What are we doing here anyway?
Hi I’m gene. Welcome to my blog. You likely got here from my main site, if not, I encourage you to take a look at that, its in the blogroll on the sidebar, because most of what happens here, originated there. And there is quite a lot there. :^) Here, I’m just going to chat about whatever is on my mind at the moment, sometimes CWG, sometimes political events, sometimes spirituality in general, for instance just what does that mean anyway, spirituality? I want to talk about the global nature of life in this time. We no longer live in separate little enclaves, we live on a large planet connected to each other continuously via the net, media, transportation, trade and in many other ways as well. We are in the process of becoming, all of us, one people, one world, in truth. We’re resisting the idea, some of us, a decreasing minority, in my opinion, and there are certainly parts of the planet that are in dire straights. I think it is by talking to each other, sharing ideas, sharing our truth, and our lives that we can hasten the day when we call all people family, not us and them, just us. Then we can find solutions to problems around the world that benefit the world, not just some of it. Sharing, we really need to remember what that means. The definition hasn’t really changed all that much, it is the same as we were taught as children, but even as when we were children, we are still ever watchful that we are getting our fair share. A lot of the world isn’t. And the rest of the world knows it. It is past time we do something real about that.
I think that starts by expanding our view of family. We don’t harm our brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers, we take care of them, we share with them, we love them as ourselves. It is only when we take that view and apply it to all of the world’s people that we will really come to care deeply enough about what happens a half world away to be affected by it sufficiently to make us want to make it right, whatever that takes. My creed, if I have one, is people before dollars. That is what I am doing here really. Talking about ways to make that a real part of our daily lives.
The golden rule exists in one form or another in every culture, it is the only “rule”, guidance, we have ever needed. Do unto others as they would have you do unto them is the version I like best and that I think works best. The way we do that, is find out, from each other, what that means to each other. Then we DO that. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it? Well, then, let’s get started. And as with so many things, it has to start with one, if that is what we need, let it begin with me. Then you. Then you too. We can become a civilization yet, in spite of ourselves. The road map is out there, all we need do is follow it, and occasionally stop and ask for directions, giggle. Of each other. Then, paying careful attention and being sure we understand, proceed. I think, I believe, I KNOW, we are worth it. All of us. :^) gene