Benazir Buhtto

December 27th, 2007 | by gene |

Today, I just want to add my voice to the millions around the world who are mourning this wonderful woman. That she was not perfect in every way does not make her a candidate for the extremists of the Islamic world to murder, it made her human. Just like the rest of us. Her death is a severe blow to an already “wild west’ country with no semblance of order or honor. She brought to the table grace, intelligence and a will to do what was right for her country and her faith. It is not her faith I am at war with, it is not her faith the United States is at war with. It is those fundamentalists who believe they and only they may decide for everyone else what is right, what is acceptable, what is just. They have no fundamental understanding of any of these things, let alone the truth of Who We Really Are.

The United States, a country in which I was most fortunate to have been born, does one thing better than any other place on the planet. Every two years, we accomplish a peaceful transition of power in our House of Representative, our Senate, though elected to 6 year terms, has a third running for office every two years, and our ultimate leader, the President stands for election every four years. We do not kill our opposition. We defame them, we slander them, we libel them, we paint them as if they were the devil incarnate, but in the end we cast our ballots and accept the outcome. We pick ourselves up and we try again.

We are not barbarians. And we MUST remember this in our dealings with other countries, in our tactics, our strategies and our policies. We are NOT barbarians, we do not stoop to the level of those despicable men who planned and created this despicable act. I do not believe in hell, as a concept or a place, but were there one, it would be reserved for such as these who brought about this cowardly attack on a peaceful woman who wanted only peace for her homeland. These cowards who hide themselves in the mountains, who cover their faces while they commit horrendous crimes against humanity deserve nothing more than to be hunted down like the animals they, tried and to spend the rest of their lives in prison contemplating the evil they have wrought on what is essentially a peaceful planet.

They are not like the rest of us. They are madmen, clinically insane, dangers to themselves and to the rest of us. They deserve no quarter and no pardon. The job of the world is not to “fight” terrorism, it is to find and root out criminals, try them and keep them away from the rest of us who want only to better our lot in life, raise our families in love and devotion, to earn a living at an honorable job and to worship or not as we choose. God makes no demands on us. It is insane men who make these demands. The job NOW is to find them and put them away. Remove them from the presence of the rest of us. They have forfeited forever their right to walk as free men.

Rest in peace, Ms. Bhutto, I know you are home and safe, much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

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