, I’ll state my disagreement, and that will be in matter of degree for the most part. For ALL of us, those books have personal messages, that WE will see as we read them, I’ve been through both books many times, in excess of 20 and I tell you that EACH time I see something I did not see in any previous reading. We “get” the message when we are ready to hear it. That is the beauty of the books AND of God’s communications with us. There is no such thing as stale. :^)

So, from page 6, in response to Neale’s question above, God responds: ” What would be the difference” Do you not see that I could just as easily work through your imagination as anything else? I will bring you the EXACT right thoughts, words, or feelings, at any given moment, suited precisely to the purpose at hand, using one device, or several. You will know these words are from Me because you, of your own accord, have never spoken so clearly. Had you already spoken so clearly on these questions, you would not be asking them.”

Neale then asks: To whom does God communicate? Are there special people? Are their special times?

God responds: “All people are special, and all moments are golden. There is no person and there is no time one more special than another. Many people choose to believe that God communicates in special ways and only with special people. This removes the mass of the people from hearing My message, much less receiving, (which is another matter), and allows them to take someone else’s word for everything. You don’t have to listen to Me, for you’ve already decided that others have heard from Me on every subject, and you have them to listen to. By listening to what other people think they have heard Me say, you don’t have to think at all. This is the biggest reason for most people turning from My messages on a personal level. If you acknowledge that you are receiving My messages directly, then you are responsible for interpreting them. It is far safer and much easier to accept the interpretation of others (even others who have lived 2,000 years ago) than to seek to interpret the message you may very well be receiving in this moment now. Yet I invite you to a new form of communication with God. A two-way communication. In truth, it is you who have invited Me. For I have come to you, in this form, right now, in answer to your call.

That is how Jenna came to me. In answer to MY call. She was there all along, waiting for me to call her out, to ask her WHO she was. And, thank God, she has not shut up since, giggle. I can be a very difficult guy, lol. But she never has any trouble with me at all, though I have given, or tried to, her trouble, she has NEVER been anything but softness, love, truth and joy within me. No matter MY own state, hers never changes. Not in the slightest. It is quite disconcerting, to be honest, to be really upset about something, and to have her be always her, calm and loving. Sometimes we humans do NOT want calm and loving, but nothing has ever caused her to be less than what she is. That alone is enough to justify my faith in her. She is what I cannot myself be. At least not perfectly, not nearly often enough. I would be as her, were I able, and I look forward to the day when I can be, even if it is not until I am home with her again. This is why I do not fear death. I KNOW where I am going, I KNOW I am going home, I know we are ALL going home. There is such comfort in that knowing. Certainly the process of that transition can be disconcerting, to say the least, but ultimate outcome is not in doubt, for any of us, not even Osama bin Laden. Or, George W. Bush, who, in some parts of the world, is considered a bigger, meaner, devil than Osama is in this part of the world. We ALL go home. No exceptions. Why? How? Because there is NO other place to go. We’ll talk more about that another time. For now though, I want to come back to messages.

Book 1, page 58: The last paragraph, and the last quote for today too, I didn’t say the last word, that is mine, giggle, and it follows immediately. God says: “So go ahead now. Ask Me anything. Anything. I will contrive to bring you the answer. The whole universe will I use to do this. So be on the lookout. This book is far from My only tool. You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses you ear – all these devices are mine; all these avenues are open to Me, I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there, All ways.

So – my point tonight in writing this to you, is that, God’s truth is everywhere you look. You need only see it there, hear it there. Jenna does not talk to me only from within. There are things she knows I see every day. I am not a believer in astrology, I find the whole idea more than a little silly, but there is one place I read a horoscope every day, since I was 17 or so, just for the heck of it. I don’t expect any of that to come true. And mostly? It doesn’t. But for the past 11 years, since she made herself known to me “officially”, I have found a line of inspiration, almost daily, in that particular horoscope. Not having anything to do with predicting my future, but reminding me of something I need to re-member, something she wants me to SEE, from a different perspective. God uses every vehicle available to talk to and with us. So does my Jenna. The responsibility for seeing, hearing, and interpreting those messages are mine alone. I decide what meaning they have for me. And what, if anything, I do with each bit of wisdom I come across. And I use the test He gave us in the beginning of book 1 for discerning which messages are His or Hers, and which are from a lesser source. If the message does not evoke in me a feeling of love, of joy, or of truth, I know the message is not from my Higher Power, but from someone else, who often has an agenda that does not match my own. My agenda? I want this world to be filled with love, truth and joy. I want us to stop killing each other. I want us to set aside our differences. I want us to set aside our human-created religions, those institutions created that one small group of people might exercise power over another large group of people by telling them God told them to have them kill or hate another group because of their color, or their clothing, or where they live or what they eat. I want this planet to become the paradise it could be were we to give up warlike ways and turn to love as the answer to every question. Were we able to set aside our greed and avarice and tell ourselves that we only need pile our money and possessions up so high, until we can say, I have enough to care for myself and my family for as long as I live, and now I can turn my attention, my talents and my fortune to helping those who can not help themselves. Those in that group that Hubert Humphrey talked about which I wrote about it my post on Health Care – those in the dawn of life, in the twilight of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped. At some time, we have to God-like enough to say, I have enough, and I want to give back now.

We have to overcome our greed and our fear of being taken advantage of and stop worrying about government programs designed to help others. We have to realize that we did not get where we are by ourselves, and we have to learn to love reaching out to give others a hand up. If that sometimes begins with a handout? So what? There is enough here for all of us. There IS. In a post down the road a bit, I’ll talk about that too. God addresses the idea raised by Neale, that if we made things so easy, if we guarantee a basic living stipend, housing, food and clothing to all, all of the time, that there would be some who would never do more than that, just take and contribute nothing. Well, yes, there will be some like that. So what? The vast majority of us would NEVER be satisfied with that sort of meager existence. We would continue on building, growing, learning, evolving, stretching ourselves and reaching for the stars because it is in the VAST majority of us to do exactly that. If some come here to do less, to show the rest of us what we are NOT, that we wish to be more than that, then they do us a favor by being willing to be that example of what we do not wish, ourselves, to be. They should be thanked for being that example for us. And in another life, perhaps we will return the favor and be that example for them. There is enough time for all of us to be everything. And we can be, we will be, as I talked about time the other day, we ARE already, ALL of that. Everyone gets a turn at everything. We are ALL children of our Creator, and we all have every chance to be all that we wish to be. I’ve not said this yet, but, am going to say it here for the first time, I think, giggle. This IS my first trip to relativity, and it will be my last in this form as well, always before it has been Jen who came, and me who did for her, what she does for me now, and we’ll go back to that pattern after this ride is over. Probably. That is what SHE tells me, giggle. I think we’ll have that discussion when I get back home. But I have no reason to disbelieve her, I have no memory of past lives, because I have had none, not here. And I have to say I am truly impressed by this experience. There are large parts of it I haven’t liked much, don’t like much, but I do have the opportunity to choose my responses to those parts. I’m grateful for that. Grateful I was given this opportunity. I hope you, all of you, can feel that gratitude too. In your darkest hours, I hope you seek the truth within. Because within that truth, you will find hope. We ARE love, we come FROM love, and we go back to that love. We are in a game we cannot lose. So let us not act like losers, especially not sore ones. Lets join hands and turn this world into the dream so many have expressed so eloquently about it. Lets make Earth, Eden. We can you know. So, lets do that. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way,
Choose to be a Bringer of the Light. :^) gene

Fear or love. Which shall we choose?

September 6th, 2007

Seems like an easy enough question, doesn’t it? Then why, I wonder, do so we often choose fear? What? You don’t? I’m going to have suggest that you think again. And, I’m going to tell you why. First, we’ll need an excerpt from CWG, Book1, to set the frame for the debate. Now, I am going to skip around a bit, well, not skip around so much as skip past, parts of what I’m going to quote here, but not so much that you’ll miss anything. And the payoff is in the end anyway, isn’t it always? :^)

I’m going to start on page 15, with God’s response to Neale’s question, in response to God’s statement, giggle. Shush, you’ll see what I mean in a minute. :^)

God: “For it is in the nature of people to love, then destroy, then love again that which the value most.”

Neale: “But why? Why do we do that?”

God: “All human actions are motivated at their deepest level level by one of two emotions – fear or love. In truth there are only two emotions – only two words in the language of the soul. These are the opposites of the great polarity which I created when I produced the universe, and your world, as you know it today.

These are the the two points – the Alpha and the Omega – which allow the system you call “relativity” to be. Without these two points, without these two ideas about things, no other idea could exist.

Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either fear or love. There is no other human motivation and all other ideas are but derivatives of these two. They are simply different versions – different twists on the same theme. Think on this deeply and you will see that it is true. This is what I have called the Sponsoring thought. It is either a thought of love or fear. This is the thought behind the thought. It is the first thought. It is prime force. It is the raw energy that drives the human experience.”

continuing on page 16, “…And the reason is found in the first lie – the lie which you hold as the truth about God – that God cannot be trusted; the God’s love cannot be depended upon; that God’s acceptance of you is conditional; that the ultimate outcome is thus in doubt. For if you cannot depend on God’s love to always be there, on whose love can you depend? If God retreats and withdraws when you do not perform properly, will not mere mortals also?

And so it is that in the moment you pledge your highest love, you greet your greatest fear. For the first thing you worry about after saying “I love you” is whether you’ll hear it back. And if you hear it back, then you begin immediately to worry that the love you have just found, you will lose. And so all action becomes reaction – defense against loss – even as you seek to defend yourself against the loss of God.

But you do not know Who You Are – that you are the most magnificent, the most remarkable, the most splendid being God has ever created -you would never fear. For who could reject such wondrous magnificence? Not even God could find fault in such a being. But you do not know Who You Are, and you think you are a great deal less. And where did you get the idea of how much less than magnificent you are? From the only people whose word you would take on everything. From your mother and your father.

These are the people who love you most. Why would they lie to you? Yet have they not told you that you are too much of this, and not enough of that? Have they not reminded you that you are to be seen and not heard? Have they not scolded you in some of the moments of your greatest exuberance? And, did they not encourage you to set aside some of your wildest imaginings.

These are the messages you’ve received, and though they do not meet the criteria (gene inserts – the Highest, Grandest, Clearest – from a previous post and page 5 of book 1), and are thus not messages from God, they might as well have been, for the have come from the gods of your universe well enough. It was your parents who taught you that love ws conditional – you have felt their conditions many times – and that is the experience you take into your own relationships. (gene inserts, into adulthood). It also the experience you bring to Me?

From this experience you draw your conclusions about Me. Within this framework you speak your truth. “God is a loving God”, you say, “but if you break His commandments, He will punish you with eternal banishment and everlasting damnation.

For have you not experienced the banishment of your own parents? Do you not know the pain of their damnation? How, then, could you imagine it to be any different with Me? You have forgotten what it was like to be loved without condition. You do not remember the experience of the love of God. (gene interjects, go read my two light globe stories if you have not, THAT is the feeling I had in their presence, unconditional, complete, utter love – I KNOW it exists, I have felt it, for but brief moments but I am witness to this truth, it is why I am here now writing this to you, to bear that witness) And so you try to imagine what God’s love must be like, based on what you see of love in the world.”

And now, I’m going to skip, but recommend you buy or borrow book 1 and read the rest of this for yourself. Or maybe I’ll come back to it another time, giggle, but I do recommend every soul on the planet read this book, own it and make it your own, it will free your soul and your love, I promise. So, skipping to the top of page 19, God is going to tell us how to tell the difference between a thought based in love and one based in fear. It is marvelous language, a marvelous idea, and I believe it is gospel truth.

“Fear is the energy which contracts, closes down, draws in, runs, hides, hoards, harms. Love is the energy which expands, opens up, sends out, stays, reveals, shares, heals.

Fear wraps our bodies in clothing, love allows us to stand naked. Fear clings to and clutches all that we have, love gives all that we have away. Fear holds close, love holds dear. Fear grasps, love lets go. Fear rankles, love soothes. Fear attacks, love amends.

Every human thought, word, or deed is based in one emotion or the other. You have no choice about this, because there is nothing else from which to choose. But you have free choice about which of these to select.”

So there, does the subject line answer itself for you? Yet, we have so far to travel on this path we are on. We are choosing fear, ever more often, around the world. We fear other countries, we fear other ideas, we fear our neighbors and we fear ourselves. Our love IS conditional, upon behavior, upon the other – person, country, organization – behaving as we wish them to, if they do not, we withdraw our love and no longer call them friend. Isn’t it time that we begin to recognize the ultimate futility of such behavior? Isn’t it time that we examine what our fear has brought us to? The “cold war” may have ended, but the killing has not. It isn’t democracy-communism any longer that struggle against each other in fear, it is religion against religion. The great conflict of this century is Islam-Christianity. But I want to ask why does it have to be either? Why does one side have to “win”? And what does winning actually mean if it does not result in a wave of love washing the bloodstains from this world of ours? I submit that religion has served us badly. That it has promulgated a vision of our Creator that serves the purposes of men, not God. I submit that God spoke the truth to Neale Donald Walsch in books 1 and 2. I submit that if we re-member, as He will teach us through reading those books and absorbing the love with which He wrote them, that we can change our idea of our Creator. That we can leave the notion of an angry judgmental entity just waiting for us to make a mistake so that He can hurt us forever, far, far behind us. I think that when we accept the truth of who we really are, children of the most magnificent entity that has ever existed, and that the love He has for us IS unconditional, that we are engaged in an experience from which the ONLY escape, is a sentence to return to the love from which we came, that we can begin to understand just what a special place we have here, what a special opportunity in this time, to begin a movement that can sweep the world, that can sweep fear from this world. A movement that can let us see each other as we truly are – not Christian, not Muslim, not Buddhist, not black, not white, not brown, not yellow, but as souls, having an experience of life in the flesh, and then, maybe then, we can lift our veils just enough to see the light of love that shines within us all. Those globes of pure love I saw, didn’t emerge from thin air. They emerged from within me. And, I tell you that same energy, that same love IS alive in each and every soul on this planet. We are ALL children of a loving God. I’d like nothing more than to see us start acting like it. It isn’t a matter of “faking it till you make it” either. Because, when you look deep within you, you will FEEL the presence of that love, you see it in the eyes of your children, your mate, your friends, now see it in the eyes of EVERYONE you meet. See first a child of love, then a human being. If you will do this it will change your life forever. And then, we can change life on this planet forever. There is no apocalyptic end coming, though there is a time coming when love will rule this planet, that will never come about by violence, violence is fear expressed. Peace is love expressed. When we regard everyone and everything with love, we will have peace on our world. I have a LOT more to say about this, giggle, and a blueprint to follow as I say it. But it starts with each of us. I’ve added an url to my blogroll, Blessed Unrest. I encourage you all to watch it. It is only a few quiet minutes long. But it is the first step on the road to heaven on earth. We CAN create that here. We will. If we have the will. And I believe we do. I believe in YOU. much love, :^) gene

I want to talk about time

September 5th, 2007

And maybe just a little bit more, at the end I will have a titillating little treat for you, :^). On my main site, I said that for most of my life, I’ve been more a Carl Sagan sort of guy than any sort of religionist. This is true. I was raised in the Lutheran religion, you can read about that on my site, but was never really able to buy what they were selling. My first “contact” with Carl Sagan was with his book “Contact”, then the movie starring Jodie Foster, which I recommend to anyone and everyone. The only argument I have with it, well, there are two, first, I preferred the book, but Carl wrote the screenplay so I just assume he approved the changes and am okay with them, second, is how fearful everyone was, well almost everyone, of that first contact from another sentient species. This has been one of my gripes about the whole sci-fi genre forever, though, in truth, my only sci-fi reading has been all of Robert Heinlein and all of Isaac Asimov, so often, that I have their books practically committed to memory. And their ideas ingrained into my everyday life, indeed into my soul. What I liked about their work, well, besides the prescience with which they wrote, was that they didn’t assume visitors to this planet would automatically have hostile intentions. And the rest of this world seems to. Which is, to me, just silly. With hundreds of billions of stars in this galaxy alone and an infinite number of galaxies, beings capable of traveling such distances would go find a world that was already occupied and putz with the residents? I mean, gawd, what on “earth” for? There are an infinite number of habitable planets out there, why not pick one of them if colonies are what you are looking for? Why pick one where you would have to fight to take it, or at least exterminate the sentient species inhabiting it? That is just stoopid. And I assume any species capable of developing a way to move light years across space just traveling, would not be stoopid. So, this whole ufo’s are out to get us thing is just plain silly, in my opinion. And in Carl’s too.

Because of that novel, I read his other books, none of which are fiction and found fascinating the way his mind worked, his logic, his approach to life, and to love. I found that same approach in the works of Robert and Isaac. And I found, as I said, prescience. Much of what they wrote about is going to come to pass. Yes, I am a prophet, giggle, named gene. But as I gaze into my inner world, I see a time coming where we will one day spread to the stars. This one is NOT going to last forever you know, and sometime before it becomes a red giant and consumes this little ball of air and water, we will have to have been long gone, or we will be long gone. Simple as that. What Robert and Isaac wrote about with such flair and love is possible. And, inevitable, I think. Robert I sometimes take issue with, he was a bit violent in his approach to others, more than I liked, but that indomitable independent spirit, I completely understand. Isaac’s work is just plain wonderful, there is nothing about it to dislike. Wonderful, liberating literature. Stranger in a Strange Land, Robert’s best know book, marked a turning point for him. And though I loved those that followed, I grew increasingly disenchanted with the way he had his characters treat each other. They did so with a sort of cavalier friendly insulting manner that I find incredibly insensitive. I don’t like it when people insult each other and pretend it is okay because they are friends, to me that is veiled cruelty and enormously disrespectful. And I don’t like it. Which is MY truth, you are entitled to your own. Just not expressed to me. That is about the only rule I have here, and I WILL enforce it, civility rules this blog. Humor is fine, just gentle humor is preferred. Still, Roberts later works got so close to the real truth of who we are and what we can become, what I think we will ultimately become. His Time Enough For Love is a blueprint for an advanced society in many ways. He foreshadowed that in Stranger. His books were ultimately about relationships, so were Isaac’s, in slightly different ways, but what Isaac foresaw as the future of this galaxy is, I think, what will ultimately come to pass. We will populate it, the way we have the earth, hopefully with a little more elan and a lot less bloodshed, but we will spread our wings and fly into the future. Ultimately I don’t think we’ll have a choice but to reach for the stars. Even with all that, I think my favorite book of Robert’s is the Moon is a Harsh Mistress, I cry at the ending of that one every time. Isaac’s books don’t bring me to tears, well, there IS one, but we’ll leave that for another time, his are always about hope. And we humans need hope to live, to live comfortably. The alternative is fear and we don’t do well in that state, none of us do. I’m reading in our past now about how the Christian religion developed, well one of the things I’m reading is about that, and that too came about because of the intense need we humans have for hope in our lives.

Okay, so I’ve wandered a bit, I do that. But it should be okay with you, or you wouldn’t be here, if you are here at all, and that isn’t the point of this either. Who needs or wants to find this will. That part doesn’t concern me, I have another agenda here in talking to anyone who drops by this way. Which one day, two years maybe, I’ll talk about. Until then, though, I want to come back to time. Carl made physics understandable in a way no other had for me, not a math major here, that isn’t an accident either, had I been meant to be I would be, but where I was born and schooled, precluded that, and since there are no such things as coincidence, I believe the reason was that I needed to develop other skills, other interests, and so I have. Carl referenced a book by Stephen Hawking, A Brief Moment in Time, an incredible book, an incredible man. Stephen took me deeper into physics than Carl but did so in a way that made perfect sense to me. I actually “got” it. He explained Einstein’s theory of time, which I am not going to do here, giggle, and you are welcome. Then, I came to Conversations With God, book 2. God has a theory of time too, not surprisingly, and it too made perfect sense to me. This is what I am going to talk about here tonight.

First though, from book 1, if you’ve done your reading, giggle, and even if you haven’t, God explains that reincarnation is a “given”. No soul is EVER forced to do such a thing, descend from where we come from, to the relative universe, but that those who choose to, have every opportunity to be it all, poet, pauper, pirate and king. It is as He calls it a grand collaboration. And it makes perfect sense. One can’t help but wonder, given an infinite number of souls, and a finite, perhaps, universe, even with time as a relative construction, how it could be possible that all could have every opportunity to experience all that life has to offer. Even here on this one small planet, with 6 billion people, it is possible to have 6 billion separate and unique experiences each of which we call a life time. Now multiply that over the course of recorded history and you quickly see that one world isn’t quite enough for everyone to have every chance to do everything. And we have only had 6 billion of us here for a relatively short period, so just where have the rest of His children been and what have they been doing? Well, to really get that, you need to accept that this is not the only populated planet in the universe. I don’t really have a problem with that. With the nearest star being 4.2 light years away, that would be 5.8 trillion miles away. And it isn’t habitable. Those sorts of distances, makes the likelihood of watching their tv stations just a bit on the high side. So, point being, there are a LOT of places in the universe, that we, God’s children, could be having experiences similar to what we are having here on earth. Plenty of room in which to play every sort of game in other words. But still how does that fit into time.

God explains in book 2, beginning on page 28, “…”Time is not a continuum. It is an element of relativity that exists vertically, not horizontally. Don’t think of it as a “left to right” thing – a so-called time line that runs from birth to death for each individual, and FROM some finite point TO some finite point for the universe. “Time” is an up and down thing! Think of it as a spindle, representing the Eternal Moment of Now. Now picture leafs of paper on the spindle, on atop the other. These are the elements of time. Each element separate and distinct, yet each existing simultaneously with the other. All of the paper on the spindle at once! As much as there will ever be – as much as there ever was… There is only One Moment – THIS moment – the Eternal Moment of Now. It is RIGHT now that everything is happening – and I am glorified. There is no waiting for the glory of God. I made it this way because I JUST COULDN’T WAIT! I was so HAPPY to Be Who I Am that I just couldn’t wait to make that manifest in My reality. So BOOM, here it is – right here, right now – ALL OF IT! There is no Beginning to this, and there is no End. It – the All of Everything – just IS. WITHIN THE ISNESS is where your experience – and your greatest secret – lies. You can move within the Isness to any “time” or “place” you choose.

And that is the source of our freedom, the source of our ability to have it all, see it all, be it all and do it all. Each of us with the same opportunity to experience every sort of life we wish as we experience here in relativity that which we cannot experience at home, being less than we really are. Home is the place where love is all there is. Again, someone will ask, why would anyone leave such a place for this? And the answer to that question remains the same. If all you know is perfect love, how do you know that you know that? Until and unless you experience something which is not that. Which is why we come here at all. To experience that which we are not in order to love even more that which we really are. Having this experience, these experiences, and the memory of them, makes home even sweeter than it was before we left. We are in a way playing a game here, a game of discovery, a game that teaches us who we are by allowing us to experience who we are not. And that it all happens at once, on that spindle, makes perfect, logical sense to me. Besides, my creator and I share a foible, giggle, I can’t wait either. Never could. Boom, all at once, has always been my preference too, then spend an eternity exploring the all at my leisure. Which, I guess, is what I am doing here tonight, in this place, on this planet and in this lifetime. It is my first and last trip in this way. Yes, that is odd sounding, I know, given what I’ve just said, but it is true too. And I said that earlier as well, no soul is ever forced to do anything against its will. I am sure, there are those, who have yet to take this escalator down into the relative universe, who know of what this is, what it can be, only from what we who have, tell them when we return home. Interesting to think about, huh? It took me some time to really feel the truth of this spindle idea though I KNEW it the moment I first read it. And it fits like a glove to Einstein’s theory of relativity and Stephen Hawkings explanation of time in A Brief Moment. Ahh. I love it when a plan comes together, giggle. There’s a lot more to say about this and say it I will as I come back to book 2, I intend to spend most of my time, to begin with book 1, because it lays the foundation for book 2 so perfectly, indeed for life itself, that it bears focusing on first. So this will be my last foray into book 2 for a bit, but I did promise a bit of titillation for you here at the end, didn’t I?  I had forgotten this part completely about book 2 and I as I skimmed through it again and found this, I remembered the section.  My first reading of it was that it was out of place, sort of, but then I thought, what part of life here could be out of place for God?  I had been sort of locked into the time theory and the plan God lays out at the end of the book for a way to build this earth into a real civilization that I forgot the part in the middle where he talks about the law of attraction, giggle.  And a good “law” it is.  It is one of those things that draw us to one another, and a part of the life experience that is as wonderful, glorious, really as any other, more so in some ways as it re-connects us to each other in a union of souls that is perfectly wonderful for souls here to remember our union.

It really begins on page 82 of book 2, with Neale’s assertion that: “There are those who say that the only legitimate purpose of human sexuality is procreation.” To which God, replies, “Rubbish.” Now you are just going to have to go get book 2 and read this yourself, giggle, but I warn you the first time I read this section which goes on through the end of page 86, I was on a public bus, and I managed to get just a little, umm, flushed, as I read it. Neale describes it on the top of page 87 as, “That is the most beautiful description of human sexuality I have ever heard.” I agree with him. God knew what he was doing when he came up with this whole idea of sexuality, let me tell, and He knows how to explain what it is at its utter best. Beautiful, compelling, heart wrenching, and HOT. He tells the story of Tom and Mary and how they become Tomary in the flesh. That flesh does not have to be of opposite genders, this is not about that, this is about how we humans find each other, are attracted to each other, and what we in our very best moments can do with that. Some of you will have experienced this already. I hope you have an infinite number of additional experiences as rich and rewarding. Some of you will have not, it is my fondest wish that you do, and that you too, have an infinite number of experiences as rich and rewarding. This IS what physical, emotional and spiritual connection in the flesh means. IS, at its best. Might it always be so for you. much love, :^) gene

Keep on trying

September 4th, 2007

The year my son died, 1997 brought with it a lot of changes. One of them was that I lost my ability, if such a thing can be called an ability, to enjoy movies I had once done. After the light globe at 15, my life went on pretty much as it did with any guy growing up, coming of age in the late 60’s and 70’s. I knew I was different in a lot of ways, but I was careful to not let that show, not manly, you know? :^) So I did the usual stuff, and given my nature, did plenty OF that stuff to extremes, always pushing against the edges of my world, sort of defining and creating my world, I guess. As we all do. Anyway, I enjoyed Clint Eastwood movies, I’ve always gravitated toward movies where the “good guys” win and Clint through “bad tactics”, was always on the side of “good” ultimately. I grew up on Roy Rogers, after all, where guns didn’t shoot real bullets, there was no smoke and gunpowder, and though people fell down, there was no blood, and the “bad” guys never won. It was a sort of antiseptic old west, cleaned up for television, giggle.

The real world isn’t like that of course and in the 70’s our movies began to reflect “reality” in what was shown on screen, still mild compared to what is available today. I don’t know what the effect of having seen thousands of bloody murders, let alone years worth of the nightly news, and the even starker reality that is posted all over the internet has had on the global psyche, but I have to suspect, that like with many things, once you’ve seen enough of it, you aren’t really shocked by it anymore, it loses its reality in some way. Maybe that is how what is happening around the world has come to be so commonplace, so accepted, so normal. Why there is no outrage over what we do to each other in the name of God.

Well, that aside, as I started to say, when Brandon died, I lost my ability to deal with violent movies. I had an experience that summer while trying to watch an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie that completely freaked me out. I wrote about that elsewhere, but that sort of feeling has extended to the small screen too. I can’t abide inane comedies where the humor is derived from insulting each other (I have to tell you NOT everyone loved Raymond!) and I don’t like violent dramas either and games shows bore me to tears. Which doesn’t really leave me much. I loved the first couple years of the original CSI, the science of it fascinated me, but in recent years it too has moved into “gore for gore’s sake” mode, I guess to keep its audience. I never liked the other versions of it. I really liked Criminal Minds, for a few episodes, so well written, so splendidly acted, but after a few weeks it made me uncomfortable, they had to come up with a new serial killer, ever more depraved, each week. As if that were what life is like in America. We don’t have weekly serial killers here. We have plenty of individual horrors and events, but not like the things Criminal Minds laid out there. So they lost me.

But there is a show I fell in love with in its first season, Bones, which is also about the science, but has mostly stayed away from the sensationalist gore that so many shows use to hype themselves. Again, this show is wonderfully written and acted, the characters are real people. And, for me, it is more about the relationships between them, and that growth, than anything else. The back stories are interesting, woven neatly into the show, and the science still fascinates me. The protagonist is a forensic anthropologist. I love what we learn about our world, our evolution on this world, through anthropolgy, I find Discovery HD ever fascinating, lol. This show has a lot of that, real science. But for me, the main attraction has been watching two people pretend not to know they are in love with each other for two years, giggle, sometimes really not knowing it, but watching that grow, and the relationships among the rest of the cast, is what has kept me faithful fan. I watch very little television these days. It is amusing, I bought the best tv by far I’ve ever owned two years ago, a 50″ HD, and I watch less now than I ever have. There is another force driving me. Jenna, of course, and she leads me to the strangest things, half the time I have NO idea why I’m there, but the point always comes clear, and when it doesn’t she whacks me with it, giggle. Okay, she’s not a hitter, but she definitely catches my attention.

So, tonight I wrote here a bit earlier but I knew Bones was on, having seen the back page of the tv section in the paper on the bus and decided that I’d go watch that at 7, then read for the rest of the evening – the sleep thing I went on and on about is still in full swing, so the reading will go on a while, lol. But the show, though, a repeat, was wonderful. And it closed with a song, that I’m reproducing here, and listening to on youtube as I type. I actually found and bought this cd, the day after I first saw this show. I’m not going to go into the details of it but the second season had a wonderful storyline wherein Ryan O’Neal, yes, from Love Story, showed he still has some talent, quite a lot of it actually, he used to sing this song by Poco, to his daughter who is the shows protagonist. As the show closed, the song was playing, it is Keep On Trying. Now, not every word of it has relevance to what I’ve been talking about these past couple weeks, but if you think about it, and I have, a lot of them do. This really is what we need to do. Keep on trying to get home.

As the CWG books talk about that, and as I have, home is where we all came from and where we are all going to return. I KNOW what that place feels like, I was given a glimpse, twice, just seconds worth into what where we come from feels like. We can create here, wonders of love, but we can’t touch that, giggle. But that does NOT mean we can’t try. And we don’t come any closer than when we are at our best with each other. CWG explains that what we do here, why we come here “veiled” is to have an experience, as we grow through that experience, we re-member, we remember the truth of us. Who we really are. That we are ALL children of the same creator, that we were created in love and are at our best when we are IN love. I am not talking eros here, though sweet eros is one of our greatest pleasures, I am talking about agape, that love we feel for each other that isn’t dependent on a “climactic” end to an evening, giggle. I’m talking about that overpowering feeling of goodwill toward others, where all you want to do is hug them close and never let go. Because you love them so much, your child, your friend, your mate. I think THAT is when we are at our best when we can expand that love beyond our “immediate” family and feel it, REALLY feel, it for others.

We SEE it when we see others responding to an accident, when we saw those police and firemen rushing into the twin towers, when we see the real heroes of Iraq, rushing into the latest horror, cradling each other in their arms, loving each other with all their hearts. We humans can be SO good, it shouldn’t require tragedy to bring that out of us. THAT is how we will live when we fully remember who we really are. I’ve got a lot to say about that too, not all from CWG, mind you, I’ve been mightily influenced by other writers and ideas as well and I’ve got jenna, but for this night, this song, reminds me of our real purpose here. Helping each other fight through the doubt, the fear, and find our way home to each other, to the truth of us. Just read the lyrics. I tried to create a link down there at the end, if you wish you can hear it too. If the link doesn’t work, cut and paste it, its on YouTube. You’ll like it. The harmonies are amazing, one of these guys is now part of the Eagles another group with a wonderful, unique sound. And who hasn’t spent some time at the Hotel California? giggle.

I’ve been thinkin bout all the times you told me
You’re so full of doubt you just can’t let it be but I know
If you keep on comin back for more and I keep on tryin
I Keep on tryin and
I’ve been drinkin now just a little too much
And I don’t know how I can get in touch with you
Now there’s only one thing for me to do is to keep on tryin
To get home to you
And I feel so satisfied when I can see you smile
I want to confide in all that is true so I
Keep on trying I’m thru with lying
Just like the sun above I’ll come shining thru oh yes I’ll
Keep on trying I’m tired of crying
I’ve got to find a way to get on home to you
I’ve been thinkin bout the times you held me
I never heard you shout the flow of energy was so fine
Now I think I’ll lay it on the line and keep on tryin
To get home to you
And I feel so satisfied when I can see you smile
I want to confide in all that is true so I
Keep on trying I’m thru with lying
Just like the sun above I’ll come shining thru yes I will
Keep on trying I’m tired of crying
I’ve got to find a way to get on home to you

Okay, that is just NOT turning into a link, darn it, so just cut and paste if you’d like to hear it.

What I want to SAY about it is just this. I hope we are ALL soon tired of crying and that we find our way home to each other here. “Home” is assured, but why should we wait THAT long, to find a little of that experience here? We’ll just keep on trying, be through with lying, tired of crying and find a way to get on home to you, me, us. That’d be a road trip worth taking, even if we traveled the full 25,000 miles around this planet, don’t you think? And some pretty music to keep us company, giggle. much love, :^) gene

Health Care

September 4th, 2007

Tonight I want to talk about what I think is a national disgrace. 47 million Americans have no health insurance. A letter in todays paper quoted Minnesota’s last true progressive politician, Hubert Humphrey as saying:

“…the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life – the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

The letter writer then suggested that it is time our government take this moral test. You will have noted in previous posts, that I have strong feelings about the moral responsibilities of government. I am a flaming liberal and proud of it. The reason I am is that I was so blessed as to have been born in Minnesota and to grow up during Hubert Humphrey’s greatest days. I still think it a national tragedy that this large-hearted man never became President of the United States, we would be a better country for having had his legacy to live up to nationally. We, here in Minnesota, aren’t even trying anymore ourselves.

On the page opposite page the Letters section, the paper devoted a full third page to an article written by two men representing the Heritage Foundation and the Center for Health Policy Studies, Andrew Grossman and Robert Moffit. Why is it that these conservative think-tanks feel this need to name themselves for actions and ideas that make them sound as if they are FOR something? When the truth is they are for nothing but getting government out of their lives and cutting taxes to the bone? They think they should be able to live in this wonderful land for free, that somehow schools, hospitals, police and fire, and highways, always highways, will just magically appear from nothing. They got theirs, dammit, and the rest of us had just better sit down and shut up about it or get our own ourselves. Including the children, the elderly, the sick, the needy and the handicapped. Those two “gentlemen” and their organizations FAIL that moral test. Morality to them is everyone else doing what we are told and letting the top 10% of this country consume 60% of the worlds resources while they bomb into insurgency everyone around the world who has the temerity to question why so few should have so much at the expense of so many. They are not good global citizens. They are not good people. They are here to show the rest of us who we are not.

I am proud to stand in Hubert Humphrey’s shadow and support those dreams he so eloquently proposed and spent his entire life fighting for. We do NOT treat ANY of the people mentioned in that quotation well. I wrote a day or two ago about what has happened to education here in Minnesota, that what was once the province of government, has now become “charter” schools for the wealthiest children, while those in most need, now get 5 days of kindergarten every two weeks, every day kindergarten is costing my son and his family, plus a little after school care, $822 a month. We spend our time trying to figure ways to keep people from being eligible for those few programs we still provide. We do not care that many of our own sleep outside because they can’t afford shelter. We don’t care that our elderly take half or less of their needed medications because they simply can’t afford to pay the cost of taking them all. And we don’t give a rats butt about the sick, the needy or the handicapped, dammit. We got ours, let them get their own. And we wonder why we have gang problems in the inner city. When children are raised to believe there is no hope, they find it for themselves. When there are no after school programs to teach them, help them, tutor them, they turn to each other for support. And you know what? They are not really the best role models for each other. But we don’t care about that. We care about a cabin on the lake and an SUV to haul the boat up there a few months of the year. And that is about all we care about, ourselves. We are a society that shames the species. That shames our heritage, that allows an organization to call itself the Heritage Foundation when it fights desperately against everything our heritage was. There was a time in this country when we tried to do what Hubert suggested, that time began dying with the Reagan administration and we have been sliding into the pit of greed and avarice ever since.

These two guys who wrote the article I referenced, Backers of Health Plan For Kids Have Other Motives, were incensed because it turns out that some people who are so wealthy that they have had to pay the Alternative Minimum Tax (a tax designed to ensure that those sneaky really rich people could not shelter ALL of their income from taxation) have been eligible for this program, or their children have. What they missed, apparently, is that for YEARS, every tax season has seen a flurry of articles about how Congress did not index that tax for inflation and so it has slowly gobbled up huge chunks of money from people who are hardly wealthy, while of course the really wealthy, that upper 10%, have found ever more creative ways to avoid paying their fair share at all, the AMT now grabs couples who are living paycheck to paycheck just like most of us, and practically bankrupts them. And, each year columnists wring their hands and Congress insists it will fix it, and each year, they do NOTHING about it. So, yes, some people who have had the bulk of their income confiscated by a law never intended to touch them, may have been eligible to have their children covered under this program. And, the writers were absolutely shocked that some states have expanded their programs to include uninsured adults. By gawd that ought to be a crime. If you can’t find a job that pays health insurance for you, then you simply do not deserve health care coverage. In all this, they see not a program that could use some fine-tuning, or an AMT that MUST be fixed, no, they see a vast left wing conspiracy to create a government monopoly on health care. Uh huh. That’s the danger they rail against. That government might somehow make sure ALL Americans have health care coverage. And it might take tax dollars to do that.

Well, those two organizations, unsurprisingly, are great fans of military spending and our pacification of the terrorist problem in Iraq. Which, of course, HAD no terrorist problem until we got there and also supplied precisely NONE of the people who flew those plans into American towers. We could insure our entire country for a pittance of the $480,000,000 we have spent trying to drive terrorists out of Iraq. So successfully, I might add, that five minutes after the last American soldier leaves that country, a civil war will break out, only, of course, if we don’t call what is happening there now, a civil war. Isn’t that just the silliest transposition of terms? As if a war could EVER be “civil”. Excuse me, sir, while I behead your friends, so sorry for the mess.

So here, I want to come back to CWG, book 1, page 50, “…You can similarly end all war tomorrow. Simply. Easily. All it takes – all it has EVER taken – is for all of you to agree. Yet if you cannot agree on something as simple as ending the killing of each other, how can you call upon the heavens with shaking fist to put your life in order? I will do nothing for you that you will not do for your self. That is the law and the prophets. The world is in the condition it is because of YOU, and the choices you have made, or failed to make.”

That is God’s truth. What we see around us in this country, in this world, God did not do to us, we did it to ourselves. We aren’t content even with killing ourselves, we are hellbent on killing the planet too, though that is but a human conceit. We can certainly make the planet uninhabitable for some time, but eventually the earth will just spit us out, and over some eons, replenish itself. Maybe with a sentient species then that can understand, grasp and believe in the principle of unconditional love. Maybe with a teacher who can say when you have done this unto the least of my children, you have done it unto me. Maybe with people who can embrace and understand that teaching and make IT the center of life. Love IS the answer to every question. I don’t know why I read newspapers, all that is in them is evidence that we not only don’t understand the question, we don’t want to. We want to love only those just like us and we want to kill all the rest. What a world we’ve created. What a species we have become, spread over this globe like a deadly plague, spewing bombs and bullets heedlessly. We no longer even restrict those activities to people who signed up to do such things, ostensibly in defense of their lands, but we now kill civilians indiscriminately and promise each other paradise for such sacrificial horrors. Sometimes we just are disgusting.

Doesn’t anyone else think it is time this species grew the hell up? Isn’t it time for people, good, caring people to stand up and tell those purveyor’s of hatred, separation, greed and death, that we have had ENOUGH and we are saying when? There are movements around the world of quiet-voiced peaceful people, who need to raise their voices, help raise the level of public discourse, turn our attention away from those things that divide us, develop common goals that will help governments around the globe pass the moral test Hubert Humphrey posed? Those of us who believe what he said, well, I think we have our own moral obligation, to find our voice, and the courage to speak our truth, and to insist that the carnage stop, on all sides of all issues. It is time we stopped hating each other and started loving each other. We’re going to talk a lot more about that here in days to come. Because it is a topic I never tire of. Will never tire of. When I leave this plane and return home, I am STILL going to be standing on a podium somewhere talking about love. Because home is where love is all there is, where all are safe and cared for. Why can’t we make this place a little bit like that? Why can’t we make this place home too? I absolutely believe we can. But we can never tire in that pursuit. Those who write such horrid things as in that article I referenced, who do such horrid things as the acts I have described, as we see on the nightly news NIGHTLY, must be stopped.

We can unlearn the teachings of our history. I recommend a wonderful movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?” as a beginning to understanding just how we can overcome our emotional addiction to responding to disappointment with violence. I recommend absorbing Conversations With God, Books 1 and 2, as a way to start the spiritual healing this planet, its people so desperately need. And then I recommend talking about these “new” ideas with everyone you meet. Engage with each other, understand each other, love each other. Don’t worry about the particulars of that love, as Sarah McLachlan sings, “Your love is better than chocolate, better than anything else that I’ve tried.” And she’s right. In the end, Love is all that is worth living for. Whatever form that love takes is irrelevant, this time, in THIS time, let love win. Let love finally win. Hatred has had its day and it is time for children of a new dawn to take their place at the front of the line and let love become our watchword, our path and our way. much love, :^) gene

I want to talk tonight about truth

September 3rd, 2007

How we know what is and isn’t truth, I mean. People claim God speaks to no one, well, except for a handful of ministers, priests, heads of state and, apparently, the odd terrorist or two. Those people, who say they hear God, tell us what he says. And expect us to accept their word as gospel given. Well, they’re wrong about all that. God talks to everyone, all the time, we have just been conditioned to believe that we, the rest of us, are somehow not worthy of direct communication with the same entity who created us all. So we listen to them tell us what he wants us to do and we, many of us, never stop to question why our creator would only speak to a relative handful of his/her children. What parent is like that? Well, what normal parent is like that? Not many, you know? And neither is ours.

So, tonight, I want to quote a good bit from CWG, book 1. Just to shake up the mix a little, giggle. Neale asked, on page 2 of book 1: How does God talk, and to whom? And God, responded through him, “I talk to everyone. All the time. The question is not to whom do I talk, but who listens?”. Now, we need pause and think about that for a moment. Who listens? Well, where we would listen? I mean, what channel? The answer to that is we need only listen in the very last place we’d think to, within, that small still voice within. That voice is IN all of us, all the time, we are just so conditioned to get our guidance from religious, political or business leaders, that we never think to listen in the only place we can ever truly hear his voice, within ourselves. We are not alone in there, we have never been. You know of my own voice, Jenna, well, she represents him in a way, and there is not a sentient soul here who does not have such a voice. It is HEARING that voice, and trusting it, that we have a problem with.

Neale and God continue their communication on page 3: Neale asked God to expand on that statement, and God replied, ” First, lets exchange the word talk with the word communicate. It’s a much better word, a much fuller, more accurate one. When we try to speak to each other, Me to you, you to Me, we are immediately constricted by the unbelievable limitation of words. For this reason, I do not communicate by words alone. In fact, rarely do I do so. My most common form of communication is through feeling. Feeling is the language of the soul. If you want to know what’s true for you about something, look to how you are feeling about it… I also communicate with thought. Thought and feelings are not the same, although they can occur at the same time. In communicating with thought, I often use images and pictures. For this reason, thoughts are more effective than mere words as tools of communication. In addition to feelings and thoughts, I also use the vehicle of experience as a grand communicator. And finally, when feelings and thoughts and experience all fail, I use words. Words are really the least effective communicator. They are most open to misinterpretation, most often misunderstood. And why is that? It is because of what words are. Words are mere utterances: noises that stand for feelings, thoughts, and experience. They are symbols. Signs. Insignias. They are not truth. They are not the real thing. Words may help you understand something. Experience allows you to know. Yet there are some things you cannot experience. So I have given you other tools of knowing. And these are called feelings. And so too, thoughts.

Now the supreme irony here is that you have all placed so much importance on the Word of God, and so little on the experience.

In fact, you place so little value on experience, that when what you experience of God differs from what you’ve heard of God, you automatically discard the experience and own the words, when it should be just the other way around… Many words have been uttered others, in My name. Many thoughts and many feelings have been sponsored by cause not of My direct creation. Many experiences result from these.”

Yes, says gene, that would be war, famine, intolerance, hatred, separation, division, us versus them. All taught us by men, and now women, of God, all utterances not given in His name but in their own and for their own purposes.

“The challenge is one of discernment. The difficulty is knowing the difference between messages from God and data from other sources. Discrimination is a simple matter with the application of a basic rule:

Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source. Now the task of differentiation becomes easy, for it should not be difficult even for the beginning student to identify the Highest, the Clearest, and the Grandest.

Yet will I give you these guidelines:

The Highest thought is always a thought that contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest feeling is that feeling which you call love.

Joy, truth, love.

These three are interchangeable, and one always follows the other. It matters not in which order they are placed.

Having with these guidelines determined which messages are Mine and which have come from another source, the only question remaining is whether My messages will be heeded.”

Okay, enough with the quotations for tonight. Interesting though, huh? And not that difficult. When someone tells what God wants you to do, do not own those words. Apply against them, those three tests. Are they words of love? Are they words of truth? Are they words of joy? If they are not, then they are someone’s message alright, but they are not God’s message. When your leaders tell you things that do not pass those tests, do not accept what you are being told as God’s will for you, or for anyone else. When your leaders tell you God wants you to hate someone else in some other country. They are not telling you the truth. When your leaders tell that God wants you to hate someone who loves differently than you do, they are not telling you the truth. When your leaders tell you it is right, and God’s will, that taxes be cut and education be curtailed, that children must go without health care and basic needs because of mistakes their parents have made, they are not telling you the truth. When someone tells you that it is right to not help those less fortunate, that they must pull themselves up by their bootstraps, as the teller insists he/she has done, they are not telling you the truth. Those who say such things, who believe that they got what they have on their own are not telling you the truth. The truth is none of us get to where we are in life on our own. Not one. We are a species that lives in communities, and we take care of each other in that way. We have always provided for each other, we have always been unwilling to see a neighbor suffer without lending a hand. We did not rise to the top of corporations by ourselves and on our own merits, we got there with help, lots of it, from parents, teachers, mentors, friends and opportunities that presented themselves by virtue of our station in life, our good fortune in having been born into a privileged society or family, or country, but we most certainly did not do so without help.

Some of us, get to the top by standing on the shoulders of those with lesser abilities, or lesser opportunities. Some of us think it perfectly natural, and their God-given right that they should earn more in a day than do their employees in a year. Some of us have the temerity to call that God’s will. When, in truth, it is nothing more than their own greed, their own avarice, their own selfishness, they are trying to pass off on the rest of us as God’s will. Book 1 will go on to talk about this in much more detail, and Book 2 offers a blueprint to a place we could actually call a civilization. We aren’t there yet. We are barely out of our caves. And we have not yet stopped throwing rocks at each other. We have not yet learned that having a thing, whatever that might be, that comes at the cost of another is not worth having. We are taught as children what sharing means, but that lesson doesn’t get past 6th grade for most of us. And we forget it so rapidly as adults that it is as if we never learned it at all. How can one person just a multi million dollar salary knowing that the employees whose labor provide it can’t afford health care? How can a corporation, a non-person, made of real persons who comprise its governing board, decide to stop hiring full time workers so that it can save money, and then give it to themselves, by not providing basic benefits to those part time workers like sick days, vacation days and basic health care? How do people who think like that live with themselves? The same way the pharisees and scribes of Christ’s day did. They persuade themselves that it is God’s will. I tell you here, now, tonight, this is NOT the will of God, this is the will of small, selfish people. We have a long way to go before we can call ourselves children of God. We can start by applying those three simple tests to every action we take and every action that is taken by our leaders, religious, political and business, and when those actions taken do not meet the test? We call them wrong. We say so. We challenge the status quo. We insist on fair treatment for ALL people, not just some. God did not create just some of us. He created ALL of us, and all of us must share in the bounty and beauty of this world fairly. When we accomplish that, when we learn to love all people as ourselves, we will be on our way to becoming a true civilization. And THAT is truth. much love, :^) gene

What does beauty really mean?

September 2nd, 2007

I’m going to start this with an essay from a wonderful man named Steve Goodier. I have gotten his several times a week newsletter for many years. He allows anyone who blogs to use our favorite articles of his freely. So I am, giggle. I actually send my favorites to others from time to time but this one I want to share here. Then I’ve got a couple things to say. :^)


Comic Phyllis Diller quipped that she once entered a beauty contest.”I not only came in last,” she said, “I was hit in the mouth by Miss Congenial­ity. ”

Ed Feinhandler believes he is the world’s ug­liest man! But others disagree because, the fact is, Ed has dis­covered a universal “beauty secret.”

He has won 15 “Ugly Man” competitions. According to the Daily SparksTribune (Sparks, Nevada USA), Ed drives a minivan with “Mr. Ugly”personalized license plates. Good looks were never important to him. But helping people always has been, and the thousands of dollars he has raised over the years from “Ugly Man” competitions has beendonated to charity. In his spare time, Ed coaches youth sports, teaches tennis to un­derprivileged children and delivers Christmas bas­kets to the elderly. That’s the beauty of it!

To know Ed is to know a beautiful man whose real attractiveness comes from within. His secret is that beauty has little to do with physical looks, and much to do with the heart.

You, too, probably know some exquisitely beautiful people. They are kind and generous. They are happy and contented. And if you look closely inside your own heart, you may discover more beauty there than you imagined possible. As Ed Feinhandler teaches us, beauty has more to do with love than looks.”

Ok, we hear this a lot, don’t we? But here in America, we only talk this talk, we don’t live it. We don’t even come close. Oh, we like to pat ourselves on the back for being not only the world’s largest consumer but also its greatest giver. But we aren’t. Or we aren’t anymore. What we give now are weapons, division, we support people around the world who do horrible things to their own people because it is in “our” interest to do so. I suppose we have always done so, but it seems, for me the real horror of this began with Richard Nixon’s administration and his Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger. Cover support for dictators was our policy then. Because we liked right-wing horror’s like the Shah of Iran, more than we liked left-wing horror’s like Mao. It was, it seemed, a matter of choosing which side of atrocity we wanted to be on. The public business was truly conducted anywhere but in public. It seems to me that if you can’t do it in the light of day and in full view, then you really ought, if you have any sort of moral sense (and by moral sense, as I have said, I mean a simple idea of right and wrong, it is right to love people, it is wrong to kill them – it isn’t THAT complicated!) be giving serious though as to whether you should be doing it at all. We have become the country of the superficial. Or maybe just a superficial country. It reminds that Jesus had a way of describing such people that made such an impression me that it has long been among my most treasured of his teachings. He said beware of those who pray loudly in public and like to be seen in the front row in church, but in private take the houses of widows. This is an apt metaphor for what I see in the world around me, especially in this country.

We are a country of “Eds” in truth, there are many here, I believe the majority have Ed’s spirit. But what we see in public are people who talk loudly of the good they wish to do who in private, act very differently. I’ve always thought it no coincidence, giggle, and if you’ve read much on my main site, or CWG, you will no I believe there is no such thing as coincidence, that I was born in Minnesota. I was born here to remember the lessons this state would teach me. This has long been the most progressive of states in our union. That is now called liberal, as if love were a dirty word. Our political parties all cared about people. They disagreed, sometimes, over the best way to get things done, but the things they did, were always, at heart, good things, designed to help those who could not help themselves and to create a standard of living that allowed a chance at bettering individual circumstances for each person fortunate enough to have come to, or been born in, this place. But that has changed over the last two decades primarily. The mantra here has become, as it is everywhere, no taxes, I got mine, you get yours, your own damn self. Education has always been the key to success in America. We have always support free public education for all of our children, without regard to race, gender or parental net worth. The idea, to me, is that we all benefit from a well-educated populace. We, even those who have no children, pay taxes to support education because we are all better off by having a well educated work force. It is those children for whom we pay taxes that they might be educated now, who will take care of us in our senior years, as we take care of those who worked and paid before us. Somehow this idea has changed, and education is only symbolic, this basic idea of taking care of each other, that doing so was a moral obligation has been inbred into the Minnesota culture, through our traditions and our religions. But that has changed. Compassionate conservatism now rules the country, though in this state, it is 50-50. In the same passage I referred to earlier, which is from Luke 20, Jesus says a house divided against itself cannot stand. And I fear that is where we find ourselves now. Divided. We’ve cut taxes, given rebates, ignored long term public needs, in favor of short term gratifications. We do not think beyond the next election. We are unwilling to pay taxes for anything that does not show an immediate result, we are unwilling to invest in infrastructure that won’t pay results for 30 years, like the education of our children.

What brings this to mind for me, is personal, my granddaughter begins kindergarten this year. It once was, not so very long ago, that every day kindergarten was just a given, deemed an important part of a child’s education and worthy of public support. That has changed. A child may now go to all day kindergarten, free public education, two days one week, and three the next. Anything above that must be paid for by parents directly. It will cost my granddaughter’s parents, $822 per month to send her to kindergarten every day, which includes the cost of after school care for a bit. I think that borders on insanity. Where does that leave children whose parents can’t afford that sort of cost? I am not saying this is pocket money for my son’s family either, it is an enormous strain on a young family. But there are SO many single parent households living paycheck to paycheck who simply can’t afford that cost. So what happens if the one who can devise a cure for cancer is in that group? And never gets a chance to catch up, gets discouraged, and gives up. We will spend $500 million dollars to build a billionaire a new baseball field in Minneapolis, which will be used 82 times a year. But we won’t pay for all day kindergarten for five year olds. We, this country, will have spent in a week or two, $450 billion dollars on the “war” in Iraq, this does not count what we have spent in Afghanistan. But all we care about in education are simplistic tests that prove nothing, that do not demonstrate mastery of material nor understanding of the philosophical and historical realities of our world, but do let us cut taxes, again, and again, for people who already have piled up more money than they could use in 10 lifetimes.

The question we should be asking is not that on the bumper stickers, “what would Jesus do”, because those vehicles contain people who insist Jesus would be carrying an M16 and leading the charge in Iraq, and they are wrong, He taught love, we export death. How the teachings of the most loving person to ever walk the face of this earth have been so corrupted that we have preachers on television on Sunday morning teaching us “the winning way” and assuring us that what Jesus would have us do is become wealthy and give a tithe to that brilliant preacher. And consider that a job well done.

No. The question we should be asking is what would love do now? I mean LOVE, if we stopped thinking in terms of us and them and thought only in terms in what is good for ALL of us, not just some of us, not just those who look like us and act like us, but what is good for ALL of us regardless creed, color or country of origin, well then, I think our priorities we would change. We could stop building better bombs and begin building better health care systems, better educational systems, better affordable housing systems, and feeding those children of Darfur, finding a workable system to give Somalia back to Somalians, in peace. We’d stop arming insurgent groups around the world with guns and ammunition and begin arming them with baskets of fish and bread, and teaching them that the way to peace, is to share what they have, to love each other without condition, to see all people as their immediate family and to love and care for each from birth to death. We’d stop the processes killing our environment and work hard at healing the damage we have done to this beautiful blue oasis in space. We’d begin see the beauty inside us, begin recognizing that each of us is a sentient child of our creator and worthy of love whether we look good enough to walk down a runway with a perpetual pout on our faces or instead look the guy next door. Love is the answer to every question. This is not going to be a safe place, a nice place, a civilization, until we understand and accept this most simple of concepts. See beauty in every soul you meet, look for the loving intention, don’t view each other with suspicion, see in each person you meet another potential friend. Do THIS, teach THIS to our children, and in two generations our world will be changed forever. Can we start now? Please? much love, :^) gene

About Larry Craig

August 31st, 2007

This is from another place, where a friend of mine was castigating republicans  (NO, I will never capitalize a political party’s name, I have little respect for those who think in two year election cycles, for those who will not support a thing, an idea, or a need because it won’t make them popular today or help them win their next election, we need statespeople, what we get are shortsighted, often meanspirited, politicians) for hypocrisies because there have been so many instances where those of, okay, this part is political, conservative persuasion are very vocal about that which they, themselves, are.  So here is that conversation, and then a little commentary.

“They stand for family values, yet cheat on their wives they stand for truth and the american way, yet they live a lie They say they are Christians, yet are about as far removed from the spirit of Jesus as one can be They say gay and bisexual people are evil,  and promote hate against people who are born gay, yet they have gay and bi feelings, not only have them ,practice them and we are supposed to think they are the moral majority, god help us if they are the more moral ones.”

And my reply:

“It isn’t quite that bad. There are SO people who are conflicted in this way. They hate what is IN them and so they do the exact wrong, thing, but the only “safe” thing they can imagine. They vilify everyone who feels the way they do. I hold religion accountable for this. It is religion that teaches that only some go to heaven. It is religion that separates us into camps of “us and them”. “WE” know the truth and the path to salvation is through our teaching alone. This is necessary to maintain their hold on their people. But a hold like that is based on fear. How long can you hold people’s attention by fear? How can you trust “love” that is based on fear? Were it not for such teachings people could jsut love whomever they love, without judgment, without conflict and without fear. It is in trying to make only one kind of love legitimate that religions do their greatest disservice to humanity. They should be teaching that love is love, and it isn’t really love if you place conditions on it, if you withdraw it when someone displeases you. That is manipulation, not love. And this world should have no place for any tradition which separtates into camps all of whom are teaching that they are right and everyone else is condemned. That whole idea, so wrongly thought out, of what religion calls the last day, when those who are “bad” are left behind and those who are “good” are taken “home”, is based on dividing us, paralyzing us, with fear. I tell you this. When we lose that fear, when we come to understand that life is not a game to be won or lost but an experience to be had, an opportunity given us by our creator. That we can’t lose this love, that, in the end, we all go home, where we are always loved and welcome, well, then we might truly begin to make this place the paradise in relativity that is designed to be. Love, of whatever persuasion, is love, and while we don’t have to experience personally all forms of that, no one MAKES us other than what we are, but when we accept all AS they are, without judgment, then our conflict over this separation, this teaching of fear, could be over. And our growing together, as one people, one world, with all manner of differences to love and celebrate can really begin. We have some maturing as a species to get that place. But I think that place is where we are going, inevitably. I see that hope in the history of humanity. There have been backward steps, this past decade is one of them, but for most of our history we have grown toward more loving acceptance of each other. That is the future I see, that is the future I want to help build.”

So, here is where I go with that.  I DO blame religion for this.  It is religion that teaches us to hate that which is different from us.  And, hate is NOT too strong a word.   Though I wish it was.   I am not talking here about nuns rapping your knuckles with a ruler for misbehaving.  I am talking about the irresolvable conflict that occurs when you are raised to believe something is horrible and then find yourself feeling that very thing.  You “know” it is wrong, yet you FEEL it, so that must mean YOU are wrong, so not only do you fight it, you become very vocal about how wrong it is.  That, my friends, is  the definition, or should be, of hypocrisy, and we do not bring that upon ourselves.  We are taught it, those of us raised in most western religious traditions are anyway.   Were it NOT for religion, we might understand that love is love, no matter how or why or when it occurs.  I recommend that anyone reading this, all of you, giggle, see the movie Gray Matters.  Though it has a sort of story-book ending, it also shows eternal truth.  We ARE what we ARE.   We don’t “choose” to be bi or gay or straight, we are born with a predilection and, I believe we do so intentionally, to have an experience, to understand an experience, to experience something that we chose to come here to experiene for our own souls growth and evolution.   I don’t think there is “right” or “wrong” about this, there is only us, living what we came here to live.   And none of that is “bad”, it only IS.   If you must think about this in religious terms, and I get that some of you must, then think of it this way, “judge not, lest ye be judged.”

All that really means, is let other people be other people.  And let you, be you.  There is no need for hate, but there is an enormous need for tolerance.  And understanding.  People do not have to be like US to be worthy of our love.  Love does not require anything, love tolerates everything.  Love is unconditional or it is not love.  And love, in all truth, is what we came here to observe, to experience, to BE.   We come to remember the love with which we were created, unconditional, never-ending, infinite.  When we grow to a place where THAT is our truth, we have come to understand “home” and the truth of who we really are.   And then, maybe then, we will be able to recreate that here in the relative world on this beautiful blue planet we all share.  much love, :^) gene

Hell? Says who?

August 31st, 2007

Today I want to talk about the idea, which is sort of New Agey, that hell does not exist, That when we are done with this life, we all go back where we came from, home, or as religions put it, heaven, nirvana, etc. Some folks of conservative bent challenge this idea, saying things like, well, then what is to stop anyone from doing whatever they want, if there is no punishment for what we do here? What prevents moral decay, moral confusion, moral anarchy?

Well, first, who said those are bad things? giggle. Second though, who prevents those things is us. It is true that we are here as individuals, but we certainly have the right, and the ability, to choose to live together in communities and to make rules that allow us to do so safely. The simple fact is that regardless what some religions, or traditions, teach about punishment in the hereafter, that really hasn’t seemed to prevent anyone from doing pretty much whatever they want anyway, has it? I mean from heads of state right on down to the guy who robs the local 7-11, or steals lunch money from his classmates. Yes, I did say guy, because, the truth of it is, women are much more law-abiding than men to begin with. Most crime, and certainly most violent crime, is committed by men. This may be by nature of size and strength to some extent, but it is more than that, not all murderer’s are 6’7″ and 250 pounds. In fact most aren’t. Perhaps it is something in the male dna, or in our socialization, or lack thereof, that creates human monsters. Maybe those human monsters are here simply to show the rest of us what we are not, by showing us what we can be at our worst.

Morality, well, that is trickier because there are various moral standards in place, not only in communities, but in cultures and countries too. I said the other day that the only rule we have ever needed is the Golden Rule, modified slightly, to “do unto others as they would have you do unto them”. The original version is good too, but I think allowing others to choose how they wish to be treated is more respectful than insisting they allow you to treat them as you wish to be treated. It is okay for us to be different. What point to come here to have the same experience? We come as individuals to have individual experiences. And so we do.

I think we have to “lose” our sense of “right and wrong” in order to create our sense of “right and wrong”. We define ourselves in the way we do this, in the way we determine, for ourselves, what is right and what is wrong for ourselves. This gets a little more complicated, but not all that much when we move from recognizing what we do and do not want to do in our lives. Those who say we are not to judge each other are, for instance, right AND wrong. Right in that it is never appropriate to interfere in anothers choices, wrong in that we have every right to care about what those choices might be. Choices that affect no one but oneself, are best left to oneself. Choices that affect others, may still be made with impunity, in so far as they do no harm to others. On my main site, I talked a lot about my youngest son’s suicide, 10 years ago, at the age of 21. I’ll use that as an example of what I mean. I hate what he did, that is my judgment, I was not nearly done knowing him, not nearly done having him in my life. Had I the chance, I would have done virtually anything to prevent what he did, the choice he made. But, in the same breath, I believe he had an absolute right to make that choice. I have a right to disagree with it and to judge it immature, irresponsible, impulsive and wrong. But I only get to MAKE choices for myself, no one else. Even when I disagree with their choice. This does not mean I would sit idly by and watch one person do harm to another or take no action to prevent a tragedy I saw coming. It is in what I decide is right and wrong that I define who I am. We come here to do that very thing, define ourselves in relation to the world around us. We do that by deciding what we, individually, and collectively, determine are actions that are permissible within our communities and actions which are not.

Those who would argue that without hell, without fear of eternal punishment, this world would be in anarchy, fail to see that human actions are governed by humans. Hell isn’t a place WE send anyone. It is my specific guidance from within, my Jenna, that no such place exists. CWG is quite clear on this too. God, in Book 1 on page 41, says in response to Neale’s question, “But if there is no hell, does that mean, I do what I what I want, act as I wish, commit any act, without fear of retribution.” And, God responds, “Is it FEAR you need in order to be, do, have what is intrinsically right? Must you be “threatened” in order to “be good”? And what is being good? Who gets to have the final say about that? Who sets the guidelines? Who makes the rules? ” I am in that camp too.

But before I go further, I want to talk about Hell itself, how it came to be? A group of men, convened in Nicea, to among other things, decide what went into our bible. They, and they alone, decided what was good for the “people” to know. What parts of what writings would become what we now call the bible, in its many incarnations and interpretations. Hell. Outside of Jerusalem was a massive garbage dump named Gehenna. The name itself translated into Greek, is Hell, it (Hinnom gulch), metaphorically identified with the entrance to the underworld of punishment in the afterlife – from Wikipedia. It was a smoldering fire that never went out and became what is what we now call hell. It was an epithet, to tell someone to go to Gehenna, in our terms, go to hell. And it became what the Christian bible describes as the destination of those who defy God’s will, given to us by those men who decided what got into the bible itself. There is a marvelous book, Who Wrote the New Testament, the Making of the Christian Myth, by a professor of theology at Claremont College, Burton Mack, which describes well how it was put together, and why.

Now, can we create the experience of hell on earth? Oh certainly this happens whenever we separate ourselves from our highest ideal of ourselves. We can live a life bereft of love, bereft of compassion and understanding and in so doing remove ourselves so far from the truth of who we really are, that we experience depression, despair and fear as our daily companions. But those, too, ARE choices we are allowed to make. Do other people have the right then to judge a person in that condition as in need of help and offer that help? Of course, if you see something terrible, be motivated by your own truth, your own highest idea of yourself and do what you feel is “right” for you, intercede, or not. Choice IS what life in the relative universe for humans is all about. There is no situation in which choice is not present, not until we’ve drawn our final breath. There is always an alternative, often more than one, whether we choose to see it or not. Brandon made what I believe a terrible, irreversible choice and I would have done virtually anything to prevent it, but I acknowledge his right to make it. That he was not in his “right” mind is an obvious thing to me. But I would not undo what his choosing – such is what is part of my “complicated bereavement” issue which I describe in “I hope you’ll dance”. As I insist on the right to make my own choices, my own decisions about what I believe, about what I call right and wrong, so then must I allow others the same rights I claim for my own. That isn’t spiritual anarchy, that is spiritual freedom. We can talk about why God would create such a system another time. Because there is reason behind that too. much love, :^) gene

Faith – The nature of

August 30th, 2007

Faith is tough for us human types. It is hard to believe in something we can’t touch, taste or take for a walk. We SAY we believe, but it seems that for most of us we only think we do, until a crisis of one sort or another enters our path, then we get desperate, plead, beg, bargain, but still we don’t really believe in the promises of God. Not the ones we may have been raised with nor those we have come to conclusions on our own about. Or sure, we attribute the random event, a spontaneous healing maybe, to a “miracle”. But that is only because we can’t explain it and we don’t understand it. That may be our ignorance, or our youth as a species more than specific divine intervention in a particular situation. We’ll talk more about that as we get more into the books. For now, I’m going to stay in the general category with all this, I will probably set one up specifically for CWG when I turn my attention more specifically to Books 1 and 2, maybe. We’ll see. I used to hate when my dad said that, it always really meant, “no”, lol, but in this case it really does mean, I’m not sure yet. I’m still getting used to WordPress, those of you who have been here before will also notice a new look, I found out abuot themes, giggle. And I like this one for now – the list of posts on the side, primarily, in reverse chronological order, if I figure out how to date them, I will, else, the first is the last. I think that might be a biblical saying too, giggle.

For me, when I talk or write about faith with people, I often use the parable Jesus told of the mustard seed, I like the version in, Luke 17:6 best, but then Luke is really the only gospel I like much at all – and I read the neatest thing a long time, ago, a fairly convincing argument that Luke was written by a woman, which would, for me, explain the softer tone it takes – which I like. Anyway, that mustard seed needn’t do anything but be what it is, be blown where it will be the wind, and on landing, take root and grow. That we can do much the same doesn’t require a lot of effort on our part, lol. But faith isn’t as easy as it sounds. God, through Neale (soon I am going to stop saying the through Neale part, giggle) in CWG talks about this in Book 1 on page 12, “…Faith. If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move mountains.” Well, I haven’t been able to move even that dratted newest anthill I’ve been watching grow on the lawn, so I’m a little skeptical about the human application of this principle, but I believe a day is coming when we’ll understand this in a new way, faith, I mean.

Still, today, I got a neat story in my email that illustrates this same principle from another perspective.

The Fern and the Bamboo

One day I decided to quit….I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality…I wanted to quit my life. I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

“God”, I said. “Can you give me one good reason not to quit?” His answer surprised me…

“Look around”, He said. “Do you see the fern and the bamboo?”

“Yes”, I replied.

“When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the fern grew more vibrant and plentiful. And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo”.

He said, “In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just six months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent five years growing roots. Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.”

He said to me, “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. Don’t compare yourself to others.”

He said, “The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern, yet they both make the forest beautiful.” “Your time will come,” God said to me. “You will rise high!”

“How high should I rise?” I asked.

“How high will the bamboo rise?” He asked in return.

“As high as it can?” I questioned.

“Yes.” He said, “Give back the glory by rising as high as you can.”

I left the forest and brought back this story. I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you…….

Never regret a day in your life.
Good days give you Happiness.
Bad days give you Experiences.
Both are essential to life.
Keep going….
Happiness keeps you Sweet,
Trials keep you Strong,
Sorrows keep you Human,
Failures keep you Humble
Success keeps you Glowing,
But only God keeps you Going !
Have a great day! The Sun is shining !!

God is so big He can cover the whole world with His love and so small He can curl up inside your heart.

Now then, between those two stories, how is it possible that we can lose faith? Yet, we do, we walk around as if there will be no tomorrow. Maybe sentience is the problem, it is easier to have the faith of a mustard seed or a bamboo seed if you don’t have to think about it. Trust me, I have my moments of doubt, more than I’d like, my moments in the dark, a lot of what was in the post about dancing is dark, indeed.  But when I start to lose it, I have jenna, she shows me those damn lights and I just can’t deny them, they happened, and those memories make me believe again.  She’s tricky like that.  Thank gawd.  Cuz, I’m not nearly as strong as I wish I were.  We humans doubt, it is our nature, so the way I like to think of it is that faith is really about hope, and hope is what we all need most to make it through our lives, just a small bit of hope for a better day so again I come back to Sarah McLachlan song to close this post from Fumbling Toward Ecstasy, her song, Hold On (which is really an incredible love story) “…So now you’re sleeping peaceful, and I lie awake and pray, that you’ll be strong tomorrow, and will see another day, and we will praise it, and love the light that brings a smile across your face.” I wish the same for all of you, another day worthy of praise – and the faith of the mustard seed, the bamboo see, and our creator. much love, :^) gene

I hope you’ll dance.

August 29th, 2007

As I’ve mentioned, often, as I wake, or during the day, I have a song sung gently to me. They always have some meaning for me, and if I’m not quick enough to get the point, I have it handed to me, giggle. So today, as I had been thinking about what is, what isn’t and what is yet to be, primarily because last night I saw a guy with whom I’ve been working for the past couple months on an issue that has “afflicted” me since a year after my son’s death, she started singing to me “I hope you dance”, a song I know but haven’t heard in a LONG time, we’ll come back to the song, promise. I want to talk first about the guy I mentioned just up above who I’ve been seeing about a sleep issue. I talked about this a little on the main site but I want to touch on it here in more detail tonight. The issue, I lost the ability to sleep about a year after Brandon died, around the time I first joined the Spiritweb CWG list. I could still fall asleep as always, and this has been one of the real boons in my life, virtually as soon as my head hit the pillow I’d be asleep – that was especially helpful during my boot camp days in the army when we had lights out at 10 and were roused at 3:30, giggle. We’d get an hour for lunch, eat as fast as possible, then sack out on the crushed rock in front of our barracks, using our steel pot helmets for pillows, and get a quick 30 minutes sleep. I never wasted a second thinking, just fell into sweet slumber instantly. That part has continued all my life, until this past January, and I’ll be back to that in a bit. What happened a year after Brandon died was that I’d fall asleep as always, but begin waking after 3 hours or so, and would find it impossible to get back to sleep. I used that early morning time in the early years to write to the CWG list, emails, read, all sorts of things. Over time this became annoying. Yes, that is understatement. :^).

So this past winter, in early January, I decided I would “do” something about this, even if that meant taking a pill of some sort. Maybe I was influenced by those incessant ads for sleep aids, those ads made it look like once you took one you had better be near a bed because you were about to keel over and be out for 7 blissful hours. So I saw a doctor, who referred me to a sleep specialist. I filled out a little form about the problem – it had this whole list of things, designed to tell them if sleep apnea or leg twitches or anything like that might be the issue. I didn’t have ANY of those symptoms, never wake snorting or anything and though I have lived with snorers all my life (my dad was part train I swear, my son’s mom had allergies, and both my boys, asthma) no one has ever told me that I did. Talk. THAT I did in my sleep and people all over have told me about that, including guys whose sleep I disturbed while in the service, lol. A real chatty cathy when I sleep, or was, don’t know anymore, Cisco never says anything and its been just he and I for 10 1/2 years now. HE snores. And yelps, and twitches, giggle. I don’t. I have a huge queen size bed and when I change the sheets, the other half of it looks like it was freshly made, so I knew it wasn’t thrashing around. I am a side sleeper, but apparently I switch sides delicately enough to not disturb my invisible partner’s side of the bed, lol.

Since I didn’t appear to have any of the classic issues, my sleep doctor started me on Ambien, which worked like a charm for almost a whole week. The first night WAS 7 blissful hours, but each night got successively shorter. So after two weeks when I was back completely to my usual pattern, awake after a couple hours. So he switched to me Ambien CR, a little stronger, and time-released. That worked for at least five hours the first night, but then started working backwards, as did the weaker version. So, we moved on to Lunesta, which not only didn’t work at all but took away my ability to fall asleep as well. I’d lie there for 2 to 3 hours before finally drifting off, then start waking after two hours. It was SO weird, I’d be tired all day, but as 7 in the evening approached, I’d feel myself starting to wake, and by 10 I’d feel as awake as if I’d just drunk a pot of coffee, or slept 12 hours, EVERY night. So – he decided, okay, we’d better rule out other issues and asked me to a sleep study. I agreed, I knew they’d find nothing there but what the hey, all I wanted was to be able to sleep again and was just willing to follow protocol (for the one of the few times in my life, giggle). Went to that, took my usual pills, turned out the lights at 10, took nearly three hours to drift off, and got kicked out at 3AM. :^). They said you need 5 hours of REM sleep for the study to be valid and what I had managed were 3 20 minute dozes and there wasn’t enough time left to do the whole thing. They could see I was exhausted, red eyes, al that, but sleep just would not come. They did prepare a report though, which persuaded my doctor that whatever was causing my sleeplessness, it wasn’t apnea or leg twitches. So he suggested a different class of drugs, the first he suggested, jenna said say no, so I did, then he suggested another, and she said say no, so I did. I don’t remember what their names were and have no real idea why she had me decline, she just says “i knew what you needed, honey”. Then he told me about another process, non-chemical, called cognitive behavioral therapy, which was being newly offered through my hmo by a psychologist who had spent the past 20 years practicing at Rochester Mayo (which many of you will recognize as quite a famous place) and who was establishing a practice here in the metro, in fact was seeing patients at the sleep lab I’d gone to which is in my suburb, so convenient, and Jenna said, say yes. So I did. He said that the results drugs produce are 50-50 and that this man’s results were that good or better. He also suggested another drug, and this time, jenna said, say yes. So I did. I’m not going to name that here, not sure why, but I’m not, but I follow instructions, lol, some of the time anyway.

But here’s what I want to say about that. The first night I took it, and I did this on a different schedule than the directions, Jenna told me how she wanted me to do this, and I followed her advice, I was leery and stayed up pretty late, I HATE lying in bed tossing and turning and since I’d been doing that for months at that point, I stayed up til I felt a yawn. Went to bed and fell right asleep, woke two hours later, but the first thing I noticed then was the silence, I was quiet within, and got right back to sleep, woke several more times but it was still silent within. Not great rest but a lot better than what I had been getting. It was a couple more weeks before I finally heard from the psychological sleep doctor. I’d been able to fall asleep and get, like 5 hours, interrupted, but sleep. So I sort of figured that would be waste of time, his and mine, and told him so, but he thought it worth getting together at least once anyway, and Jenna said please, so I set up an evening appt with him for the next week. I really expected that to be a 20 minute, hi, how are you, sorry I wasted your time, thing. But it wasn’t. It was anything but. He asked questions. I answered them. And in a half hour, he thought he had a diagnosis, but wanted to continue talking. We sat there for better than two hours together. I used up half his flipping box of Kleenex. The first question he asked me was when the problem started and I told him it was about a year after my son’s suicide. He asked about that. It turned out that I was a lot more raw inside than I thought. I mean I THOUGHT I had that all handled.

Yes, the early years were hard, every holiday, every family anything, all of that was hard as hell, no matter what we did or where we were, there was an empty seat at the table. It took a long time for that to start to fade, it never WILL fade completely, but with time it gets bearable. Or so I hear. It was the 10th anniversary this past February and I had started thinking about that in the late fall. Just, you know, thinking about how those years had gone so fast, how old Cisco was getting, how long it had been. I thought about putting something in the paper on the anniversary, to let him know I’d kept my promise all these years, the one I made at his service, to think of him every single day the rest of my life. I have done. I don’t mean sadly, because there are so many wonderful memories, and, in truth, I wondered if I’d keep that promise, if time wouldn’t sometime make me forget him for a day, but it never has. I don’t cry about it, I think good thoughts, but I do still think about him, miss him. That sort of void just isn’t one you fill.

Over the winter, another series of odd events happened, every two or three weeks, something I had dealt with in years past, and had healed, recurred. The symptoms, and pain, of these things, an esophogeal ulcer, which is a whole ‘nother story I will tell one day, a torn rotator cuff, a knee that I’d had surgically repaired a couple years before, and other things, came back. So I’d see a doctor, always a different one with hmo’s, have tests run, mri’s, endoscopy’s, and nothing turned up any physical reason for any of the symptoms, I was having. Well, once I started the new drug, those disappeared too, all of them, that was the silence I heard that first night, the burning in my chest was just gone. As we talked, this new sleep doctor and I, apparently I said some code words, lol, that led him to what he thought was the issue. Oh, there is a piece, I haven’t told you. Brandon’s room was next to mine, it is a sort of V arrangement, his door on the left, mine on the right. Well, I haven’t been in that room but, less than six times, in the 10 1/2 years since he shot himself in there. It was essentially just the way he left it. Over time I didn’t even see the door, it was really a wall to me, it didn’t bother me, I COULD go in, I just didn’t. In the early years, though, I’d stand in front of that door, and I could FEEL what he was feeling in those last moments, the fear, the sadness too, but the overwhelming desperation he felt just reverberated through me, and I just didn’t go in there, I couldn’t. Well, it turns out that is a symptom too, lol. Whoda thunk that? Okay, I knew that was some sort of pathology but it didn’t “hurt” me, after some years, I DID go in there, and it was okay, I mean not pleasant, but I didn’t like pass out or anything. So I just left it alone. My oldest son gave me, maybe a year after, a $50 card to Home Depot, to get some stuff to repair the hole in the carpet where the biological cleaner people had cut out the stain, and the wall where the police had opened it to retrieve the bullet, but I never did anything with that. It still sits on a counter downstairs. We actually scheduled a weekend to do that once, but I backed out, I wasn’t ready. I’ve never been since either. It isn’t like this is all I think about, I don’t mean to imply that, I live a regular life, pretty much, like everyone else. I just have this room that isn’t really part of my house.

Apparently that isn’t quite right. What my new sleep doctor told me was that he thought I had what he called complicated bereavement, which runs in cycles, he said 1, 5 and 10 year cycles typically, and most often comes up when the death was violent, unexpected, a child, something out of the “ordinary” course of life events. Which this certainly was. He said that typically the sleep problem I have begins a year or so after the event, so is hard to connect TO the event. He said that the drugs I had started with were exactly the wrong kind for this issue, they have mild anti-depressive properties, which actually worsen symptoms when complicated bereavement is the issue. The newest one I was on was rarely used for sleep disorders and is primarily an anti-anxiety medication. That was the silence I heard, the anxiety within was stilled by that drug. And hasn’t come back. :^). Still don’t sleep though. But I do fall asleep right away, I wake after a 3 hours or so but can get back to restless sleep readily. Oh, one other thing that helped him with his diagnosis, during the summer of 1998 when so many absolutely astounding things were happening as detailed on the main site, I was having these really enormous panic attacks, along with the awakening symptoms, probably caused BY them, so I saw a psychiatrist at my hmo about those. His approach was a book, a wonderful book, that so clearly explained them to me, that they stopped. But he thought, given the circumstances, that I had more than anxiety going on and wanted me to try an anti-depressant too, so prescribed zoloft, told me to take a half pill with a full meal for two days, then a pill a day. I took the first 1/2 pill with a big lunch and threw up for 36 hours straight. Never took another and never went back to see THAT guy, I decided if I was depressed, I could deal with that a lot easier than that damn drug. As it turns out, people with complicated bereavement will often become violently ill when treated with an anti-depressant. The ambien and lunesta were too mild to do anything but mess my sleep up even more, but the zoloft was strong enough to do what it did. So this isn’t like a new development. My sleep doctor tells me that what happened when I started seeing that door as a wall was that I arrested, in a way, and only partially, the grieving process. And that arrested process is why I stopped sleeping. He told me that first night that he could help with that. So we’ll see, we’re working on it. He doesn’t know about Jenna. I’m not going there with any western medicine practitioner, not just yet. Jen says we will eventually, but not yet. What she says we are doing is that she is teaching my body how to do what that little pill does, on its own. And what we are doing with my sleep doctor is learning a LOT more about how complicated the human emotional system is and how interconnected our physical and etheric structures are. She says THAT is why she led me through this circuitous route to the perfect person to teach me this. In truth, it is as CWG puts it re-membering, not learning, but whatever one calls it, I am seeing things in a different way through our conversations. Health is about wholeness. Not just physically, but emotional and spiritual wholeness as well. I am remembering how to connect these things through this process. Some day she says that will be important for me. So, I trust her, and am doing this with him now.

After last night, I was a little on edge. I’ve done some things he suggested, and they’ve left me a little raw. One of my “homework” assignments from a month ago was to go in that room, at least twice between our bi-weekly visits, and just sit in there, talk to the air, he said, if you feel like it, talk to Brandon, or just sit. Well, what I did first was clean the room. As much as I could, like I said it was all as he’d left it, sheets in a jumble on the bed, some clothes piled on those, stuff in the closet, his dresser – I swear the kid had some sort of penny fetish, he must have had three hundred of them scattered in, on and around the dresser. And hangers, there were a hundred of them. And outfits I had no idea he had. I took all that stuff out of the room, threw it all away. Cleaned out the dresser of everything, threw all that away. It was just a little weird picking up socks he’d “just” taken off 10 years ago. But it was “work” I was doing, it wasn’t emotional, not really. Then, the day before I was to see my doctor again, I went back in and sat on the edge of the bed, I did talk to the air some, not angry, I’ve never been angry with him about this, but questions, you know? All his life I’d worked things through with him, he was such an emotional kid. But he never gave me the chance to do that this time. I feel incomplete in a way. Culpable, yes, that too, I sort of feel that had I the chance I could have talked him through that too, but he didn’t give me that chance. And so I am left with this “undone” feeling. Cisco heard me talking, I guess, and after a bit, I saw just his nose sticking through the door, so I told him to come in, and he did, lay down beside me and we looked at that hole in the carpet together and talked some. Yeah, some tears too.

I planned to get rid of the bed and dresser too, redo the carpet, all that. But I haven’t. I mean at first I intended to call the garbage guys the next day and make arrangements to have them take that stuff away. But I haven’t. So we talked about that a little last night. I told him I thought that I liked that stuff still in there. That I didn’t like the idea of the room being just empty, it feels sort of like, that would be a hole, a vaccuum, and there’s already this hole in me, and that if the room were empty, something just wouldn’t balance. I know that sounds odd, but its true, and he got it. I don’t know, for one thing, what to do with the room. I don’t want it to be a bedroom anymore. I’m not making it into a den or anything. I am never going to just go sit in there. I need to figure out something to do with it and I just haven’t yet. Until I do, I think I want the bed and dresser to stay. I think I need to sit on that thing some more. And process. Gawd, you’d think after 10 1/2 years the processing would be done, but it isn’t. And until it is, I won’t sleep. He thinks everything else is going well, that what I’ve done is fine, but he says that the sleep part is usually the last part to get “right”. Isn’t it just amazing how complicated we really are? Wouldn’t you think the rigors of just living day to day would be enough for us? Why do we have to have this whole other piece that we can’t see, can’t touch, can’t really understand, but that can affect us in every way possible. And it occurs to me, that what I am learning here, remembering, is that we really do need each other, it is through relationship with each other that we heal. Whatever ails us.

And that is where the song re-enters the story. The one jen has been singing to me today. Here that is, as sung by LeeAnn Womack:

“I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you’ll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they’re worth taking
Lovin’ might be a mistake
But it’s worth making
Don’t let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone)

I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you’ll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance
I hope you dance
(Time is a real and constant motion always)
I hope you dance
(Rolling us along)
I hope you dance
(Tell me who)
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
I hope you dance
(Where those years have gone)

(Tell me who)
I hope you dance
(Wants to look back on their youth and wonder)
(Where those years have gone) ”

Those are the questions, I’ve been asking myself most of my life, and the answer she tells me is that I need to be willing to dance. That is what this website and blog are about. I’m remembering how to dance. I wonder where THAT will lead, giggle. jenna says, amazing places, my love. And her, not so much me, but her, I trust. So anyone reading this, if ever we meet, even if only out here in the ether, I hope our souls will dance together. Faith, well, we’re going to talk about that too, not in the traditional sense or the religious sense, but in terms of faith in the essence, the truth of who we really are? Oh, yes, that we’ll talk about. I, she, we, have some things to say about that. On another day. See you back here, I hope, much love, :^) gene

The Last Mimzy

August 27th, 2007

I don’t rent many movies, most genre’s that at one time appealed to me, do no longer.  What I mean by that, is over the years I have lost interest in many things that at one time I had a lot of interest in.  I think of that as growth, change certainly, but growth as well.  For instance, I used to enjoy thriller-type movies, we all love, or many of us do given the success of such movies, the sensation of being safely scared out of our wits as with the “Jason” or “Michael Meyer” type movies.  Actually I lost interest in those a long time ago, but I used to enjoy action movies too of the “Arnold” variety, the summer of 1997 found me unable to be in the presence of all that killing, the only one of that genre that I can still stomach, even enjoy, is the original Highlander – I so love the soundtrack, Queen, Freddy Mercury‘s heavenly voice, and the ultimate outcome which though arrived at violently, is ultimately about hope.

So, you can understand, that what is available now that I can enjoy is a rather limited selection.  I have some favorites but they all tend to be now movies that demonstrate something good, even wonderful about us, we spirits here having this human experience.  I just love the American President, Contact, Regarding Henry, the Kid with Bruce Willis in an interesting role, a handful of others, all movies that I find hope in, that I find what I consider to be the best part of us in.  So, though there aren’t really all that many movies, I do find interest in these days, still sometimes, Jenna will take me to Hollywood Video and lead me through the place, I’ll look at lots of things, most of which I have no interest whatsoever in, but what will eventually happen is I’ll find myself standing in front of something which does, that she wants me to see.  For instance, City of Angels, lol, which they have but one copy of and which is not new, but which she actually had me ask for by name a few months ago and which she has since asked me to watch once again – that is the movie in which I first heard Sarah McLachlan, by the way.  I’ve come to some very out of the way movies this way as I am wandering and she just sort of stops me, or I stop somehow, right in front of what she wants me to say – not at all unlike the way Book 1 came to me. 

This past week, I was up that way on another errand and she asked me to go in, so I did, this guidance works in what I’m sure some will think an odd way, she doesn’t tell me WHAT to do, but urges me toward something she wants me to do, or see.  We do have very specific conversations, long ones sometimes, about a lot of things, but when it comes to choices, those are always mine and mine alone.  Again, because this is my experience not hers, and there are no scripts.  Free will here really does mean exactly that.  So as I wandered the store, looking at the new things, nothing really struck my eye, until I came to the Last Mimzy, a kids movie really, or so I thought upon first glance.  But she said, THIS, is what I’d like you to see, gene.  So I picked it up.  It is a sci-fi movie, really, and though I love sci-fi, I don’t watch a lot of those movies, because, well, again, they are too violent for my taste. 

I want to tell a little story here about how that came to be.  I think it was a gradual sort of weaning process that began in me long before Brandon died.  I used to be just a voracious reader, we are talking many books a week growing, mostly mysteries as those were what my mother, the only other reader in my family, liked.  I found a couple people at my work who shared that interest and we began exchanging Robert Ludlum and Dick Francis books, but sometime 15 years or so ago, my taste just began to change, I was troubled by the violence in fiction, I think I started to see our “fantasies” as affecting our lives.  I know there are no studies that prove television, or movie, violence begets physical violence, but I think the more one sees that, the more  one becomes inured to other people’s suffering, the more one comes to believe that the end justifies the means.  And I don’t.  Believe that.  This was, of course, Jenna’s gentle influence in me that caused this gradual turn away from that genre of print and screen media.  It is a rare show I will watch that has much violence in it.  For instance, in its first season, I really liked Criminal Minds, because of the thoughtful, insightful way they were able to characterize human behavior, but they had to come up with a new serial killer, ever more horrible, every single week to keep the show going.  And that is NOT what our world is, it is NOT what our country is.  There are people here who do evil things, yes, (don’t worry we’ll talk about judging another time, what that means for us as human beings I mean) but we do not have new serial killers every week.  They are, blessedly, rare, few and far between.  So Criminal Minds lost me.  I could not live with the horrors they dreamt up no matter how brilliantly acted and presented they were. 


When the movie part of this first became obvious to me was the summer after Brandon died.  I tried to go see a new “Arnold” movie, xxxxx, and I found myself so overcome by the violence in it, that I left after less than 15 minutes, I was literally panic-stricken by it, I felt like I could die right there in the theater and I just couldn’t stay.  I thought maybe it was ALL movies, but it wasn’t, Contact came out that summer and I made my oldest, my remaining, son, go with me – just in case.  But it was wondrous, not horrifying – I was already a Carl Sagan fan and had read his only novel, but still, I wasn’t sure if it was movies, the crowd, or the dark, or the genre that had terrified me so.  I learned watching Contact that it wasn’t the theater, the crowd, it was the violence.   The next summer, on the CWG list, people were extolling the virtues of Saving Private Ryan, what great lessons it taught.  My question to the group was, given its subject matter, was, was it bloody and violent?  Yes, was the answer, but the overarching lesson was not.  I knew I could not see it, so I listened to the discussion and said that if I ever did see it, it would have to be when it came out on video, so I could watch it on a small screen, in a place where I could shut it off for periods and watch it in chunks if I needed too.  I have seen it now.  About a year ago.  And, yes, the idea that drove it was a noble one, and I was able to deal with the violence of it – I’m stronger now than I was back then, but I am as horrified by movie violence as ever.  Even more so by the real violence taking place all over our world, but so graphically depicted in what happens in the middle east every day.  There is no greater blasphemy, in my opinion, than killing in the name of God.

Back to science fiction.  :^).  I said I loved it, but that isn’t completely true, I really have only read two authors, and all of their work, I own, most I have read so many times, I could write them from memory, lol.  I don’t agree with all of what they wrote, by any means, but there is so much eternal truth in their work, and so much good, that for the most part, I can excuse any excesses I found.  And I really only found those in Robert Heinlein‘s work, he has SO much right, so beautifully, but I cannot abide the way he has characters treat each, beginning with Stranger in a Strange Land, a wonderful book in many ways, his characters, grew ever more rude personally, sort of in the way people who know each other well are teasingly insulting to each other?  I can’t stand that.  It is passive-aggressive cruelty in my opinion.  We ought be more loving to those closest to us than to anyone else, in my judgment, not less.  A cruel comment is a cruel comment no matter how much you love the person to whom it is made.  Those of you who have been to my main site, know this is what brought on, or accelerated my awakening, interpersonal communication of less than a polite nature.   I have bought, read, and thrown away one of Robert’s books at least three times over this issue.  His early work was directed toward teens and young adults, I still have those and I love them, this issue was there too just not to the degree that it appeared later.  I just find that unfortunate, because he was SO far ahead of his time in SO many other ways.  The other sci-fi author I read, though I came to him as an adult, was Isaac Asimov, I have nothing to criticize about him.  I loved everything he wrote, I think it was prescient and compelling.  And coming. 

So, the last Mimzy, we come full circle, though a “young” movie, Jenna wanted me to see it.   When she does this, wants me to see something in particular, whenever we get to that point in the movie, or book for that matter, she tells me clearly, THIS is what I brought you here to see, gene.  And in this case, though the whole movie is wonderful, what she wanted me to see was at the very end.  A little speech that, really, ends the movie.  I paused and copied down what was said.  “But Emma’s tears were the instruction’s for an awakening.  Our precious quality of humanity had been turned off.  And it spread like wild flowers.  People shed their protective suits and over time humanity blossomed again.”. 

In my opinion, humanity has YET to blossom.  We have NEVER been all that we can be on this planet.  THAT is what I think is coming, an age, not an era, but an age, where we will become a true civilization, one people – one world.  Where will be able to lay down our weapons and build a little bit of heaven right here on this beautiful blue oasis of love given us by our Creator for this very purpose.  That humanity is due for an awakening to the truth of ourselves, to remember who we really are, and to begin to live THAT experience here on Earth.  And then, we may take ourselves to the stars, where experience of all manner can be had, where what has happened here may well be forgotten, until sometime in the millennia to come, Emma’s tears are remembered and humanity blossoms again wherever it has taken root.  It requires will and strength and sometimes violence to gain a foothold on a planet, to become the dominant species on a planet, and in that doing, the truth of us can be lost as we become immersed in the experience of simply living.  Robert talks about this beautifully in one of his very best books, Time Enough For Love (the story of darling dora), but the experience of forgetting who we are only to eventually re-member, is how we ourselves evolve, from creatures, back into the love we are.  The last Mimzy is worth seeing, dear ones.  much love, :^) gene

So why do we come here then?

August 26th, 2007

This will be a lot shorter than I thought. :^). Actually, I wrote it, all of it, to its conclusion. And then did something and lost it. It alleged that it saved itself at 7:39. But if it did, I can’t find where that might be. And that’s the last time I write one in the Opera browser window, giggle, Firefox does not allow that to happen, it remembers and can always take you back to the place you were before, which is just one more reason to use it.

I want to talk about a question I am sometimes asked, by people to whom I have recommended the books, Conversations With God, Books 1 and 2. Well-meaning people, none of whom have any idea about the experiences, I have had, the lights, I mean. While I’ve posted those, as I explain on my main site, people to whom I have talked about them ARE familiar with CWG, which books, I am normally here, just going to call Book 1 or Book 2, for simplicity’s sake.

This, question, though, is both difficult and easy to answer. When talking to anyone who has read the books, and maybe had a chance to talk about them, or think about them, the concept isn’t unthinkable. It DOES seem a bit convenient to me, and jenna, tells me there is more to it than is in the books, so okay, maybe, just maybe convenient is good. Maybe convenient is the point. So I’m going to just say a bit about this tonight and then go into some detail tomorrow night.

Why we come here is at its heart about relationship. Not just human to human, giggle, or to pet, or to anything else, but to ourselves as much as anything. So I answer the question, for now, with another question. If you are in a place of perfect love, if you know nothing but that, if that really is all there is there, how do you know that? How do you know what perfect love is like if you have never had the experience of love which is not perfect? How could you possibly know?

The thing about what I felt in the presence of those lights, particularly the two light globes, is unlike ANYTHING I’ve ever felt here. It was the most glorious, wondrous, safest, complete feeling of love I’ve ever experienced. NOTHING here, no matter the moment, and I do know what love can be here and what that feels like – this experience pales, is nothing, compared to what I felt in those few seconds. But if I had not come here, if I didn’t know what this world feels like to be part of, to be in, if I had never left that perfect place, how could I know how perfect that really was? I am certain I would FEEL wonderful there, but I have to ask, how would I know that? It is like seeing through the eyes of a child. A child walking on grass for the first time. A child seeing a cow or a horse or anything at all, for the first time. The wonder, the BIG eyes, the desire to touch, the desire to cling. THAT is why we come here. I think it helps us, gives us the ability, to know just how special home is. Whether you define home as heaven, or nirvana, or Sirius, matters not in the slightest to me. What does is, that you could not possibly know that, without having had this experience here. That’s why we come here.

That’s why God created the relative universe. Tomorrow I’ll talk about that a bit. The difference between the triune truth of home and the duality of the relative universe. Duality, to me, means a continuum, a thing marks the beginning of a continuum of relationship, there is a line between these two things, at the other end of that line of is opposite, between the gradients between the two opposites. Hot – cold. Love – Fear. Here – there. Like that.

So until tomorrow evening, blessed be, and much love, :^) gene

I always thought:

August 24th, 2007

That this first post was going to start with a quotation from Book 1. But I have been trying to start it for two weeks now and “she” just wouldn’t let me. If you are here, you know “she” is Jenna. I KNEW this was supposed to go “live” with the website but I just had NO words. Which, since most of you got here from the website, know is not really an issue with me. :^).

But tonight she told me what she wanted me to start with. She decided she had to get clear with me about what this first post should say. I can be a pretty stubborn guy. In my own way, yes, but still sometimes I just don’t listen. So tonight, on my way home from work, I drove in though I really had no reason to, well, other than that she asked me to this morning so that we could talk. The day, all the things that happen, life, you know? Interferes with us sometimes. I normally bus, I have a flipping bus card from my work that pays for it, but for almost a year now, she has had me driving in 3 or more times a week, because in that half hour, she has me all to herself, I’m not distracted by the things going on around me, or television, or what I should be doing at home, I’m all hers. I’ve had a host of physical issues that have kept me from walking, my running days are over – knee issue, and so our “alone” time has been affected. All relationships require one on one time. Even ours.

So – this isn’t going to start with CWG at all. Though that will still be the focus of many, if not most, posts. This one starts with Sarah McLachlan. Jen has had me listening to two of her cd’s, over and over, for three months. Surfacing and Fumbling Towards Ecstasy. I mean, over and over. I have listened to virtually nothing else. I have copies for the car and copies for up here, in my loft. I love her voice, I love who she is, I love that she does all her own writing and arranging but that is not how I found her. City of Angels, her “shortened” rendition of Possession, captivated me years ago. And Jenna had me rent that about three months ago. I’ll do a post about that later, how she directs me around Hollywood video, every once in a while, and shows me what she wants me to watch. It is weird, but amusing, and true. So – again, what is the point, gene? Well, I love every song on both cd’s, I sometimes skip Adia, not sure why, but everything else on both cd’s just thrills my soul. I will probably talk about why, with each song, here eventually. Why not? I mean, who else is listening? giggle. I do that a lot too, and it looks goofy, I know, but its true nonetheless. When you see that word, giggle, I AM doing that.

So the song I am going to write about first, well, surprised me, because I love them all, Possession was my favorite (and at the end of the cd, Fumbling Toward Ecstasy, which is the name of the last song, if you just let it run, you’ll hear some very odd, music, and then tacked on is a piano version of Possession, SO different from the song that opens the cd, but so beautiful in its own right. My second favorite song on that cd, is Mary, I just love it, I GET it, and I love it. But that isn’t the one either, she wanted a song from Surfacing. Which is what this website, it turns out, is about. I am surfacing. I talked about the searching I’ve done on the main site and that I am no longer, what I am doing by putting up this site, and this blog, IS surfacing. I’m not entirely sure why, but she says it is true, and, in truth, she has told me about this but I’m not really free to share that yet, so I do know why. And, I know that as Book 1 says, there is no such thing as a coincidence in this world, nothing happens without reason. That’s not quite exact and I’ll talk about that more later, but it applies for the moment. So stopping my search, and, surfacing me is what this is really about. And so tonight, on the way home, like I said, NO coincidences, as I turned on the cd player in my car, the song that was up, was Witness. And she had me play it again and again and again. Until I got her point. giggle.

How, I could be so blind to it, I don’t know. I’m not a slow learner. But she can be so frustrating sometimes, I guess that is the nature of what she does, but it sure annoys me. I am a “get to the freaking point” guy, in a lot of ways. As much as I appreciate gentleness, I still get frustrated when I KNOW someone wants to tell me something and they are wandering around it, all over the map, but never getting to the POINT. I bet you feel the same way, giggle. As much as it annoys me, I am as guilty of it. Dependant on circumstances, of course. It is VERY hard for me to deliver bad news, I search for ways to soften it, and I do wander then, and I am easily distracted, giggle, I mean I am enormously curious, so I will wander in conversation too, all over the map, but I always come back to, draw the conversation back to, the point. Or she does. It doesn’t really matter which. And, in truth, it is both. So now here is the point and I’m going to quote Sarah’s song to make it, she sings: “Make me a witness, take me out, out of darkness, out of doubt, I won’t weigh you down with good intentions, won’t make fire out of clay, or other inventions. Will we burn in heaven, like we do down here? Will the change come while we’re waiting? Everyone is waiting, and when we’re done soul searching, as we carried the weight, and died for the cause. Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes? Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand? Will we burn in heaven, like we do down here, will the change come while we’re waiting? Everyone is waiting.”

Now some of that sounds a little scary, but it isn’t. And it is eternal truth. The reason I have been so pushed, urged, and pushed some more, to put up this site, to begin this conversation, is the reason I was born, the reason I am here, the reason I have had the experiences I have had, the reason behind the lights. I am a witness. I KNOW we are more than we think we are. I KNOW it. There is no other way to explain the inexplicable. In my searching, I didn’t limit myself to esoteric sites, I searched the available literature on illusions, psychosis, schizophrenia too. I wanted to find out WHY I saw such odd things, separated by so much time. It isn’t like I see visions every day. Three times in almost 58 years. I mean, MY question is, excuse the language, WTF, is THAT all about? WHY? And the answer is in that song. To be a witness. To tell you all that this is NOT all there is. When we die, we don’t go poof and are gone. We go home. To a place where that incredible feeling of love and peace, balance, that I felt in those moments with the lights, is ALL there is. THAT is the truth. That is OUR truth. And, the reason, I have had these three inexplicable light experiences. So that I could be made a witness. Fear is not our truth, it is part of our experience here. LOVE is our “end”, and it isn’t an end at all, but our beginning, our forever.

So the next question becomes then why are we here? What could possibly cause us to leave a place like THAT to come here to do THIS? And, that, dear ones, is where CWG enters the picture. That is where I’ll pick this up, not tonight, probably not tomorrow, but Sunday, appropriately Sunday. much love, :^) gene