Who creates our life circumstances?
October 3rd, 2007 | by gene |I mean whose fault is this all anyway? Book 1 has a few thoughts about this that I want to share with you tonight. :^) And I might have a comment or two of my own after this excerpt. This is actually a little premature and I had intended to come to this a while down the road, but the topic came up in a conversation with a friend and so I decided since I’d already gone to the “work” of typing this out, I’d just do this now. But with a bit more of the conversation added. So this is a bit bigger excerpt than I will normally do, well, I don’t know if that is true exactly, not being able to see into the future very well as of yet, giggle, but I suspect it is. And I want to use something else from that conversation here too, at the end though, because it is the truth of it all. :^)
Neale has been crabbing about how his life had gone, and he did live an interesting life, no doubt, with his fair share of ups and downs, book 1 came at a very down period in his life. He told God that it was hard to get to his “God space” when he’d lost his job, the rent needed paying, the kids needed a dentist, and being in any sort of lofty space didn’t really seem to be a likely way to deal with any of his problems. The “you” so often referenced is Neale, of course, but it is not as well, it is YOU, too, and me, and anyone who finds their way into this Conversation With God, Neale was the vehicle of its deliverance into our hands, and the you, is we.
So God says: “Do not forsake me when you need Me most. Now is the hour of your greatest testing. Now is the time of your greatest chance. It is the chance to prove everything that is written here.
When I say “don’t forsake Me, ” I sound like needy, neurotic God we talked about. But I’m not. you can “forsake me” all you want. I don’t care, and it won’t change a thing between us. I merely say this in answer to your questions. Is when the going gets tough that you so often forget Who You Are, and the tools I have given you for creating the life you would choose.
Now is the time to go to your God space more than ever. First, it will bring you great peace of mind – and from a peaceful mind do great ideas flow – ideas which could be solutions to the biggest problems you imagine yourself to have.
Second, it is in your God space that you Self realize, and that is the purpose – the only purpose of your soul.
When you are in your God space, you know and you understand that all you are experiencing now is temporary. I tell you that heaven and Earth shall pass away, but you shall not. This ever-lasting perspective helps you to see things in their proper light.
You can define these present conditions and circumstances as what they truly are: temporary and temporal. You may then use them as tools – for that is what they are, temporary, temporal tools – in the creation of present experience.
Just who do you think you are? In relationship to the experience called lose-a-job, who do you think you are? And, perhaps more to the point, who do you think I am? Do you imagine this is too big a problem for Me to solve? Is getting out of this jam too big a miracle for Me to handle? I understand that you may think it’s too big for you for you to handle, even with all the tools I have given you – but do you really think it’s too big for Me?”
Neale says: “I know intellectually that no job is too big for God. But emotionally I guess I can’t be sure. Now whether You can handle it, but whether you will.”
God: “I see. So it is a matter of faith.”
Neale: “Yes.”
God: “You don’t question My ability, you merely doubt My desire.
Neale: “You see, I still live this theology that says there may be a lesson in here somewhere for me. I’m still not sure I’m supposed to have a solution. Maybe I’m supposed to have the problem. Maybe this is one of those “tests” my theology keeps telling me about. So I worry that this problem may not be solved. That this is one of those You’re going to let me hang her with…”
God: “Perhaps this is a good time to go over once more how it is I interact with you, because you think it is a question of My desire, and I’m telling you it’s a question of yours.
I want for you what you want for you. Nothing more, nothing less. I don’t sit here and make a judgment, request by request, whether something should be granted you.
My law is the law of cause and effect, not the law of We’ll See. there is nothing you can’t have if you choose it. Even before you ask, I will have given it to you. Do you believe this?”
Neale: “No. I’m sorry. I’ve seen too many prayers go unanswered.”
God: “Don’ be sorry. Just always stay with the truth – the truth of your experience. I understand that. I honor that. That’s okay with Me.”
Neale: “Good, because I don’t believe what whatever I ask, I get. My life has not been a testimony to that. In fact, I rarely get what I ask for. When I do, I consider myself damned lucky.”
God: “That’s an interesting choice of words. You have an option, it seems,. In your life, you can either be damned lucky, or you can be blessing lucky. I’d rather you be blessing lucky – but, of course I’ll never interfere with your decisions.
I tell you this: You always get what you create, and you are always creating.
I do not make a judgment about the creations that you conjure, I simply empower you to conjure more – and more and more and more. If you don’t like what you’ve just created, choose again. My job, as God, is to always give you that opportunity.
Now you are telling Me that you haven’t always gotten what you’ve wanted. Yet I am here to tell you that you’ve always gotten what you called forth.
Your Life is always a result of your thoughts about it – including your obviously creative thought that you seldom get what you choose.
Now in this present instance you see yourself as the victim of the situation in the losing of your job. Yet the truth is you no longer chose that job. You stopped getting up in the morning in anticipation, and began getting up with dread. You stopped feeling happy about your work and began feeling resentment. You even began fantasizing doing something else.
You think these things mean nothing? You misunderstand your power. I tell you this: Your Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.
So what is your intention now? Do you intend to prove your theory that life seldom brings you what you choose? Or do you intend to demonstrate Who You Really Are and Who I Am?
Neale replies: I feel chagrined. Chastised. Embarrassed.
God responds: “Does that serve you? Why not simply acknowledge the truth when you hear it, and move toward it? There is no need to recriminate against yourself. Simply notice what you’ve been choosing and choose again.
Neale asks, “But why am I so ready to always choose the negative? And then to spank myself for it?”
God answers, “What can you expect? You were told from your earliest days that you’re “bad”. You accept that you were born in “sin”. Feeling guilty is a learned response. You’ve been told to feel guilty about yourself for things you did before you could do anything. You have been taught to feel shame for being born less than perfect.
This alleged state of imperfection in which you are said to have come into this world is what your religionists have the gall to call original sin. And it is original sin. But not yours. It is the first sin to be perpetrated upon you by a world which knows nothing of God if it thinks that God would – or could – create anything imperfect.
Some of your religions have built up whole theologies around this misconception. And that is what it is, literally: a misconception. For anything I conceive – that to which I give life – is perfect; a perfect reflection of Me.
Yet, in order to justify the idea of a punitive God, your religions needed to create something for Me to be angry about. So that even those people who lead exemplary live somehow need to be save. If they don’t need to be saved from themselves, then they need to be saved from their own built-in imperfection. So (these religions say) you’d better do something about all of this – and fast – or you’ll go straight to hell.
This, in the end, may do nothing to mollify a weird, vindictive, angry God, but it does give life to weird, vindictive, angry religions. Thus do religions perpetuate themselves. Thus does power remain concentrated in the hands of the few, rather than experienced through the hands of the many.
Of course you choose constantly the lesser thought, the smaller idea, the tiniest concept of yourself and your power, to say nothing of Me and Mine. You’ve been taught to.”
Neale asks, My God, how can I undo the teaching?
And God responds, “A good question, and addressed to just the right person!
You can undo the teaching by reading and re-reading this book. Over and over again, read it. Until you understand every passage. Until you’re familiar with every word. When you quote its passages to others, when you can bring its phrases to mind to mind in the midst of the darkest hour, then you will have undone the teaching.”
Now, I grant that was a good piece of work reading. And, that since it shows up on pages 116 through 120, that there is a bit of context missing for you. So go get the book, read it all, and see what you think. giggle. Rent it, borrow it, buy it. I fewer than 10 of you ask, I’ll buy it and send it to you, giggle. What comes before it is important. But the lesson God teaches in this piece is critically important. God does not send us here to create the circumstances of our lives for us. This is not His stage, it is ours. We come here to create our own masterpiece, whatever form that may take, from beggar in the street to CEO of a Fortune 500 company. We have multiple opportunities and everyone gets a turn at everything. This life is no accident, you didn’t just “end” up here. You came here with a purpose in mind. And you are living out that purpose. And you may change your mind at any time. What we make of life here IS up to us. In all moments and at all times. This little interchange between Neale Donald Walsch and God isn’t just about their relationship. God’s relationship to Neale is no different than His relationship to you, or to me. We all are His children. We all have the same opportunities. That we come here with some sort of agenda is true, we have in mind something to do, to remember, and as every movie needs every role, so do we all play our parts in this drama we call life. The challenge is to recognize this and then decide what part of it serves us and what does not. Then to move away from that which does not and toward that which does. For me, it is moving toward those lights, toward the feeling I had in their presence, nothing has ever so captivated me as those fleeting moments, I would recreate them in my every moment were I able. And perhaps that is my path, to find a way to BE able to do that. I don’t think I have to go “home” to do that. And even if I do, a life spent moving toward the light, to me, is worth the trip. I have found a piece of the truth of me, of US, and I pursue it relentlessly. Oh, hell, I have my Neale moments, we all do, but it is in choosing again that we proceed. Endless, infinite opportunity to choose again is one of God’s gifts to us all. Relationship is His greatest gift. We’re going to talk a lot more about that, relationship, in days to come, but this has grown long enough. I’ve joked with a friend that I don’t write books, I have no desire to do so, but I DO tend to write chapters, giggle. So I’m going to end this post with a request that you think about the excerpt I’ve quoted, and if any wish to take me up on my offer to gift you with book 1, please let me know, I’m no bookseller, but I am a bookgiver, giggle. Maybe that is my gift. And maybe there is more. I’ll choose when choosing need be done.
What I want to do is close this with a bit of dialog from Bones, if you’ve read anything else in here, you will know I love that show. There is very little I watch on network television, a literal handful of shows, but this is one that just engages me at my core. I love the music, I love the relationships, I love the science of it (Carl Sagan’s spirit, at least his questing spirit lives on in me) and I love watching the two main characters pretend to not know they are in love with each other. This particular episode was about a woman who had been part of a “terrorist’ group in the 70’s (it seemed to me a take off on a woman who was apprehended here in Minnesota a few years ago, her story in a way), who had been in hiding for 35 years, marrying, having a wonderful child and making a good life after what had been a horrible mistake. She was on her way to turn herself in and had written a letter to her daughter, explaining what she had done and what she was doing, being television, of course, she was murdered on her way to the police. The letter closed with these words: “Understanding, compassion, kindness and love are the only true revolutionary ideals, when we compromise those, we become what we despise and we lose our humanity.” I believe those words are gospel truth. Religion, politics and business separate us, divide us, teach us to demonize that which is different, ALL who are different than we. What we need now is not separation and division but unity, love, kindness, compassion and understanding. And to move toward the light that We Really Are. If I do only one thing with this blog and my main site, if I move even one soul toward the light, it will have all been worth it. Even if that soul is me. much love, :^) gene
If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene
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