Truth and betrayal

September 12th, 2007 | by gene |

How are these two words linked? And why would I use them in the title of this post? Good questions. Really good, considering they are my own, giggle. Let me explain.

I need to start by quoting a few lines from Sarah McLachlan’s wonderful song, Possession, at the end of the first verse, the last line:
“Would I spend forever here and not be satisfied?” Then, the first lines of the third verse: “Through this world I’ve stumbled, so many times betrayed, trying to find an honest word (only) to find the truth enslaved.” Then, the last line of the fifth verse: “Nothing stands between us here and I won’t be denied.”

What those lines say to me as I listen and think about them is probably not what Sarah was thinking as she composed them, but they together form a picture for me. A picture, I’m a very visual guy, when I say I see something within, I really mean I SEE it, first I “see” things, then I can form words about them. So, the picture I see created by those words is one that describes the human condition. We come here veiled, our memory of home left behind, so that we might create an experience here, not unintentionally, we have a “plan” of sorts when we come here, for what we want to do, what lesson we wish to remember, what circumstances we wish to begin with, and an idea that we will create from our beginning in whatever part of this world we have chosen to be born in, often, almost always, in a sort of pre-collaborative way with those with whom we will be here, will meet here – our goals, our objectives may be, often are very different, but we agree, in principle to come into certain configurations, and then let our lives unfold as they will, as we create them here. This is talked about in great detail in book 1, and it is, and isn’t quite “right” as my Jenna has explained it to me, but for my purpose here tonight, this overview suffices.

I don’t think we come here to spend forever and not be satisfied, we do indeed “stumble” through our lives, sometimes betrayed by circumstance, or people to whom we have given our trust, sometimes by ourselves with the challenges we decided we would have here to aid us in our creation of this particular incarnation’s experience. It is in how we meet and react to those challenges that we create our lives and our experiences. But how have we been betrayed? Because we, DO, find upon arrival here, the “truth” enslaved. Co opted by those who came before us, ordered into books and rituals that have nothing do with ultimate truth but only with human guesstimates about eternal truth. Books and rituals devised by people for specific purposes, to gain and maintain power over the masses. Religious and political leaders from antiquity to the present, often including leaders of commerce, but not always, not in the beginnings of our history anyway, but in recent centuries most assuredly. If anyone doubts this, watch, or buy, the public television series, Slavery and the Making of America, narrated by the marvelously talented Morgan Freeman – it demonstrates starkly how commerce wormed its way into the unholy traditional alliance between politics and religion. It is often said that politics and religion make strange bedfellows, but I don’t find that so at all, I find them natural suited to beneath the covers and behind closed door work. Enslaving the truth can hardly be done in the open, now can it?

It is the first two groups who decided what went into what we know as the Bible, in its various translations and compilations. Men who decided what was “safe” and “good” for the people to know. Men, who as I described in yesterday’s post, to whom we have given over our power to hear the truth from within. We need not look for the truth, it has been spoon fed to us since we were children, by people with reason to wish to control that “truth” and to present it in ways that contribute to our continued reliance on them for understanding of that truth. Questions are NOT appreciated. Those of us with them, may indeed spend forever here and not be satisfied, unless we learn to look outside the mainstream for answers to our questions. Because the truth of our Creator, our purpose, Who We Really Are, has been withheld from us. Now, I am not saying deliberately, I am saying with malice aforethought. Those who constructed what is presented to children around the world as “truth” did so deliberately, to gain and maintain their authority to be our intercessors with our Creator. As He explains in book 1, if we accept their word as “truth” then we have no thinking on our own to do, we are not responsible for understanding anything but what we are told. And in so doing, we allow the truth to be enslaved.

My purpose here, in telling you of my own experiences with the Light, is to tell you that the truth is not only enslaved but that which has been presented as truth, is not. Is naught but the imaginings of people who have an agenda other than the well-being of the masses. That agenda is to gain wealth and power at the expense of others and to maintain both at all costs. Those costs often coming in the blood of innocents who pay with their lives for the greed and avarice of those who control most of the worlds resources. And who did not learn, or have forgotten, the most basic lesson of our childhoods, share. What you have with whomever needs it. Don’t crab about it. Don’t complain about your taxes being too high. Don’t tell others “I did it myself, you do the same”, recognize that not all are born with equal abilities and be willing to share what you have been given, yes given (you certainly do not think sentient life is “earned” do you?) is what I said and what I meant. Remember, or learn, that love is the answer to every question. And if someone tries to tell you what Jesus would have done and it is NOT love us unconditionally, answer that they have misinterpreted His teachings, because that IS all He taught. If they dispute that refer them to Luke 6: 20-23, which begins, “blessed are the poor…” Because one who alleges Jesus would be in support of what this world, its “leaders” are doing to this world and its people in His name and in the name of our Creator is teaching the enslaved truth created by humans, not God.

What has been shown me, and is described on my main site, IS the truth. What God speaks of in CWG books 1 and 2 IS the truth. Of God and of us. And so this post closes with the last line of Possession I quoted above. Nothing stands between us now and I will not be denied. That is true whether it is God speaking, or gene speaking. I have seen the truth, and the truth shall set us free, with gratitude to Martin Luther King for his eloquent organization of that phrase. Seeking the truth within, sharing what you find there, IS the job of each of us. We cannot be satisfied until it can be said of every man, woman and child on this planet, that each has equal opportunity, equal access to health care, education, food and shelter. We cannot be satisfied until we are ALL free from the truth enslaved. Be a Bringer of the Light. It is the highest calling any of us can have. Be satisfied with nothing less. much love, :^) gene

If today brings even one choice your way
choose to be a bringer of the light :^) gene

  1. 2 Responses to “Truth and betrayal”

  2. By sseich on Sep 29, 2007 | Reply

    Hello Gene.

    You are a wonderful and gifted communicator. I am looking forward to stopping by and stepping in as I may.

    Thank-you for your kind acknowledgements and support of works, and for extending us an invitation to participate in your Blog space. Much appreciated.

    It seems fair to acknowledge at the outset that I am not religious, though am respectful and much gladdened when someone believes in anything. So many, too many do not these days. I do not recall having met in past years of research as many lost and untethered souls as have these past four years. The clash between another’s sensed futility and my sensing of their utility is the hardest of interpersonal experiences to bear. Of late, I find myself wanting to cry. Not because of the experience itself, for meeting individuals at-odds with themselves and about their future is not novel, more because of the frequency. A sadness.

    For I have spent my life’s coin on the aligning and rallying of individuals around a sense of purpose, in the easing of way and sharpening of ability for recognizing and developing potential; in the asking of questions revealing who you are, why you are here, what motivates and rewards meaningfully. Yet, without a curiosity on the part of another for knowing such fundamental things about themselves and a willingness to do something with and about it external words, wants and wishes cannot be heard, far less make a smattering of difference. Not really. Not for them, not for us and our world, ultimately. A moribund sadness.

    It is not kind, this gift of mine that sees another’s strengths first, and more clearly than face and dearly remembered than name. Like ANSIR®, I see you as strengths, ahead of person.

    Who else’s very cells shout, trust self first, last and only! at meet with your self-doubt; or vibrate agitatedly, if you don’t have your own reason for living, one will be provided, at meet with your ennui; or shudders alarmed, none achieves as aspired nor loves as desired without significant support from compatible others!, on entering your house divided; or sighs, it is easier to love someone that to like them, when you bitch, bicker, are hurt by others; or leapingly defends, you can train someone to perform capably though cannot untrain them from doing what comes naturally, at greet of your employer complaints. Who else’s cells hear and care, I wonder. Them, do I wish to find. Perhaps here?

    Acceptance and change is the future. Neither, of which, comes in pill form but that still must be taken internally to be effective.

    One reason I chose this vehicle and topic for introducing myself and responding is your mention of Sarah McLachlan. A fellow Canadian and someone whom, unwittingly, played a role in the writing of the ANSIR® Philosopher Style InDepths™. I could not, and could not understand why I could not, breakout Philosopher research into three realms of functioning in-keeping with the book format. Manipulation is futile with this strength, which I well-knew and respected.

    My plans were to set Philosopher aside and carry on with another Style or aspect of the book, before returning and retrying. Each time that I did the results were unchanged: nada. Eventually, the only Styles left were Evokateur and Philosopher which, by now, had been tried and set aside eight times. I felt strongly that Evokateur would be the hardest of assimilations to escape. I’d assimilated and been consumed 12 intense times by then and felt like Swiss cheese looks. From physically; to emotionally; to instinctively; to practically; to intuitively; to logically; to spiritually I’d exhausted every person then in my life who was incapable of understanding the process and, if not with flourish, with distinct Style. Though highly effective, it’s not an approach I’d recommend for address-book updating.

    So there I sat, Evokateur research stacked to the left, Philosopher to the right and Dread in the middle, staring at a 19″ white page sans so much as a squiggle. One day passed. Two. Two and a-half. Three came and went, followed by four and on which I upped from my chair and went to the store. There I purchased Sarah’s new CD, Rarities, B-Sides, in one-of-a-kind packaging. I trucked it home, unwrapped, loaded and locked it for playing. Two chords had not struck before Philosopher stepped out, came undone, and spun itself into the shape it had to be. Not three realms, but three-in-one.

    Of the 14 Styles of innate human strength Philosopher were the least demanding and energy-sapping. If asked what I do, I am a researcher, for I lack the audacity and dare to claim myself a writer. How could I be, when the doing were so hard and painful? If a muse, mine is fickle and feckless, and surly whilst translating the pictures I see into words. I knew the Philosopher InDepths™ were done when, I swear, I felt its Thank-you at our departure, its having written them itself.

    Since, ANSIR® has engaged a number of persons who undertook the task of breaking out the Philosopher InDepths®. None succeeded in the end, anymore than I had in the beginning.

    Why are we here?

    I believe that we are here and accountable for one thing: the perpetuation of our species, for which every person is born with unique strengths. In my view, “truth is enslaved” to the extent that one remains ignorant of who they are and why they are here. To know what are your top strengths and career attributes is to understand what you can and could do that contributes to the greater good and quicker attains the meaningful, rewarding life sought for the duration. No varnish can hide the grain of the wood. Innate strengths are gifts. As such, they are not your choice but are your responsibility.

    We are not here to talk ad nauseam, as are wont, about the better tomorrow, but to spend ourselves fully on effecting it here and now for ourselves, thus securing it for our future generations.

    If truth were enslaved it would be to personal creed, a. k. a., one’s integrity, methinks. Truth cannot be betrayed, though trust can and is, invariably. I trust no one and permit none to trust me. The obligation and expectations inherent with trust extol a price I am not willing to pay nor to levy. Experience, alone, changes us. For trust, change equates with betrayal. If experience changes me into someone you no longer know, cannot abide and/or like, that ought not deter me from exercising our inalienable rights to live as aspired and adapt as able and capable.

    Trust impregnates betrayal. So, out of respect for yourself, for sakes of others and world wear a condom.


  3. By gene on Sep 30, 2007 | Reply

    Hi Sandra and welcome to OnePeople OneWorld!

    Thank for your kind comments. And for sharing a bit of yourself here. You are welcome whenever you have time or inclination. I have been inspired by your wisdom in many ways over the past 9 years and am pleased to both promote your work and share in your insights in this medium. I am going to do a bit of editing of my own in response to your comment. I thought for a bit about turning into a post of its own but decided a personal comment requires a personal response. So here I am. :^)

    “It seems fair to acknowledge at the outset that I am not religious. Though am respectful and much gladdened when someone believes in anything. So many, too many do not these days. I do not recall having met in past years of research as many lost and untethered souls as have these past four years. Of late, I find myself wanting to cry. Not because of the experience itself, for meeting individuals at-odds with themselves and about their future is not novel, more because of the frequency. A sadness.”

    If I have given you the idea that I am religious, giggle, I surely have been unclear in my writing. I am not. In any way. I was raised within the Lutheran religion, but that early education was necessary for me to know what I am not. And from an early age, long before I finished “Confirmation” in the 9th grade, I knew I was not what those there were, that I did not believe what they believed. That was why the first light globe experience so startled me. Not only its appearance, but the words that came out of my mouth which called it forth. Because I did not “like” the church. I did not feel whole within it. I could feel the sense of spirit in the building but not the love that should permeate such a place. But, like you, in recent years and quite often in recent months, I’ve found myself wanting to cry as well. Because I feel this world, its people, have lost their way. Lost their connection to the eternal love that bore us. The glimpses I’ve had into that love, that feeling, through the light experiences, have me convinced beyond certainty that there is so much more to us than we know. I understand the need to come here “veiled” that we might create our experience, untethered as you say, but I feel us moving further from the light rather than closer to it. I would reverse this course had I the opportunity to do. And I may yet have that opportunity, if my voice within is right. I think those who most loudly proclaim their “faith” and purpose within that faith are those who are the furthest from the truth of us. Leaders of the various religions of the world “know not what they do.” They never have.

    “For I have spent my life’s coin on the aligning and rallying of individuals around a sense of purpose, in the easing of way and sharpening of ability for recognizing and developing potential; in the asking of questions revealing who you are, why you are here, what motivates and rewards meaningfully. Yet, without a curiosity on the part of another for knowing such fundamental things about themselves and a willingness to do something with and about it external words, wants and wishes cannot be heard, far less make a smattering of difference. Not really. Not for them, not for us and our world, ultimately. A moribund sadness.”

    And this is, ultimately, why Jenna crossed our paths with each other because we have something to learn from each other. I have learned much about myself through your profile series. Each reading brings out new understandings. I do not confine myself to my own profiles. I am very interested in other people and theirs as well. Knowing self, for me, is not enough, I am here about others, and it is they to whom I am connected in a way that I do not fully understand, though jenna within has certainly told me, it is experiencing it, feeling it to my core, then being it, that matters most to me. It is why my profile is so “odd”. Healer, Philosopher, Extremist, do not seem much of a match, but for me they are in the precise order that they must be, to let me be, me. It could not be any other way. Nor could I.

    “It is not kind, this gift of mine that sees another’s strengths first, and more clearly than face and dearly remembered than name. Like ANSIR®, I see you as strengths, ahead of person.”

    Yes, I can see that you might find this gift unkind in that way, but I choose to see it as a teaching that you are performing, enabling others to understand themselves so deeply that they might then be able to not only share themselves but develop an interest in understanding others as deeply. It is our connection to each other that we have been slowly losing in the technology age, our nearness via phone, computer and transportation producing a growing personal isolation not contributing to the interconnectedness that we all have at our core. Isaac Asimov wrote a wonderful book, The Naked Sun, in which he described a “society” on a planet called Solaria, whose inhabitants lived on giant estates, alone, their only contact with each was by audio/visual technology, they could not bring themselves to be in the presence of another living being. They “evolved” into such a society – it is one of his robot series of novels which are not only entertaining, but prescient in many ways. I find him, though very different from Robert Heinlein (the only two sci fi writers whose work I’ve read in its entirety – mostly I don’t like the genre, go figure, giggle), incredibly ahead of his time. Indeed, I see a time where much of what he envisioned comes to pass, when humanity moves beyond the confines of earth. This particular book, that society, reminds me of our present day earth, which though teeming with human life, is becoming increasingly isolated. That seems a contradiction, I know, and I’ll deal with that at another time in a post of its own. For my part, I strive to see first a soul, then the person. That is my own “gift”, in that I can read people quickly and quite accurately, from within them rather than without, I “sense” their essence in a way that has proved itself useful, and important, over time, many times, both professionally and personally. It is an interesting and not entirely welcome gift, but one I would not be without.

    “One reason I chose this vehicle and topic for introducing myself and responding is your mention of Sarah McLachlan. A fellow Canadian and someone whom, unwittingly, played a role in the writing of the ANSIR® Philosopher Style InDepths™. I could not, and could not understand why I could not, breakout Philosopher research into three realms of functioning in-keeping with the book format. Manipulation is futile with this strength, which I well-knew and respected.”

    I’m glad we share this interest. She is a writer with answers to questions she doesn’t know she is asking. Giggle. For me. I see things in her work that I am not sure she sees herself, other application to her words, I mean. And, of course, she is enormously talented. I just love that she writes and arranges all of her own music. Jenna has had me listening to Surfacing and Fumbling Toward Ecstasy for months, just in the last few weeks has she had me move into Afterglow. There is a lot there to think about.

    “There I purchased Sarah’s new CD, Rarities, B-Sides, in one-of-a-kind packaging. I trucked it home, unwrapped, loaded and locked it for playing. Two chords had not struck before Philosopher stepped out, came undone, and spun itself into the shape it had to be. Not three realms, but three-in-one.”

    Three in one is the sign of divinity, Sandra. Always the three in one. Mind/body/spirit. I can see I am going to have to find and listen to this one. :^)

    “Of the 14 Styles of innate human strength Philosopher were the least demanding and energy-sapping. If asked what I do, I am a researcher, for I lack the audacity and dare to claim myself a writer. How could I be, when the doing were so hard and painful? If a muse, mine is fickle and feckless, and surly whilst translating the pictures I see into words. I knew the Philosopher InDepths™ were done when, I swear, I felt its Thank-you at our departure, its having written them itself.”

    I completely believe you about this. I have felt that “thank you” at departure, in many way, many realms and with many souls. I can’t completely explain that in this place, but its truth is certain within me.

    “Why are we here?”

    Very good question. One that has an answer proposed in the CWG series, books 1 and 2, again, the others while pleasant, are not for me, naught but the first two. The answer given there is that we come here to create ourselves, to find who we are by understanding who we are not. Though that seems simplistic, it is not. And it makes perfect sense to me as well. If we come from a place where nothing but love is, and though it be wonderful, how could one possibly know it? Without knowing something different. God expresses this in book 1, page 22, by saying: “In the absence of that “which is not”, that which IS, is not. That is quite an interesting sequence in the book because it explains the creation of relativity, relationship, in a way that goes beyond anything physical scientists or spiritual leaders have ever been able to imagine let alone explain. I’ve an article saved somewhere about which I am going to write one of these days soon that explains this in clear terms. But why we are here has a simpler answer. To create ourselves experientially and so to understand ourselves conceptually as well.

    “I believe that we are here and accountable for one thing: the perpetuation of our species, for which every person is born with unique strengths. In my view, “truth is enslaved” to the extent that one remains ignorant of who they are and why they are here. To know what are your top strengths and career attributes is to understand what you can and could do that contributes to the greater good and quicker attains the meaningful, rewarding life sought for the duration. No varnish can hide the grain of the wood. Innate strengths are gifts. As such, they are not your choice but are your responsibility.”

    I can’t disagree with this in anyway, it resonates as truth within me. I believe the truth is already within us and our task here but to let it reveal itself, then experience that truth as we will. As for the perpetuation of our species, not surprisingly, given the extremist portion of my profile, I am less interested. I am interested in the realization and expression of eternal truth. If that requires a species other than homo sapiens to accomplish, then so be it. We have yet to demonstrate much beyond our self-interest here. Oh, individually, great teachers have always walked among us and still do. But power remains concentrated in the hands of those who are fully capable of rendering this planet uninhabitable. And who yet may do exactly that. The environmentalist talk of “destroying” the planet is just silly. We aren’t capable of that. We can make it uninhabitable for life as we know it. But the planet will go on. It may spit us out like a piece of fruit gone bad but over time it will heal whatever we’ve done to it, and life will rise again, perhaps to repeat the cycle we are experiencing, perhaps to realize the ultimate truth behind the universe. Time will tell. I have an interest in this. It is why I’m here. But I am but one person who so far can do nothing but observe and comment. This I am doing. Ad nauseam. :^). Personal participation awaits further developments, which may or may not appear. If they do, we’ll have a different discussion and you will understand more fully all three aspects of my profile and why they are as they are, giggle. We’ll see. I listen within, but I live without as well. It is an interesting dichotomy this human experience, at once spiritual and physical, each sometimes at war with the other, and sometimes walking hand in hand with love beyond knowing. The truth isn’t really enslaved, it is only lying hidden within us, and it is up TO us, as you point out, through self-understanding to find the “key” that unlocks that little door within, through which, when opened, will flow much more than Pandora ever dreamed of. :^)

    “If truth were enslaved it would be to personal creed, a. k. a., one’s integrity, methinks. Truth cannot be betrayed, though trust can and is, invariably. I trust no one and permit none to trust me. The obligation and expectations inherent with trust extol a price I am not willing to pay nor to levy. Experience, alone, changes us. For trust, change equates with betrayal. If experience changes me into someone you no longer know, cannot abide and/or like, that ought not deter me from exercising our inalienable rights to live as aspired and adapt as able and capable. Trust impregnates betrayal. So, out of respect for yourself, for sakes of others and world wear a condom”

    Giggle. I won’t dispute anything you’ve said here. Though, I will say, I find a certain sadness in your lack of faith in trust. Yes, trust is sometimes betrayed, and when it is, it hurts, but when it is not, when it becomes the cornerstone of relationship, when one would die rather than betray, well then, I think that particular relationship has reached the pinnacle of human ability. It does not often happen. I’m not sure I can say with certainty that it ever actually has. But I do know that some individuals, in relation to each other, have come very close. There are those who have given their lives rather than betray another, who would give their own life, to save another. I think this is our spiritual essence at its highest expression, or at least at the highest level our species is presently capable of demonstrating. We have a very long way to go, and the path ahead is fraught with experience and choice. I am interested in influencing those choices as much as I am in observing them. I speak from my perspective here as well as my perspective from where I come from, where we all come from. And, Sandra, as you know, I have entrusted you, here. Without reservation, without circumspection, without editing, giggle. So, maybe, not invariably is truth, even that which is yours alone, betrayed? Are you really that worried about what I may do? That you demand I wear a condom? My love, I was born with one in place.

    I think I will leave this as is. There is more to say about this, much more, but I am going to leave some of that for other posts of their own. For this moment, it is enough to say that I am deeply pleased you are here. And immensely pleasured and enlightened to have met you. :^) gene

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