Now, government
March 6th, 2008 | by gene |Okay this is the post I started writing two Fridays ago. :^). 13 days ago. Jen’s had me occupied with other things. And I still am but I’m going to put this little bit out anyway. And I will come back to the meat of it this weekend, Saturday morning I hope.
So, government, of the, by the people, for the people, of the people kind. This is going to be mostly an excerpt from CWG Book 2, the beginning of Chapter 10 actually, where Neale asks God several questions related to government. I’m not sure if I’ll leave it as stand alone material and comment on it in another post or if I’ll do that here after, mostly because this will be quite a lengthy excerpt. It’s necessary though to set the stage for other political commentary I’ll be making over the course of the current American campaign season. I have ideas, lol. And I’m going to talk about them here. Some in detail, some more as a statement of what I think we can, or should, do. Together. Government is not standalone, it comes in various forms but nowhere but on a desert island with but one person on it does it involve just one person, whether that be with the consent of the governed, as in a Republic, which is what we have here, or a monarchy, or a dictatorial government, or any combination. Some call themselves one thing while they are really another. For instance, and not to pick on them, but the People’s Republic of China is no such thing in that the “people” of the country have virtually no say in what government does or does not do. It isn’t all that different here really. We don’t elect representatives to do OUR bidding, rather we elect representatives who do what THEY think is best for us, actions we, the people, may or may not agree with. Our asset, and it truly is one, is that we really do have a chance to turn the rascals out every two years and the greatest thing about our system is that we accomplish a peaceful transition of power every two years in our House of Representatives and Senate (though, of course Senate terms are six years, they are staggered evenly) and every four years in our executive branch. That we do this without killing anyone speaks well of our system. It does not make our system perfect, not by any stretch of the imagination, but we DO it without killing each other. This must be the basis for any form of civilized government. Anything less is not government, it is barbarism.
My primary (yes that is a play on words) concern with our particular form of government at the moment is that the Republican party has its nominee and the Democrats are now prepared to, as I so poorly worded a sentence in a prior post, take the gloves off. I worry that the Democratic party will splinter itself, as it often has, fracture itself so badly that once again we might face a Republican White House, this time one prepared for a 100 years war in Iraq. I’m not prepared for that. Are you? John McCain is. He says so flatly and with conviction. I believe him. That makes him a very dangerous man in my opinion despite the somewhat moderate stance he has taken from time to time on various specific issues, I don’t think a hundred years war is anyone’s best interest. Neither was the last one. We’ll come back to that. And we’ll come back to the efficiencies and deficiencies of our particular form of government too. Not only that but we’re going to hear what God has to say about all this. Or at least what he’s told Neale Donald Walsch and I think we are going to get a bit of what Jenna’s told me along the way as well. Appetite whetted? Goooood. :^) much love, :^) gene
If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene
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